Recomend a vanilla meal replacement shake please

Specifically - I was wondering if anyone has ever tried Advocare's vanilla - I just want to know if it tastes good. I tried the chocolate and liked it, but I feel like chocolate would hide 'strange' flavors better than vanilla...

Not really interested in spending the $$ on Shakology - though I heard it was delicious - so thankyou.

Specifically looking for a meal replacement shake - something pre-made, not looking for a protein powder to mix with other ingredients. Something around 300 calories that is vitamin / nutrient rich and could actually replace a meal on a horse show day. I've tried store bought pre-mixes like Aldi and Special K - they are only like 180 calories - and full of sugar :-(. They certainly do not keep me full.

So - who has tried what in Vanilla that tastes great??

Thank you!


  • numinousnymph
    numinousnymph Posts: 249 Member
    i'm vegan, so this is a vegan recommendation, but I think Garden of Life has some pretty good powder shakes. they have vanilla and vanilla spiced chai flavors. granted, i have only tried the chocolate flavor, but i think it's not too bad. 2 scoops is 310 calories and 34g protein.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    I like TotalSoy which I buy at Sam's Club. I use a mixture of 1 cup of water, 2 scoops of TotalSoy, and one container of Yoplait Fat Free Yogurt (any desired flavor)............shake or blend, and enjoy.
  • adamitri
    adamitri Posts: 614 Member
    My only experience and the one I like is the Vitamin Shoppe Next Step fit and full french Vanilla meal replacement shake. I like to mix it with dark green and a little fruit and that's breakfast for me and a way to get my darker greens since I tend to not eat them regularly.
  • ibprettyle
    ibprettyle Posts: 4 Member
    I also recommend Garden of Life RAW Meal. I like the vanilla. I take the snack size serving suggestion of 20g with 1/2 cup 1% milk combined with 1 cup of water. Sometimes I use all water and no milk. This keeps me satisfied for a few hours. I prefer this to standard protein drinks, even though it's a bit gritty, I actually enjoy the taste now.
  • I use Advocare Shakes and specifically prefer Chocolate mocha and Berry the best. They have holiday flavors that are delicious too! I think the vanilla Advocare shake is better than most. They have 220 calories in each serving. Mix with water and shake. I have one every morning or chocolate muscle gain. I have no doubt you will like them :) I can send you in the right direction if you want to try it
  • Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be an abundance of pre-mixed shakes. I use Juice Plus+ Vanilla shake and it tastes really good. The benefit of it is that it is whole foods so you are getting the nutrition you need with the added benefit of your 5 a day. It also controls blood sugar levels to stop you wanting and craving sweet stuff, 19g of protein to help rid of body fat and repair muscle, fibre to fill you up!

    You can find more information on my facebook page or you can order through my website. Just let me know if you do so I can offer you the support and meal plan along with your order.
  • The vanilla meal replacement shake tastes like cake batter to me. Yum! I prefer the vanilla muscle gain to the chocolate. The MRS has 220 calories and rage muscle gain has 130 calories.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    there is always real food….
  • rosepeppercreek
    rosepeppercreek Posts: 160 Member
    I LOVE the protein shakes from Trader Joe's. Easily the same nutrition as a meal replacement shake if you use vanilla unsweetened almond milk (which I do). It makes it taste like cake... or cake batter ice cream.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I use matrix diet but as a supplement rather than a complete replacement. mixes well and tastes ok. Also very cheap when compared with others.
  • rightaboutmeow
    rightaboutmeow Posts: 77 Member
    The Lean 1 meal replacement in Vanilla is AMAZING.
    When I went to Europa (fitness expo) this past year I got a ton of free samples and that was one of them. Honestly it was so good I've debated switching over to it but I just love my Syntha 6 so
  • mckat08
    mckat08 Posts: 79 Member
    Cytosport 100% Whey Protein (made by Muscle Milk) is delicious and mixes very well. Both vanilla and chocolate are great. I get 6 lb bags at Costco, 75 servings for about $50 each.
  • MissMissle
    MissMissle Posts: 293 Member
    OMG thanks guys - LOL there seems to be so many! Ive gotten some good reviews from the Advocare one so I went ahead and ordered it! I'll let you know when I try it!!! Which will probbaly be next weekend!

    As far as the "there's always real food" comment - come to a horse show with me some day and let me know when there's time to eat from 4am until 9pm :-). Horse shows are specifically the only time I eat these, and why I love them so much! Although my chocolate one tastes so good sometimes i do have it for dinner because it's like having a big bowl of ice cream!
  • MissMissle
    MissMissle Posts: 293 Member
    Ok, so I caved and had a shake for dinner last night since I've been dying to try it. I mixed a pack of the vanilla with 5 ice cubes, a half cup of almond milk, and a quarter cup of water. Put it in my Nuta bullet until it was ice crem consistency. It came out, tasting basically exactly like soft serve vanilla ice cream but less sweet. It was really good. So good - that now when i am craving ice cream, i know how to make it i guess! i have some maple sugar granuals I might try adding some next time i want actual ice cream taste :-)