5K by December?

So I've always wanted to do a 5K but I've had issues with my ankles for years and haven't been able to. Now, with braces on both ankles, I'm able to run and though it may not feel like the best thing in the world, I'm able to do it. However, because of this, I can only increase my distance slowly. I run 4 times a week and I'm currently at around 1.85 miles. I also lift 4 times a week. Do you guys think I could get up to 5K by December? Are there any plans or suggestions you have to increase endurance or strength so I can run further? Also, would I have to start training outside? I run that far on a treadmill but I'm sure it's different outside. And it's in December but I live in Florida so you can't really say it's cold outside but it's chillier than usual. All advice and tips are appreciated! =)


  • Zx14chick
    Zx14chick Posts: 255 Member
    First - CONGRATULATIONS for trying something you couldn't previously do. I love to see people triumph!

    I don't know how slowly you have to increase your distance, but I would think with 8 weeks, I would think you could do it! That's only 1.25 more miles. If you increase your distance by .15 miles each week, you'd be at 3.1 on December 1!
  • newhealthykim
    newhealthykim Posts: 192 Member
    10% per week increase. In this case, that would be .125 miles each week. I think you will be able to do it. I personally am going through the couch to 5K training (week 7, day 1 today), but with your ankles, I'm not sure that's the best thing.
  • waltcote
    waltcote Posts: 372 Member
    I think I would work on being able to just complete the distance with a combination of walking and running at a comfort level that suits you. I would talk to your doc abotu it and get his or her advice and see if it would be good for you. Also training on a soft suface like dirt trails and grass instead of concrete or asphalt. Just listen to your body and make sure you don't aggrevate any injury. Best of luck!!
  • Thanks for all the positive advice. =) I like the increase by .125 or .15 miles per week. I think that's pretty doable. Thanks again!
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    I say go for it! Listen to your body, make smart decisions about what your ankles can handle, and enjoy tackling this challenge! I can't wait to hear how well you do during the race.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    So I've always wanted to do a 5K but I've had issues with my ankles for years and haven't been able to. Now, with braces on both ankles, I'm able to run and though it may not feel like the best thing in the world, I'm able to do it. However, because of this, I can only increase my distance slowly. I run 4 times a week and I'm currently at around 1.85 miles. I also lift 4 times a week. Do you guys think I could get up to 5K by December? Are there any plans or suggestions you have to increase endurance or strength so I can run further? Also, would I have to start training outside? I run that far on a treadmill but I'm sure it's different outside. And it's in December but I live in Florida so you can't really say it's cold outside but it's chillier than usual. All advice and tips are appreciated! =)

    Nice! As someone who was new to running as of last summer (2013, that is), I know how frustrating, scary and difficult it can be to begin running...hated it all through high school and college...now I can't WAIT for my morning run in the crisp air with nothing but the trail and my music.
    I think it's TOTALLY do-able, but you have to listen to your body-a 5k isn't a HUGE increase in mileage and if you're careful I'm sure you won't have a problem.
    Do you have good shoes? I think moreso than the braces, you should look into buying quality running shoes. Especially if you think running is something you could really want to get into. My own two cents.
    Feel free to add me. I have gone from not running at all (as of August 2013) to running as much as 8.6 miles AND with Type I diabetes :D
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    I've broken both ankles and both legs several times doing stupid stuff through my years on earth and have some weak ankles as a result. One thing that i've been working on a lot lately is the stabilizing muscles in the ankles and balance using a BOSU Balance trainer. If you have access to one in the gym i'd highly recommend looking up some youtube exercises on it and trying it at the gym.
  • MSeel1984 wrote: »
    So I've always wanted to do a 5K but I've had issues with my ankles for years and haven't been able to. Now, with braces on both ankles, I'm able to run and though it may not feel like the best thing in the world, I'm able to do it. However, because of this, I can only increase my distance slowly. I run 4 times a week and I'm currently at around 1.85 miles. I also lift 4 times a week. Do you guys think I could get up to 5K by December? Are there any plans or suggestions you have to increase endurance or strength so I can run further? Also, would I have to start training outside? I run that far on a treadmill but I'm sure it's different outside. And it's in December but I live in Florida so you can't really say it's cold outside but it's chillier than usual. All advice and tips are appreciated! =)

    Nice! As someone who was new to running as of last summer (2013, that is), I know how frustrating, scary and difficult it can be to begin running...hated it all through high school and college...now I can't WAIT for my morning run in the crisp air with nothing but the trail and my music.
    I think it's TOTALLY do-able, but you have to listen to your body-a 5k isn't a HUGE increase in mileage and if you're careful I'm sure you won't have a problem.
    Do you have good shoes? I think moreso than the braces, you should look into buying quality running shoes. Especially if you think running is something you could really want to get into. My own two cents.
    Feel free to add me. I have gone from not running at all (as of August 2013) to running as much as 8.6 miles AND with Type I diabetes :D

    Kudos to you! That's wonderful! I'm considering the new shoes, as these are starting to wear out (just saying that makes me so happy =).) The braces keep my ankles from falling out under me so unfortunately, they stay. Thanks for the positive encouragement!
  • debubbie wrote: »
    I say go for it! Listen to your body, make smart decisions about what your ankles can handle, and enjoy tackling this challenge! I can't wait to hear how well you do during the race.

    Thanks for the positivity! I'll be sure to update my progress. If I end up making the 5K, I'm sure I'll let the whole world know, haha.

  • 5512bf wrote: »
    I've broken both ankles and both legs several times doing stupid stuff through my years on earth and have some weak ankles as a result. One thing that i've been working on a lot lately is the stabilizing muscles in the ankles and balance using a BOSU Balance trainer. If you have access to one in the gym i'd highly recommend looking up some youtube exercises on it and trying it at the gym.

    Thanks for the advice! I had never thought about that before. They do have those at my gym so I'll search for some exercises and be sure to try them out this weekend. Thanks again!

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    good luck to you. I tend to think anyone can do a 5k, but with braces? I dunna know. Good luck.
  • Hi,
    Just throwing in my advice.
    I just completed a 5K this weekend and despite being on nights which hindered me, I managed to do a Run/Walk which worked out pretty well, both my ankles are messed up from years of marital arts and impractical shoes on nights out. =/
    I think you should use this 5K as a starting block as well as something to use as a measurable achievement.
    All I can say is good luck and let us know how you get on
  • So I followed the training plan you guys gave and followed your advice on training and I ended up running 5K about 2 weeks ago! Thanks so much for the motivation! I had never been able to before so I was ecstatic. Thanks!
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    That's great, congratulation on running a 5K!
  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    Great work, congratulations.