So. An*l fissures. Anyone dealt with this? (TMI)

forkofpower Posts: 171 Member
edited October 2014 in Health and Weight Loss
(You know, I spent at least five minutes trying to think of a title that was vague enough to be polite, but still explicit enough to alert the relevant parties. I couldn't. So I just decided to come straight out with it--sorry if this is TMI.)

So, yeah. Anal fissures. Just got one. It's horribly, horribly painful. I came across a forum for people with chronic anal fissures online, and there are posters on there who've had this for months or even years. That terrifies me. There is no way I am living with this thing for months.

This may be optimistic, but is there anyone out there on MFP who has experienced an anal fissure (and healed, hopefully)? Sorry, this is pretty gross, lol

eta: Oh come on, I can't say anal? It's a medical term!


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Ouch. You poor thing. I haven't had that issue (knock on wood!), but am sorry you're suffering with it and hope it improves.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Don't you just go to the chemists for some cream?
  • lsa40
    lsa40 Posts: 8 Member
    edited October 2014
    After having a recurrent fissure for the past few years, I had good luck with Miralax. After a month or so of daily use, I can now go without it if I get plenty of dietary fiber (not Metamucil) in throughout the day. If I don't get enough fiber, I'll have a dose of Miralax just to be safe. There is always a risk of it coming back, so I am vigilant now. I originally had it 20 years ago, and it came back after years of not having one. I'm sorry :( They are terribly painful.

    ETA: I'm not associated with Miralax or trying to sell it. Heck, I use the generic stuff.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Check with a pharmacist if you cannot get into seeing your doctor.
  • 7aneena
    7aneena Posts: 146 Member
    It comes and goes for me, never truly gone though. Diet helps a lot, the more veggies and fiber the better. It does heal few days after it happens but you have to watch what you eat if you want to prevent recurrence.
    Oh and there is a surgery for it but my doctor told me it could still reoccur I figured why bother go there ::o
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Seriously, talk to your doctor for an RX
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    I'm another that deals with it occaisionally. If I stay constipated for too long, it will open back up. I've actually been surprised that it hasn't been an issue for over a year now, getting my diet on track has seemed to help
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    My mother had one years ago - 20 plus. I honestly can't remember how it was corrected (do they do surgery or just let it heal?) but I do know that she has been taking stool softeners ever since to make sure it doesn't happen again.
  • penny0919
    penny0919 Posts: 123 Member
    It should heal fine if you drink plenty of water, get your fiber and make sure you aren't straining when you "go".

    Not to be graphic, but are you 100% sure it's a fissure and not a hemmorhoid? Like, you actually looked/felt down there or went to a doctor?
  • penny0919
    penny0919 Posts: 123 Member
    I ask because hemorrhoids are much harder to get rid of. Actually, most external ones never go away (but can become "painless".)
  • loconnor466
    loconnor466 Posts: 215 Member
    Please get to the doctor. Are you sure it is a fissure and has it come through or erupted through the skin? My husband suffered for a couple of years with flareups and eruptions. Was under the care of a doctor that tried to follow the fissure, and close it. Months later it came through again. He went to a different doctor that opened him up and saw that the fissure took 90 degree angles inside of him. It is literally a pathway from your *kitten* through your tissues, a little tunnel which is always prone to infection. Not sure any medicine really helps, you should see a doctor.
  • forkofpower
    forkofpower Posts: 171 Member
    Oh geez. OK, this is scaring me, I think I will ask for a doctor's help. But any appointment I make won't be for a while.

    I am pretty sure it's a fissure (my mom has hemorrhoids, and I think mine isn't that). I had (TMI TMI TMI) constipation really badly for a few weeks because of my crappy diet, and then a few days ago, I had a really big BM and I could feel it 'cutting' me.

    I took a look with a mirror, and I don't see anything, really -- no redness, no cuts. There's also no blood. But then again, I haven't ever looked at my *** with a mirror before, so there's nothing to compare it to, lol. I sure can feel it though.

    So this may very well turn into a chronic thing for me? I'm not even 20 yet!
  • lsa40
    lsa40 Posts: 8 Member
    Mine started when I was 19. Mine was chronic because I was not paying attention to my diet. MFP is great for that. As others have mentioned, water and fiber intake is very important, and you can track that here. Have you tried a sitz bath or soaking in the tub? That can be soothing, especially right after a BM.

    They can be difficult to see, but I'm a little surprised there was no blood in the toilet (bright red blood). You should see a doctor to be sure that's what you have. Fissures do feel like you are being cut and can be caused by constipation/large BMs though.
  • SuperVixen2B
    SuperVixen2B Posts: 218 Member
    I am so sorry for the pain you must be in. My husband had one - he "pooped sideways" lol and it took a few months for it to heal. We went on a roadtrip and he was in agony the whole way there, felt so bad for him. He had pain relief from neosporin and sitz baths - especially the sitz baths. Definitely go see a doctor though, just in case. Best of luck to you and your ****.
  • forkofpower
    forkofpower Posts: 171 Member
    Yep, no blood, and not really any pain when I'm not having a BM (except if I take a really big step or something). Hoping that's a good sign.

    This has been a real wake up call to change my diet, lol, especially if people who get one of these things is more susceptible to getting another in the future. I'm eating fruit and veg like mad from now on.
  • dannyxtyler
    dannyxtyler Posts: 72 Member
    I have IBS and have had a terrible time with lots of anal fissures, hemorrhoids and other fun side effects. As penny ^^^ said up there, are you positive it's not a hemorrhoid? There are both internal (you won't be able to see it) and external hemorrhoids, and one person's hemmy may not be the same as someone else's. If my hemorrhoid gets aggravated, I will feel "tearing" before I bleed, every time, until that 'roid is healed up and the swelling is all gone.

    Regardless of which it is, I have two words for you. SITZ. BATH. Very warm water with epsom salt. EVERY time you "go" and as often as possible (I do this at LEAST 3 times a day when I'm having a problem). It will soothe the area and keep it clean. Pat dry and go on with your day.

    Also, witch hazel. There are Preparation-H pads or just witch hazel pads or witch hazel and cotton balls will do. I use them to clean the area any time I'm in the bathroom and before bed, leave a witch hazel pad on the area for as long as possible... sometimes, accidentally falling asleep but waking up in much, much less pain.

    I avoid the creams as much as I can, but I do use them if I'm in a lot of pain... but this is your call, since you're not sure whether you've got a tear or a hemorrhoid. I always use generic if I do use them.

    Good luck! I hope your discomfort goes away soon.
  • forkofpower
    forkofpower Posts: 171 Member
    Thanks for the great advice. I keep hearing to take sitz baths; unfortunately, I am a college student and don't even have access to a bathtub. Will this impede the healing process?
  • territhefrog
    territhefrog Posts: 1,134 Member
    edited October 2014
    Diaper rash ointment works pretty good on fissures. How do I know? Personal experience. And also, use the moist wipes. You can buy them in the toilet paper aisle of your grocery store.