

Interesting article about how people take "eating clean" too far. Usually CNN has crap, but this one is pretty good.


  • laurasnyder411
    laurasnyder411 Posts: 172 Member
    Thank you for sharing! I found the article interesting. Never thought about how one could take clean-eating to an extreme.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Interesting read. Anything can become an obsession if taken too far. That's one reason I like MFP's approach...eat sensibly and stay within your calories. Simple, and allows you to treat yourself once in awhile!
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    That sounds absolutely miserable...
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    edited October 2014
    It was pretty common sensey. If you're crying over food, it's time to seek help. You don't need a degree to figure that out. :)

    When they got to the part about the cruise, I thought, "I wouldn't avoid the cruise because of the food. I avoid cruises because I worry that the ship will sink and I'll be eaten by a shark."

    I'll bet there is a name for my irrational fear, but I don't know it.

    ETA: OK, I looked it up: Galeophobia. I'm not scared on the beach, though. That would be silly. ;)
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    It was pretty common sensey. If you're crying over food, it's time to seek help. You don't need a degree to figure that out. :)

    When they got to the part about the cruise, I thought, "I wouldn't avoid the cruise because of the food. I avoid cruises because I worry that the ship will sink and I'll be eaten by a shark."

    I'll bet there is a name for my irrational fear, but I don't know it.

    ETA: OK, I looked it up: Galeophobia. I'm not scared on the beach, though. That would be silly. ;)

    My boyfriend refuses to go on a cruise because he swears we would get hit by a rogue wave. LOL
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    ETA: OK, I looked it up: Galeophobia. I'm not scared on the beach, though. That would be silly. ;)

    Wow, they have a term for everything. I have a mild version of that, I always just thought it was called being silly, or mentally weak.

    Stupid sharks. I sometimes even think one's going to get me in the pool. The pool.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Raynne413 wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    It was pretty common sensey. If you're crying over food, it's time to seek help. You don't need a degree to figure that out. :)

    When they got to the part about the cruise, I thought, "I wouldn't avoid the cruise because of the food. I avoid cruises because I worry that the ship will sink and I'll be eaten by a shark."

    I'll bet there is a name for my irrational fear, but I don't know it.

    ETA: OK, I looked it up: Galeophobia. I'm not scared on the beach, though. That would be silly. ;)

    My boyfriend refuses to go on a cruise because he swears we would get hit by a rogue wave. LOL

    I hear "cruise" and I think "Titanic" :\

  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    edited October 2014
    Sounds like my Aunt has Orthorexia then... :open_mouth: you cannot eat at a restaurant with her anywhere because she constantly freaks out about what might be in the food. If she makes a meal for you it consists of stuff I wouldn't really consider food... She's convinced if someone consumes enough coconut oil it'll cure their Alzheimer's.

    And she's on a kick right now eating ungodly amounts of fermented cabbage. (It has some oriental sounding name...I forget what she calls it) But...yea...I'm sure sauerkraut is the fountain of youth...:wink:

    My 90 yr old grandpa lives with her and I sneak him his favorite candy every time I come over. Poor guy isn't even overweight...he should be able to eat whatever the heck he wants at his age! :expressionless:

  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    Sounds like my Aunt has Orthorexia then... :open_mouth: you cannot eat at a restaurant with her anywhere because she constantly freaks out about what might be in the food. If she makes a meal for you it consists of stuff I wouldn't really consider food... She's convinced if someone consumes enough coconut oil it'll cure their Alzheimer's.

    And she's on a kick right now eating ungodly amounts of fermented cabbage. (It has some oriental sounding name...I forget what she calls it) But...yea...I'm sure sauerkraut is the fountain of youth...:wink:

    My 90 yr old grandpa lives with her and I sneak him his favorite candy every time I come over. Poor guy isn't even overweight...he should be able to eat whatever the heck he wants at his age! :expressionless:

    It's probably kimchi. I LOVE kimchi!
  • Myrmilt
    Myrmilt Posts: 124 Member
    Fear of cruises is legit - I do the fear the food on cruise ships, food poisoning can kill you.
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    It was pretty common sensey. If you're crying over food, it's time to seek help. You don't need a degree to figure that out. :)

    I think they were using that as an extreme example. But I thought the most interesting part was the suggestion that you have a real problem when you avoid social interactions (i.e., going out to eat with friends, attending a party/BBQ) because you fear you might have to eat "unclean" food. I know some people that are like this.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    rjmudlax13 wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    It was pretty common sensey. If you're crying over food, it's time to seek help. You don't need a degree to figure that out. :)

    I think they were using that as an extreme example. But I thought the most interesting part was the suggestion that you have a real problem when you avoid social interactions (i.e., going out to eat with friends, attending a party/BBQ) because you fear you might have to eat "unclean" food. I know some people that are like this.

    To be honest, I don't have a fear of unclean food, but I have found myself avoiding get togethers if I don't know how to account for the food. And I hate going to restaurants that don't have nutrition information available. :( I'm working on it though! :)

  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    Raynne413 wrote: »

    To be honest, I don't have a fear of unclean food, but I have found myself avoiding get togethers if I don't know how to account for the food. And I hate going to restaurants that don't have nutrition information available. :( I'm working on it though! :)

    I feel the same way a lot of the time... Lack of nutrition facts is a problem!
  • Jetta_C
    Jetta_C Posts: 58
    Sigh - everything has to be a "syndrome" now, doesn't it???

    Since I practice CRON (calorie restriction w/ optimal nutrition) I get accused of this all the time. It gets tiresome. The people that have problems often have general anxiety and OCD issues in many parts of their lives. This is just how it manifests in diet.

    As I try to explain to people who are suspicious of CRON, I am not "afraid" of food. I simply choose what I am willing to eat and probably have more self-control around that than the average person. Saying that is a "problem" is like saying people who, through saving and investments, accumulated a nice retirement have an "unhealthy obsession with money"--
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    Jetta_C wrote: »
    Sigh - everything has to be a "syndrome" now, doesn't it???

    Since I practice CRON (calorie restriction w/ optimal nutrition) I get accused of this all the time. It gets tiresome. The people that have problems often have general anxiety and OCD issues in many parts of their lives. This is just how it manifests in diet.

    As I try to explain to people who are suspicious of CRON, I am not "afraid" of food. I simply choose what I am willing to eat and probably have more self-control around that than the average person. Saying that is a "problem" is like saying people who, through saving and investments, accumulated a nice retirement have an "unhealthy obsession with money"--

    But that is not what orthorexia is. No one (although there are always those few a-holes) is saying there is anything wrong with making a conscious effort to eat whole and healthy (as is high in micronutrients, fiber, etc.) food. Or that counting calories is bad.

    It's when you are obsessed in finding the "perfect" and "cleanest" foods. Or when you feel a lot of anxiety or lack of enjoyment when going out to eat at a restaurant with friends. Or god forbid you realize that the juice you just drank has *gulp* high fructose corn syrup and you get all stressed out about it and feel guilty.
  • clewpage
    clewpage Posts: 44 Member
    Raynne413 wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    It was pretty common sensey. If you're crying over food, it's time to seek help. You don't need a degree to figure that out. :)

    When they got to the part about the cruise, I thought, "I wouldn't avoid the cruise because of the food. I avoid cruises because I worry that the ship will sink and I'll be eaten by a shark."

    I'll bet there is a name for my irrational fear, but I don't know it.

    ETA: OK, I looked it up: Galeophobia. I'm not scared on the beach, though. That would be silly. ;)

    My boyfriend refuses to go on a cruise because he swears we would get hit by a rogue wave. LOL

    I hear "cruise" and I think "Titanic" :\

    I hear cruise and I think Norovirus...no thanks.
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    fermented cabbage = kimchee, love it.
    :D especially kimchee soup
  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    Suzy_in_DE wrote: »
    fermented cabbage = kimchee, love it.
    :D especially kimchee soup

    But do you believe if you eat enough of it every day (and little else) you'll reverse the aging process and look 10 years younger? That's how my Aunt looks at it. :neutral_face:
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    no, just like it on cold days, Korean comfort food. anything taken to the extreme can be bad.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    Sounds a lot like what I went through when I did a 3 year paleo stint. Glad that is over...