Losing Motivation

I had a really bad week this week. Several stressors have come up and I caved. :neutral_face:
I have been binge eating sweets all week.
I can't help but feel guilty, and every night when I look in the mirror I tell myself to get back on track, but it's not helping.
I've probably gone over my calorie count by 7-800 every day this week.
I feel like an addict. I can't keep away from the fatty foods that I have tried so hard to quit eating over the last few months.
If I eat one, I will eat them ALL.
I feel so defeated.


  • DanaLash
    DanaLash Posts: 59 Member
    Ugh, I've gotten off track too. I did really well for like a month. What is the trigger though? I mean, it isn't like stress goes away for a month, you know? At least it doesn't for me. Why does that happen?
  • ashlando
    ashlando Posts: 125 Member
    Log it and move on. Don't let yourself get caught in a downward spiral of bad eating. Everyone slips up now and then - it's totally normal! It's when one slip leads to five leads to 3 weeks of bad eating - THAT is when when it becomes a problem.
  • scoronado3
    Everyone gets off track. I help an accountable group is great way to keep motivated. Do you have that support?
  • cstevenson86
    cstevenson86 Posts: 158 Member
    Hang in there! We all go through it. Some days I will have a cookie or candy or something and beat myself up over it too. It's hard work. It takes dedication and commitment. You recognized there's a problem with what you're doing - so you've already made the first step - you admitted it. Just log it and move forward like ashlando said. You can't change that you binged, just try to prevent it in the future...
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Motivation will come and go, you need to work on creating good habits.
    Now one comment you made was trying to quit fatty foods, not exactly sure what you are including in that. But, instead of quitting certain foods, and telling yourself you can't have them, include them once in awhile into your day. This way you aren't telling yourself you can't have whatever it may be, which usually makes people want it that much more.

    There's also no reason to feel guilt, making mistakes is how we learn. If you always did it correctly what do you learn from that. Today is a new day to try and do better than you did yesterday
  • lizzie14115
    lizzie14115 Posts: 77 Member
    This is when your true determination will shine through....remember your goal, why you are doing this, and how much better you will feel being back on plan.
    Take care,