I'd sell my soul to be thin

RockyDGoliday Posts: 35 Member
edited October 2014 in Getting Started
I'm a 18 year old guy and since I was 14 all I ever wanted was to be thin and toned like so many other boys.I tried for so long to lose weight yet it always never worked,I'd just cry and feel worst because I never reach my goals.Im in a phase now were I don't even want to leave my house or see people untill I get to my goal.Ive worn the same clothes for a year and just wish I could change from this fat mess to a thin boy.Id be free and honestly live my life instead of staying inside all day.I just want to be beautiful.I feel like I've wasted my youth by never achieving my goals and just feel like this depressed fat gay kid.I don't know what to do


  • RockyDGoliday
    RockyDGoliday Posts: 35 Member
    Please someone help
  • spah33
    spah33 Posts: 18 Member
    here is my advice log everything you eat and find a lifestyle that works. 1 thing is figuring out how to eat right and then figuring out what sort of exercise works for you. How tall are you and how much do you weigh?
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    Fill in your profile. Set some goals (doesn't have to be a big change - you can start with a small goal of losing 10 pounds). Learn to measure what you eat. Start doing some exercises to burn some calories (even walking will burn calories when you get your heart rate up).
  • RockyDGoliday
    RockyDGoliday Posts: 35 Member
    spah33 wrote: »
    here is my advice log everything you eat and find a lifestyle that works. 1 thing is figuring out how to eat right and then figuring out what sort of exercise works for you. How tall are you and how much do you weigh?

    6'3 and 240 but I want to be as skinny as Zayn malik
  • msalamun
    msalamun Posts: 116 Member
    First, it takes a lot of courage to post what you did. You see where you are, you know where you want to be, and you realize that you want the help to get there. And that's exactly why we are here with you. To help you, every step along the way. Never forget that!

    Next I would create your goals. And write them down! But your goal should be more than just say, "I want to be thin." I would suggest using the S.M.A.R.T. method of setting goals.
    1) Specific. "Skinny as Zayn Malik," isnt really specific. Set a number you want to hit on the scale or even a limit on the number of times you eat out. Set a specific goal so you know when you hit it!
    2)Measurable. Be able to track and measure your progress towards you goal. It will help you to know whether you are going in the right direction or if you need some adjustment.
    3)Attainable. Ask yourself how are you going to reach your goals? Have a plan to know how you're going to get there. And make sure you are always doing something to be moving closer to that goal!
    4) Realsitic. Make sure your goals are realistic. I know you want to be skinny, but setting a goal of losing 100 pounds in one week is not realistic (nor is it healthy and sustainable). But also don't underestimate yourself. Shoot for something you can do but also something that will push you!
    5) Timely. While you want your goal to be realistic, you also want to set a timetable for your goal. This help you push youself to reach it by a certain deadline. Just as losing 100 pounds in 1 week is not likely, just saying I want to lose 100 pounds "whenever" or "eventually" doesn't motivate you to relly go after it! The whole "I'll get to it tomorrow" mentality sets in and you won't go anywhere.

    Next, following from #3, what are you currently doing to get closer to you goals? Starting up in MFP is a great start. It will help you track what you eat (as long as you are logging everything!) and provide a supporting community to really get the most out of your journey. But what about exercise? Are you currently doing any physical activity or a workout program? Basically, what are you doing today to get closer to your goals?

    Having a goal(s) and having a plan to meet that goal is the best place to start. Next you just need to dedication to reach it! But know that it won't happen overnight. You didnt gain all that weight in a day, so you won't lose it in a day either. Have the dedication and commit to reaching your goal! You can do this and we can help! I invited you as a friend and I encourage you to send me message anytime you need help! And I strongly suggest you post on the message boards to share with this community and get all the help you need! You got this!
  • samammay
    samammay Posts: 468
    Not much useful to add to msalamun, but Rocky - it gets better.
  • SandyBVTN
    SandyBVTN Posts: 367 Member
    samammay wrote: »
    Not much useful to add to msalamun, but Rocky - it gets better.


    Also, I get the feeling of knowing that the weight is keeping you from really living your life. Probably many of us understand how that feels.

    msalamun has some great advice for you. You really can do this. Just take one step at a time in the right direction and you'll make it happen.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    have you considered talking to someone about your depression? it sounds like all your self worth is tied up in your looks, and while that can be motivating, it is a lot easier to make things happen if you get past the looks and find a reason that you are worth taking care of.
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    make small changes and make them permanent. Cut back on the servings, log everything, exercise regardless of what people think. Put in more veggies, water, watch the sodium, carb and sugar intake and the weight will start coming off. You have to be consistant and the occasional slip back is okay. Just carry on the next day and don't beat yourself up.

    What ever you do don't sell your soul, it's the wrong path to take.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    chadya07 wrote: »
    have you considered talking to someone about your depression? it sounds like all your self worth is tied up in your looks, and while that can be motivating, it is a lot easier to make things happen if you get past the looks and find a reason that you are worth taking care of.

    Yes. Speaking from experience, often we tie our depressed feelings and our low self esteem to our weight. It is an easy scapegoat. We are often told we should be a certain way, and therefore it is easy to trick ourselves into believing we are depressed and have low self esteem because we aren't. In this case, that would be thin. It is easy to fall into this trap. What makes this trap scary is that it creates a vicious cycle in which we eat more, move less, and convince ourselves we're failing because of ourselves, rather than because of these circumstances.

    You are worth more than what you weigh. You may not believe it now, but you are. You are worth more than your appearance. You are a person. And you should not tie your self worth to your weight. I did. And I lost the weight. And then I realized how wrong I was to trick myself into believing that I was depressed because I was overweight. I wasn't. I was depressed because I was depressed.

    It is normal to have some feelings like this regarding your weight. However, your post leads me to believe your problem goes much deeper than just weight. I highly encourage you to seek help for possible depression. Once you work on your self esteem, the rest often follows. Healthier eating will help you feel better, but remember that it is not the only key in this journey.
  • JenniDaisy
    JenniDaisy Posts: 526 Member
    You should read the community guidelines.
    9. Do Not Post the Same Topic on Multiple Boards or Groups

    Spam posting the same topic is against the rules. No wonder people think you're a troll.