Here I am again- Super FRUSTRATED!

Here I am again, think I've tried to lose weight 4 times since having my youngest and everytime I get into the swing of things life gets in the way. I keep losing the same 16 pounds and then my little one starts refusing to sleep or refusing to give me 5 minuets to cook or teething. I feel like i'm stuck between wanting to lose weight and get healthy and just relaxing and enjoying my baby while she's little (when I do enjoy I end up eating crap) :\


  • catb58
    catb58 Posts: 239 Member
    edited October 2014
    I know you're probably tired of hearing it but it's not just "losing weight," it's changing your lifestyle. Make it tougher to eat crap by having healthy foods to snack on in the house, not junk food. Nap or knit/crochet (anything that keeps your hands occupied) when she naps. It's possible to eat healthy while relaxing and enjoying your baby.
  • fitnessmalak
    fitnessmalak Posts: 45 Member
    This is really tough, but do you know what? When you do stick to your healthy routine and go through it till the end your circumstances is what is going to make it just a bit more WOW!! You are a strong woman always have that in your head, and because you are strong you will be this super mum that takes care of the whole household anddd of her self. Make it a mission everything a mission. I deeply wish you the best x
  • melissasimpson1420
    I know it can be done, just so hard. My little one refuses to nap and she literally attaches to me all day (She's still breastfeeding), lucky if she sleeps for half an hour a day and most of the time she won't go down until 10/11 at night. I've ordered a baby sling so we'll be getting out together for walks soon and hopefully I'll be able to wear her when I do some cooking. My biggest downfall at the moment is that whenever I go in the kitchen she howls and howls at the stair gate even if my hubby plays with her. xx
  • melissasimpson1420
    I also have a 3 year old :)
  • habit365
    habit365 Posts: 174
    I feel for you. It is very hard when they are little. I would start with little changes that you can stick with even when you are tired and everything is going haywire. The same kind of convenience foods that are healthy for kids are good for adults too...carrot sticks, cheese sticks, fruit, etc. If you can, let her play with a pot and a wooden spoon in the kitchen while you cook. Batch cooking was (and still is) so helpful for having homecooked meals on the table even when I didn't have capacity to cook every meal.

    To a certain extent, it does get easier as they get older. Hang in there!
  • melissasimpson1420
    Most of the time I forget to eat and I'm guilty of snacking in the evening or my hubby asks if we should get fast food and I end up saying yes so I don't have to try get peace in the kitchen. I always feel super guilty though :\ I'll definitely try cooking a few meals at once though xx
  • fitnessmalak
    fitnessmalak Posts: 45 Member
    Start off by watching your calories, my mother weighed 357lbs February 2014 she just was so fed up with trying all sorts of diet likes atkins, lighter life and so on. She finally started on the 26th of February eating 1200 cals a day plus doing an exercise DVD whenever possible as her youngest is 3. She is now 200lbs!! 25lbs heavier than me and she is still losing. Throughout the day she eats bread, cheese whatever she fancies even kitkat!! As long as she does get some veggies and protein (or else your hair will fall a lot) and she stops eating at 6pm. This is what I'm going to be starting tomorrow.