Getting over...

Gym anxiety?
I have a huge problem with this... I know that people don't care what I'm doing but I can't shake the anxiety that everyone is looking at me and judging me. I really want to start a weight lifting regiment but I feel very reluctant to go into the weight room with all the gym rats.
So my question is - anyone else out there beat this? Does it just go away the more you go to the gym or what did you guys do to get rid of this feeling?


  • AbbyLu
    AbbyLu Posts: 29
    Yes it does go away once you get in there. Also, try going in the morning when there is less people. That helped me.
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    Ahhh, yeah, I have this too, to a certain extent anyways. I made some of my guy friends come work out with me for the first few weeks when I was getting used to my old campus' gym. I know that sounds sort of dumb, but having him around to show me the ropes (where everything was, how to use the machines, a little bit about form, etc.) really helped me out. Then I got comfortable in my routine and eventually didn't care any more!

    I am having some of that same anxiety about the gym at my new campus but I think I'll employ a similar strategy. :)

    Also, my gym has "women only" hours now - does yours have anything like that? I have no idea if that would be any better because women can be more judgemental, in my opinion, but it would eliminate the big hulky dudes from the equation.

    Anyways, bottom line: it DOES get better/go away the more comfortable you get with your gym, at least in my experience.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Dont read any on the threads on here will people are ranting about others at the gym,it will just make it worse