Does cold weather affect your willpower?

Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
With the onset of cold, wet weather and darker days I just want to snuggle under a blanket and not take the dog out or hit the gym ...and my desire for food is increasing

I assume this is just one of those humps that I can't cave in to but am wondering how others cope or if it affects you at all?


  • JVClubs
    JVClubs Posts: 139 Member
    the worst thing happen to me last year around September i just stopped working out all together cause of the weather. It really destroyed me, i went back to eating out all the time, and then i got depressed, the whole process really sucked. i wasted 4 months where i did nothing but eat, drink and mess around, barely any exercise, bad food, bad everything. i was about 458 in september 2013 and didn't lose any weight the rest of the year. It always eats me up inside thinking about it, cause i could be 40 lbs less if i had not been so lazy.

    this time around im not gonna let that happen, i learned my lesson, and got a 24 hr gym membership1! so the key for me i guess is to always have a gym to go to whether its 2 in the morning or 5 pm. so no excuses for me this time around.

    the key is to find a way to kill all your excuses.

    its cold out?

    - youll be outside for less then 45 seconds, just walk from the car to the gym

    the car has to start up?

    - well start it up then

    my body is never gonna heat up to get into this workout

    -yes it will, first 15 mins are the hardest.

    im hungrier then usual

    -go 15 mins longer in the gym, drink alot of water and then see if you wanna eat the same.

    its been gray outside all day, my mood stinks.
    -music helps on the elliptical =)

    stay positive, stay active, dont question why to go to the gym just do it, move all on impulse
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Feels nicer to train in the cold (I can push harder) but then I only do things I love doing.

    Last Tuesday evening, it was under 10C and I was sweating like crazy outside playing tennis. It felt distinctly tropical despite wearing a thin wicking t-shirt although my left arm was starting to feel the chill. :#
  • hortensehildegarde
    hortensehildegarde Posts: 592 Member
    it has affected me but in the opposite way. I love the dark, the rain, the cold. Humid heat and sun make me want to hide indoors. Cold is perfect weather for soups and there are so so many low calorie and yummy soup options.

    I'll be in the same boat come next summer though. I think best idea is to make a plan of other alternatives that are better to do in said weather? Like this past summer I tried to swim whenever I could because I do love swimming even if it is all bright and shiny out.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    No, the weather doesn't affect my will power. My goal is to lose weight and get healthy. It isn't of any consequence to me if it's 85 degrees or 2 inches of snow on the ground.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Yes the cold weather does affect me!!! I really do feel the cold & hate being cold. I am dreading the winter coming & trying to force myself to get over the gym. But I have been a member a good couple of years now and do find the courage to do it!!! When it snowed I still went over hahah - Im actually thinking of making a mini gym in my room, saves me going out, and I can watch tv in the comfort of my room - Yes it would save me £55.00, but then I do like the social life at my gym & the buzz I get seeing everyone else working out too.

    We just have to be strong, keep away from the comfort foods, and stock up on lots of hearty winter foods : )

    Sweets, chocs, crisps, tons of bread - I need to stay clear hahahaah!

    Good luck!
  • booboox94
    booboox94 Posts: 15 Member
    I love the cold and the rain and Autumn is my favourite time of year! I love the thought of being out in the fresh, cool air and then a nice warm shower, slippers and my pj's when I get home again.
    If you're into comfort food find healthier alternatives. I love veggie chilli, so I've added in more veg and stock and removed the rice, now it's more of a chilli soup now and is only around 200 cals.

    Good luck xx
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I'm jealous of those who aren't affected - but heartened to see others are - and you're right on keeping strong and just getting over that not doing it today hump

    it might be a short-term thing for me because the season has definitely changed abruptly this week and it's made me feel a bit .. blah

    I've got a gym session booked today - I might up the number of times I see my trainer just to get over the hump

    but I do feel sorry for the dog .. no way am I going out in that
  • SofiV79
    SofiV79 Posts: 29 Member
    I always feel like I go into hibernation, especially after New Year's, even though I live in Greece! I find that it is easier for me to go straight from work to the gym, rather than go home and then have to go out again - this year I have also arranged to take my son to his swimming classes (during which I swim too) straight after school, so no excuses! Since I started on MFP I have also started running in the mornings, wonder if I'll keep that up when it gets really cold....
  • BenjaminS_Fitness
    BenjaminS_Fitness Posts: 70 Member
    my goal is more important than the weather.
    How can anyone who is lazy during autumn/winter expect to look good in summer. you don't build a good physique in a few months.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I like the cold weather. Motivates me to move and stay warm unlike warm, sunny weather. I hate it and want to stay in the shade and not move much to stay cool.
  • 60sPanda
    60sPanda Posts: 303 Member
    I am a winter lover. I can not wait until the clocks change and the evenings become darker. My body clock prefers it and I feel so much better, much more energised and focused. I also find it much easier to control food in the winter as I make loads of warming low-cal soups and stews.
  • sarieth05
    sarieth05 Posts: 313 Member
    I LOVE the winter, but my body does shut down a little bit. One of the main issues I have is when it's cold, my throat constantly hurts and so if I'm huffing and puffing, it can get a little irritating. But yay! I love soup/stew weather! Time to drag out my crockpot for the season.
  • georgiaTRIs
    georgiaTRIs Posts: 229 Member
    I head to the gym more. I aleready go there to lift weights and classes. I don't like not having the daylight to go out. But I choose to stay safe and hit the treadmill
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    If you ask whether I'm affected by the darkness, then yes. Many people are. If you're asking whether I'm using it as an excuse for a number of things, then no.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    my workout schedule is fairly consistent regardless but the winter - it can be brutal getting to the gyms. Especially in cases where I was super motivated or just forgot and didn't check the forecast, and the roads were super nasty to drive in. Thinking back to last couple seasons I don't know if I'm going to be much more cautious. If anything affects my frequency of working out its probably instructor availability. Ultimately the great ones sometimes get busier in their lives and others have to cover for them - I still go it's just not as fun lol. The worst part is when the class gets canceled altogether rather than having subs come in

    I also just took up running this summer so I'm a bit concerned about once there's snow on the ground; and of course buying all the winter running gear. I know I'll get warm when I run but not warm enough to just dress Normal I don't think! I'll have to see
  • AmZam05
    AmZam05 Posts: 130 Member
    Since I prefer to do the majority of my workouts outside, yes the weather does get me down. Already with it getting cold and rainy out, I haven't been exercising as much as usual although I'm still getting 4-5 days per week. Since I can't afford a gym membership (and since I'm introverted and would be very uncomfortable at a gym anyway) I do home workouts/weight lifting or go biking, and always walk on my lunch break. And I'm not one of those people who can workout outside even if it's 20 degrees and blizzarding. Just can't do it.

    Luckily my company has a small gym at the corporate building down the street that we can use for free. But again it's weird when it's just me and the VP of the company...

    So I'll be kicking my *kitten* into gear and trying my hardest to do my weight training as much as I can because like other posters said, winter is really the important time so you can look great for summer. But really I just want to cuddle up with my kittens and a heated blanket and do absolutely nothing haha.
  • kimekakes28
    kimekakes28 Posts: 103 Member
    The cold weather does make me a little bit resistant to working out, but I keep that two piece bikini hanging on the closet door to remind me cold or hot, I better get some type of work out in :D
    Do mini workouts in between commercials or while cooking. last night I got in a 15 minute workout (squats, pushups, mountain climbers and dumb bell raises) during Greys Anatomy
  • jbee27
    jbee27 Posts: 356 Member
    Yes! When it's cold and dark when I get up and when I get home from work all I want to do is lay on the couch and watch TV or curl up in bed with a book.

    It doesn't help that I prefer outdoor cardio (bike rides, running), and those get progressively less safe the further into fall/winter it gets (dark earlier, not a lot of well lit paths by me, and in a few months snow/ice).

    Last winter I stayed somewhat motivated by forcing myself to go to the gym straight after work, no stop at home in between. This winter I'm looking forward to my hot yoga class feeling extra good when it's frigid outside!
  • LifeOnMars_
    LifeOnMars_ Posts: 720 Member
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Yep, but the rain is a bigger enthusiasm killer. Still once you are in the gym it's fine.