Ripped in 30/ 30 day Shred Group

I had done Jillian Micheals 30 day Shred during March and had great succes with it. Jillian really kick my butt and pushed me to my limits at times, but when I finished I realized it was well worth the results. I lost 16 pounds and 19.35 inches just in the 30 or so days of doing it. I also included some extra cardio and stuck to a 1200-1300 calorie diet. As I got close to finishing it I wanted something else like it to do for exercise. I heard about her new dvd Ripped in 30 and bought it right away. I started it a couple weeks ago and liked it alot, but have found it alot harder to stick to since I don't have the support group I did with the Shred. I still have 36 pounds to go to get to my goal for the time being and really want to hit it before July even though I don't know if it to realistic. So I thought I would start a group for all those who are doing either Ripped or Shred and are looking for support and motivation and the occasional place to vent. I am going to restart Ripped today but will probably just do level 1 for 3 days since I was on day 6 when I stopped. Feel free to join no matter how far you are along with either video or if you plan on starting at some point in the next few weeks. I will try and post here at least once a day. Also if you have any questions about the Shred I'd be happy to answer any of them:)

Here are my result pictures for the Shred:




  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    Holey Schmoley you had great results!!!! I am almost done - D8L3,and will be glad to listen to someone else drone on next month! I had great results and love my new arms! Good Luck to you all!
  • angeljamin
    angeljamin Posts: 234 Member
    Amazed by your results, I searched the web for a good deal on the Shred video. Then, I had an epiphany, I bought the video months ago and it’s still in the plastic wrap!!! I am starting it immediately and hope to have similar results. :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I'm doing Ripped in 30, but mixed in with running. Well, mainly I'm running 4-5 days a week, and doing Ripped on my cross training days. I finished level 1 fairly easily. Level 2 is TOUGH!
  • Juliet59
    Juliet59 Posts: 6
    You look Fabulous! Congratulations!
    I hope I can find some people doing Zumba and Kettlentics here.
  • angeljamin
    angeljamin Posts: 234 Member
    Ok, I finally opened the 30 day shred and did level 1 and I’m guessing that it is totally normal to feel like my body is jello, I want to throw up and pass out all at the same time. I couldn’t even do the workout the way she wanted, but I kept moving the whole time. Man am I going to be sore tomorrow!!!

    Goal: to do the workout exactly as Jillian intended by Monday next week :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • rydn4h2o
    rydn4h2o Posts: 255
    I started the 30 Day Shred this morning. I was looking for something different to do! I hope to mix in C25K training as well as cycling if it ever quits raining and warms up outside! Holy-Jumping Jacks! But I survived and hope to see results with this :happy:
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    wow! you look awesome. i am on day 12 of the shred...all the support is def necessary!
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    you got great results with the shred! I finished the 30 DS last week. I was pleased with the results but didn't do a great as you! I started ripped in 30 yesterday. I'm not one to start or run a group but I would love to participate in yours and keep each other accountable.:smile:
    I can say after day 1 of ripped in 30...I hurt. The back of my legs are killing. But I got up and did it again this morning.:smile:
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    Thanks for all the responses!!! And way to go to all of you who just started or are days into it. The shred does have lots if jumping jacks they were my enemy and still are, even though at least in level one of ripped you don't do them. Also, Yes it is normal to feel like your body is jello after the workouts, I was extremely sore the first 3 days and then it got better. I wasn't able to do all the moves those first days but if you just do some sort of movement, even walking in place while you catch your breath you'll keep your heart rate up.

    I'm going to put my disclaimer here now. Everyone loses differently and thus some will have better or not as great results of others. When I started the Shred I was around 220 pounds, and was when I really commited to working out. I don't know what all of you weigh but most likely if your smaller than I was you probably won't see a 16 pound lost, but I do think you will lose quite a bit. I do recommend taking your measurements, this helped me a ton! I also think if you add something else to it you will have better results!

    I did Ripped last night and I to am sore this morning. But its a good soreness. I look forward to hearing all of your experiences and success with either the Shred or Ripped. Just remember to keep with it and I have no doubt you will all see results:)
  • mistyrider
    I started it 12 days ago, but am only on Day 9 (missed one day for illness, and two others just because I needed a break). I would LOVE the support and motivation to get going again. Sunday and Monday were my "break" days, and I find I'm dragging myself to do it today :( But I got results, even in the 9 days I did do it - just over 4" total (1" from my waist!!!!) and down 8 I know it works!
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    I started it 12 days ago, but am only on Day 9 (missed one day for illness, and two others just because I needed a break). I would LOVE the support and motivation to get going again. Sunday and Monday were my "break" days, and I find I'm dragging myself to do it today :( But I got results, even in the 9 days I did do it - just over 4" total (1" from my waist!!!!) and down 8 I know it works!

    That is so awesome!! Most my inches lost were from my thighs, I think for that whole month I only lost a little over an inch in my waist so that awesome you lost an inch just in nine days!! I kinda started to feel bored with each level after the 3rd or 4th day so i would put on music and that seemed to help some. With the Shred I did really well doing it every day I took 3 days off during the whole 30 days, but now with Ripped its been alot harder to want to do it and I'm not really sure why. I want to have great results again and have been hoping that would be motivation enough but so far it hasn't been. I'm hoping I can find the motivation to make it easier to want to do it again. Having people who are going through the samethings I am has made me feel not as discouraged as I was before! Hopefully we can all pull together and get through it:) Thank you for sharing your results thus far!! I still can't get over 4" and 8 pounds in just that short amount of time doing it:)
  • mistyrider
    I started it 12 days ago, but am only on Day 9 (missed one day for illness, and two others just because I needed a break). I would LOVE the support and motivation to get going again. Sunday and Monday were my "break" days, and I find I'm dragging myself to do it today :( But I got results, even in the 9 days I did do it - just over 4" total (1" from my waist!!!!) and down 8 I know it works!

    That is so awesome!! Most my inches lost were from my thighs, I think for that whole month I only lost a little over an inch in my waist so that awesome you lost an inch just in nine days!! I kinda started to feel bored with each level after the 3rd or 4th day so i would put on music and that seemed to help some. With the Shred I did really well doing it every day I took 3 days off during the whole 30 days, but now with Ripped its been alot harder to want to do it and I'm not really sure why. I want to have great results again and have been hoping that would be motivation enough but so far it hasn't been. I'm hoping I can find the motivation to make it easier to want to do it again. Having people who are going through the samethings I am has made me feel not as discouraged as I was before! Hopefully we can all pull together and get through it:) Thank you for sharing your results thus far!! I still can't get over 4" and 8 pounds in just that short amount of time doing it:)

    I was also tracking my cals here, so I'm sure that had a lot to do with the weight loss. From what I've heard, people tend to lose inches instead of pounds on the Shred. I think when we couple it with healthy eating, it's a win win :happy:

    I did Level 2 last night, and it nearly killed me, I swear! Felt good after I picked myself up off hte floor though :wink: I don't think I'm going to Shred tonight, as I did a big ride earlier today and my legs are still complaining about it, LOL. Tomorrow for sure!
  • jpsnickel
    jpsnickel Posts: 68
    Count me in!!! i have done shred in the past, but was never great at being consistent with it. I just bought ripped tonight and I look forward to starting it tomorrow. This is a pretty insane week for me, so I'm not sure how much extra time I'll have until Monday. But Monday will be a great day! Starting at the beginning of the month, which is also when I do my measuring. Hoping for lots of great results by June 1st.

    I need all the support I can, so feel free to friend me. I'm also doing the C25k and C210k...I know, it's kinda silly to work on both, but I just started the C210k, and I don't always have time to run an hour, so then i revert to C25k.

    Anyway...enough rambling. Good luck to everyone!!!

  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    Great Job everyone!! And Welcome to the new ones who have joined! I also missed a day of doing it again:( but plan on doing it tonight for sure. Everyone here is really helping me to sick with it so thank you!!