Please take a look and let me know your opinion

Please help. I have been gaining and losing the same 3 lbs for the past 6 months. I have 10 lbs to go to reach a realistic goal of 150. I am currently doing Turbo Fire workout. Before that I did T25 workout. My measurements are also not changing. I walked on average of 25 miles per week. The exercise shown is recorded from my fitbit (I realize that it doesn't not take into consideration strength training). I am 5'6", 54 yrs, female. I do not know what else to try. I would like to reach my goal by the end of the year.



  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    You don't mention anything about your calorie intake. You have to be in a calorie deficit.

    From a quick look at your diary it doesn't look like you are using a food scale. I would suggest getting one if you don't already own one, start weighing out your portions and focus on making sure your logging is as accurate as possible.
  • ratchet2
    ratchet2 Posts: 87 Member
    I do use a scale except for salads or cooked veggies. Does the diary not show the calorie intake when you view it? I average 1200 - 1400 daily.
  • Cby60
    Cby60 Posts: 38 Member
    I have the same problem and now do the 5:2 diet. It's fasting until supper twice a week. Only I eat a large bowl or two of homemade vegetable soup at lunch and a piece of presidents choice chocolate at 3. I've been strict starting 5:2. But then modify it to suit my life. Really I do two days of super low calories and do not eat until noon. Once I add exercise the weight comes off. The other days I try to stick to about 1200 calories and eat lots of veggies.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    You're not counting veggies or you're just not weighing them?
  • reachingforarainbow
    reachingforarainbow Posts: 224 Member
    I would say that you are probably not quite accurately logging. Use measuring spoons/cups to measure liquids, condiments, spread that are compact like milk or butter.
    Use a scale to weigh things like croutons. (Also one thing I discovered, just because a package says a piece of bread/ a bun is one serving, if the nutrition facts also show grams, weigh the bread, one time I got ciabatta's that were supposed to be 160 calories a bun, weighed it and they were closer to 210-220) Things like this make a big difference.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Some of your entries look good, and others stand out as possibly being wrong. The generic 1-calorie coffee creamer kind of jumped out at me. So did "salmon for sandwiches" and "burger patties." I would tighten up your logging, specifically making sure you're choosing the best possible entries from the database.
  • LiftAndBalance
    LiftAndBalance Posts: 960 Member
    AliceDark wrote: »
    Some of your entries look good, and others stand out as possibly being wrong. The generic 1-calorie coffee creamer kind of jumped out at me. So did "salmon for sandwiches" and "burger patties." I would tighten up your logging, specifically making sure you're choosing the best possible entries from the database.

    This. I just looked at three days and also noticed that you measure sugar, margarine and peanut butter, for example, in spoons, and cheerios and your bran flakes in cups, which is highly inaccurate. Weigh everything and log the correct entry in grams.
  • misswhitney1
    misswhitney1 Posts: 72 Member
    Have you been doing the same workout and types of exercises for a long time? Sometimes mixing it up, even just a little, can help.

    Just something easy - on your walks, you could do jogging intervals, 1 min on and 1 min off. Or every other block do walking lunges or high-knees (fast or slow) or zombie walks?
  • Add713
    Add713 Posts: 53 Member
    Have you been doing the same workout and types of exercises for a long time? Sometimes mixing it up, even just a little, can help.

    Just something easy - on your walks, you could do jogging intervals, 1 min on and 1 min off. Or every other block do walking lunges or high-knees (fast or slow) or zombie walks?

    What are zombie walks :)
  • misswhitney1
    misswhitney1 Posts: 72 Member
    Add713 wrote: »
    Have you been doing the same workout and types of exercises for a long time? Sometimes mixing it up, even just a little, can help.

    Just something easy - on your walks, you could do jogging intervals, 1 min on and 1 min off. Or every other block do walking lunges or high-knees (fast or slow) or zombie walks?

    What are zombie walks :)

    Oh, yes I guess that could use some 'splaining. They might be called something else by other people, but you put your arms out in front of you, palms down (like a zombie) and as you walk, kick up with a straight leg to try to hit your outstretched hand. You can do same arm/same leg, or opposite, which gives you a little bit of an oblique work-out too!