Weightwatchers Meals without the Weightwatchers plan?

Hi firstly I'm new to making topics so go easy on me :)

I've recently started MFP just over 2 weeks ago and lost 12lbs, but have far to go.

I currently eat salad for most meals, which I love, but it can get a little boring as I don't really like fancy lettuces I only like iceburg and I don't like dressings (which is probably a good thing really!)

I'm doing research into my grocery shop for next week, I order online to stop the temptation to spontaneously buy chocolate!

I'm looking into all the weightwatchers food available in asda, there's loads, I've never followed a weightwatchers plan and the plus points and pro points and sins confuse me! I'm really happy using MFP as I enjoy calorie counting.

Basically, I'm wondering can I eat weightwatchers meals regularly just based on their nutritional value and ignore all the propoints and such? Or should I have them more as treats when I can't be bothered to make salad or cook fresh vegetable meals?

Please Help :)


  • vxmittyxv
    vxmittyxv Posts: 122 Member
    I don't see why not. I would be careful about eating to many of the pre-packaged foods because of the high sodium
  • lilwashee
    lilwashee Posts: 222 Member
    well ,u can eat them but watch out because they are high in sodium content but it would be ok if u had to to have one a day but then pay close attention to your sodium also i know everyones says 2500 for sodium but it shouldnt be over 2300 and i have that info first hand from my text book ..hope that helps :)
  • shmoejo
    shmoejo Posts: 37
    skinnyweek.com has a bunch of weight watchers recipies on it, they have all the nutritional values per servings as well as points :)
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    They're not generally lower in sodium or anything just because of the brand, but you can eat them as you would any pre-packaged food.
  • orbidlymobese
    well ,u can eat them but watch out because they are high in sodium content but it would be ok if u had to to have one a day but then pay close attention to your sodium also i know everyones says 2500 for sodium but it shouldnt be over 2300 and i have that info first hand from my text book ..hope that helps :)

    My sodium has barely gone past 1500 so far, but I'll definitely keep an eye on it, when if I eat ww food, what I've noticed so far on MFP is the days I eat more sodium than usual I feel bloated so I definitely want to avoid over doing it :)
  • patsyanne
    patsyanne Posts: 111
    :wink: Congratulation on joining MFP. I find it keeps me on track. Weight watcher meals are ok but you will find them quite high in sodium which isnt good for you. They do mark the Calories on them. Salads are good for you and if you would add a boiled egg, or a piece of chicken, or other meat; then you would have a good total meal. Some bags of frozen vegetables like the California mixture is very good for you too. Good luck and keep checking what other people say and you will pick up lots of good ideas. Friend me if you want.:smile:
  • fitnessGETZeasy
    fitnessGETZeasy Posts: 79 Member
    The goods news is, you can eat whatever you want! For me I've found that I constantly tweak my lunches so I can eat as much as possible. Obviously this means lots of fruits and veggies. Sometimes the portions in those frozen entrees just aren't filling! And this girls loves to eat!
  • redjaybee
    I agree with everyone else about the sodium. They have a lot of recipes that are easy to cook. It gives you the calories which is what we are tracking. They are healthy and very tasty. You wont get bored.
  • niknak0508
    niknak0508 Posts: 430 Member
    Hi there! I'm a former weight watcher user and would recommend the program to anyone who asked about it. The ONLY reason I stopped using it was because I felt like I needed something new.... so here I am trying out this calorie counting and actually enjoying. I also hit a plateau and began to get frustrated with myself. I've never really eaten any of the weight watchers food ALL the time. I used them for quick meals at lunch time and things. As it won't hurt to eat them, you still want to check the calories and things. Weight watcher's is now using the PointsPlus program and the "points#" on the packages are not calculated using calories any longer. They aren't lower in sodium and things either. Just be careful what you eat. I stick to a lot of low calorie, fat free, reduced fat and high protein items in my diet. It may also be helpful to weight your meals out. It's not always accurate trying to eyeball things.......... I've done that a lot in the past and now that I am weighing things, I see a huge difference in what I thought was a portion and what truly is.

    Hope this helps!
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    The Recommended Daily Allowance for everyone, of SODIUM is: 1500 mg. NOT 2300 nor 2500 mg.

    All prepared, packaged foods including those called SMART ONES (Weight Watcher's brand) are over-loaded with sodium.

    You would do much better in preparing your own little healthy, balanced meal trays. You will know what's in it, be able to control the sodium content and they'll taste much better.

    There is no easy "fix" to weight loss programs. Plan, prepare, then plan some more. I've lost 5 dress sizes on this MFP plan in 5 months. It works well when you work with it.