I'm having difficulties losing weight?

I've always had problem with losing weight. For some reason, the pounds never really came off and i don't know why. Im 19, 5'4, 165 Ib girl. Back in the beginning of April, i started going to the gym about 2 times a week and gradually increased to 5 times a week. I would typically do 30-40 minutes strength and 20-60 minutes cardio. I hired a nutritionist and a personal trainer after 2 months with no results. The personal trainer told me that weight loss takes time, and that i would have to be patient, and the nutritionist told me that my metabolism might just be really low (due to a long term anorexia problem i had a couple years back). I revised my diet and exercise plan and still did not see results for 3 months after. So i eventually gave up because i felt like i had wasted 5 months of my life for nothing. i havent gone to the gym for about a month and a half, but now I'm motivated to go back and lose the weight that i need to lose. But i just don't want to waste any more time. Do you guys have an advice or help that will help me get passed this problem? And maybe tell me why i haven't lost weight? I would appreciate it.
Sorry for the long post


  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Thank you for sharing your struggle. I see a lot of people in the same boat. Your nutritionist is likely correct about you having a low metabolic rate. About how many calories/day are you eating? How is your weight changing now with you eating like that?

    If your metabolism is bottomed out, you can fix it. It's going to take some time, but doing a reverse diet will get your metabolic capacity up to a point where you can then effectively do a cut to remove body fat. Check out this video by Layne Norton, PhD on the subject of reverse dieting.

    I would also suggest that you do more resistance training/weightlifting. It's great for working your muscles and helping to boost your metabolism.

    Hopefully this helps.
  • CdnRower
    CdnRower Posts: 28 Member
    If you can take the time to outline what your weight lifting routine is, your typical daily diet and what you do for cardio, I can likely shed some light on what the problem may be.

    Usually when I hear stories like this, people are lifting light weight for high reps, eating the wrong amount of carbs for their metabolism type and have their cortisol levels through the roof from long bouts of steady state cardio. This is the perfect storm for spinning your wheels.
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    I revised my diet and exercise plan and still did not see results for 3 months after. So i eventually gave up because i felt like i had wasted 5 months of my life for nothing.

    Did you bother to check back with the nutritionist and trainer and work with the professionals you hired?

    That would be much more constructive than suggestions from any online group.

  • Brunette122
    Brunette122 Posts: 107 Member
    I wouldn't say that those 5 months were a waste of time. Even if you weren't seeing results, you were working out and eating healthy which is never a waste of time. Don't be so hard on yourself :)
  • 0dreamer0
    I've always had problem with losing weight. For some reason, the pounds never really came off and i don't know why. Im 19, 5'4, 165 Ib girl.

    I'm about a month in and I haven't lost weight... I'm about the same as you... 5'4 - 165lbs.
    - I exercise 3x per week - circuit training and cardio - I eat healthier and avoid junk. I try to find something active to do in each day... and nothing, not a pound difference... however, have you checked your inches? maybe you're shedding differently?

    There's nothing wasted about a healthier/active lifestyle. Even though I haven't lost, I feel great. Higher moods and just better overall. Don't give up and keep at 'er... you're not alone :)
  • McGristy
    McGristy Posts: 61 Member
    Maybe your diet is the culprit? Maybe make your diary public so we can help you more??
  • ubermofish
    ubermofish Posts: 102 Member
    Log EVERYTHING! Every. Single. Thing. that goes into your facehole needs to be on your diary. Make sure you're getting enough water as well, and keep working with your nutritionist and trainer. If you stick with it, you will succeed, it just takes some more time for some people.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    First open your diary. Secondly, what are your stats?
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    You can run 50 miles a day and still gain weight if you're eating too much.

    Exercise for fitness. Diet for weight loss. Diet just means your meal plan. So start logging everything you eat and stay within your calories. You will lose weight in a pinch.
  • meganscarlet
    meganscarlet Posts: 21 Member
    I feel the same as you, I began my routine in Feb time and since then I've gone from 10.8stone to 8.8stone but I can't seem to dip below this weight now, no matter what I do... I'm worried that my exercising is just going to make me bulk up rather than slim down... :(
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    You need to eat at a deficit to lose weight I do exercise so I can eat more and it makes me feel good and also creates an extra buffer if my calorie calculations are a bit out (doubt they are I measure and weigh everything)

    Exercising doesn't bulk you as a woman its unlikely look at my profile pic I lift heavy im not bulky im strong. I don't log lifting just cardio and things I was a fat skinny person after losing weight ive gone on to lose 10 inches and ive gained 5lbs so I weigh heavier and im smaller it all depends what your goals are.
  • karmasays
    karmasays Posts: 82 Member
    Odds are you're eating too much and not creating a deficit from the amount of calories you need to maintain.

    1. figure out your TDEE at iifym (http://iifym.com/iifym-calculator/)
    2. eat minus 15% of your TDEE calories
    3. get a digital food scale and weigh all your solid foods...refrain from using measuring cups/spoons for solid foods.
    4. maintain a calorie deficit.

    weight loss is 80% diet

    Feel free to msg me if you need some help figuring out your TDEE