Weight Watchers

faith7210 Posts: 41
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone! Is anyone on weight watchers? Does it really work? I really would like to know.


  • wambuhl
    wambuhl Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! Is anyone on weight watchers? Does it really work? I really would like to know.

    I did it a couple years ago, and I lost about 35 pounds. It's all about charting your food, and exercising and eating right. It's about the same as this, but it gave me more accountability since I had to weigh in front of some one each week.
  • I am not on it myself, but I have two good friends who lost about 30 pounds each on WW, and they both say they love the program.
  • I haven't been on the new plan but I did the other plan about 7 years ago and lost 120 lbs. Then I started having babies and just let myself go! Because of money I decided to attempt weight loss on my own before spending money on Weight Watchers.
    INSANITY43 Posts: 142
    I did WW about 3 years ago....faithfully for a year and a half...I lost 25 lbs in the process. I think it is an excellent program in that you eat normal food...it's all portion control. I got tired of counting points though....BUT overall if you like the encouragement received in the meetings and the accountability of weighing in each week it is great. I did learn alot...especially what true "serving sizes" should be.....Even after I quit going, I kept the weight off for the most part until my son was deployed to Afghanistan than my emo eating kicked in.... :-( Insanity and MFP are getting me back on track.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I don't like the idea of new WW Points + that it is 29 pts a day for EVERYONE. Bad idea to not make the points based on the individual. Regular WW I would be 18-21 pts so now adding fruit and veggies at 0 pts would = 2000 cals a day = gain.
  • Hi everyone! Is anyone on weight watchers? Does it really work? I really would like to know.
    I was on WEight Watchers for the last few months and lost 20lbs (then gained 10 back, ugh). It DOES work, but in an effort to simplify my life, I think tracking calories is easier right now.

    I did love the meetings for support though.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    WW did not work for me, I was eating fruit to replace other things and it worked at first and then I came to a halt after week 2.. It just didn't do it for me... Plus I missed MFP>
  • glenbea
    glenbea Posts: 6 Member
    I've done WW for several years. I used to go to meetings and until just recently did online. It's a good program, I've lost about 30 lbs. I just seem to be at a standstill. Also, can't afford to keep doing the online just to use the telephone mobile site. I can still do the plan, but this site has a larger database for tracking. My calorie goal here is about equal what the calorie count for the points I used. I guess the key is balancing your diet whether you're using calories or points. A lot of people seemed to like this site from what I read on the WW message boards. I like the MFP site so far and it is certainly user friendly. I just started here but so far I think I'm going to like it.
  • I lost the majority of my weight with WW....so yes it works if you work the program just like you have to work on here & count calories :)
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    I did it about 10 years ago and had a lot of success with it. I lost 75 pounds that year, and found the program really easy to follow. I kept it off for 5 years, then it started creeping back on because I fell into some old bad habits and stopped tracking and keeping myself accountable. I went back a few months ago, and think it's a great program!

    It's just a new way of looking at your calorite intake, and they really try to simplify things for you. The group meetings and weigh-ins add a layer of support and accountability as well.

    I have since quit, but only because I was only using the online site, not the meetings, and am trying to save money and am using MFP instead. But I would recommend it, if it sounds like a good fit for your lifestyle.

    It's not for everyone, and it's also not a quick-fix diet. It's a lifestyle change, so you will learn lots of new techniques to make your new lifestyle comfortable for you.
  • alexairey
    alexairey Posts: 11
    i've tried the new pro points but its really hard to stick too and its so much faffing around to work out the pro points
  • mazatha
    mazatha Posts: 12
    I did the old programme and lost weight really quickly but it was really restrictive and I put the weight back on quickly! Then I started the new programme and I was loving it at first because you can eat so much more food! I lost a few pounds the first week, but then it I had a bad week and gained a couple back. After that I just didn't lose any more weight, despite sticking wih the plan. I gave it a good few weeks but got really fed up and ended up here!
  • I have done WW twice now (one time was a success the other time was not!). I agree with the previous posts about the counting points is tiring because you have to calculate them and the second is the cost adds up and third, minimal support! I also found that if I didn't maintain visits at the meetings, I regressed. Interesting enough, the meetings were mainly motivational by the leader and educational. All this being said....I LOVE MFP and am finding it MUCH MUCH EASIER to do! It is a lot less stressful because everything you eat has calories that go with it--no calculating, it is FREE, and you can receive much more interactive support on line 24/7! I don't think it gets much better than that!!!!!

    I have a friend doing it now and we have been talking and I think that she is moving towards this program as well for the very same reasons.

    Good luck and do something....rather than nothing! :-) You can always quit WW and come back here too!

  • l3xii
    l3xii Posts: 160
    ive done it and it works..... it almost works the same as mfp but its points instead of calories.
  • portianay
    portianay Posts: 13
    I lost 40 lbs on WW a few years back. I did the Core plan, so was not fussed with points. However, the cost became a problem first. Then, the leader got cranky or something, not sure what her problem was, but she abruptly left. The new leader was good,. not judgmental like her predecessor, but believed that the cost of WW was worth more than paying one's bills. It does work, it can fit a person's lifestyle, but cost-wise and mentality wise, it did not fit mine.

    I put back about 25 of that weight, and am now here, and so far, loving it. It is free, there is accountability as long as I record what I do and don't do--and really, to me, that is the same as whether I go or do not go to the WW meetings--and I love love love the nutrient counts. I added the fiber count to mine, which is a big concern to me, and I am happy.
  • I left the new Points Plus program to return to MFP. It is much better in my opinion. I was at the minimum amount of daily points allowed and still was not losing weight. Plus, it is very tiring and a lot of work.
  • missxena
    missxena Posts: 70
    i did it 5 years ago and lost 56 pound in 5 months, its a good way to lose weight but i prefer this site as it has everything you need, and i dont have to travel to meetings and dont have to pay :tongue:
  • ag0n
    ag0n Posts: 4
    Me and my wife did WW for about 3 months, doing the online only portion. I can't comment on the meetings and weigh ins at all because we simply did online, but for the price the Online site is pretty terrible. I felt like I had to constantly add everything I ate manually because their database of foods was so limited. That's one of the reason's why I switched to this.

    On the topic of the Points Plus program, I do like that they tried to balance out the points values for carb heavy items. I felt that on the old WW system the diet was oriented towards carb heavy low fat meals which is not a diet I would choose to do. That said, I don't agree that bananas and other carby fruits/veggies are 0 points because it allows you to eat as much as you want of those which ends up slowing progress for many people. Overall, I think WW is best described as a trainer at my gym said " A shoe size, it will work over time for everyone provided they stick to the plan, but other diets may fit your feet better and produce better results more consistently with a little discipline."
  • Pakitalian85
    Pakitalian85 Posts: 57 Member
    I lost 165 lbs on WW... its a good program... you just have to count EVERYTHING!!!!

    For some reason, it didn't work this time around for me... I am giving MFP a try, if not, I may go back to WW.. I dont' like the new Points Plus plan though.. I was on the old one, which still works, as long as you have the old slider, books, etc...
  • faith7210
    faith7210 Posts: 41
    What i've seen the points are on the boxes at the stores. Is that right? Cant I do both? Anyone do Jenn Craig?
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