Cardio or weights?

gillianjoon Posts: 96 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
I just read this artlicle and thought I would share.

Not sure if its true but I am going to give it a try and see if it helps any!!


  • Bump.
  • A while ago when I got my fit assesment that is what the trainer taught me to do. Did my own research and talk to other certified trainers. Came out to be true. And I have been doing this ever since.:happy:
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    It does ring true with other readings I've done on how the body uses energy. It sounds like a harder workout though (so it shouldn't be surprising that this order should work better). I don't think I can do weights for that long, but I will definitely try it this way for a bit to find out for myself! Thanks for the post!
  • faith7210
    faith7210 Posts: 41
    So do weights then cardio?
  • mursey
    mursey Posts: 191 Member
    Ok I have hear many different things. I will say that I've been told it depends what you want. If you were training for some kind of endurance thing, cardio before weights is good. But most of us want to look better.

    The people at a competitive gym where I used to go to did cardio after weights for a different reason: Cardio can be done sort of sloppy, but for weights, you want to get the most out of every opportunity to have good form and lift heavy. Weights are what is going to really change your body, so they wanted to make sure everything was done correctly and with all your energy. Cardio could be done after and you really don't have to give as much mental and physical energy .. just walk fast, jog, whatever. you can zone out.

    Cardio after weights also helps clear away cholesterol from your bloodstream.

    Some people do20 mins of cardio before weights just to get their heart rate up, and also because it takes about 18 minutes to start burning fat. If you keep your heart rat up during the weights workout, you can burn fat.

    On the other hand, when you are doing any sort of exercise that gets your heart rate up and down, like an interval training, you burn calories much faster than normal for up to 36 hours (I've been told at a personal trainer seminar). This guy said if he had the choice to do intervals of intense exercise for 45 minutes vs jogging a longer time at a fat burning pace, he would pick intervals for less time because you're going to lose weight easier since it's AFTER your workout that your metabolism will be jacked up. He also said intervals (intense at times, though) is good for your body and makes you energized , and that "marathon training" type of cardio exhausts people and sometimes works against your body.

    Oh it's all so confusing .. ha ha! I have been reading about this stuff for years and there's still so much to consider.
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