
This begins like this:

At 21 I had a 3 months period, severe dehydration, anemia and I pretty much blacked out from pain, the next month nothing and then again. My OB/GYN denied flatly that I could have cysts since I was "too young"(by that he means, unmarried w/o kids). He gave me birth control pills which gave me severe acne, water retention and weight gain.

I decided to start losing weight at 285 (back in may) and weight was coming off pretty well and at a good pace but it seemed to get stuck at 255.

In august 31st I had a surgery since I had an awful pain on my lower left side, one doctor said torn pelvic muscle but I could move; so I went to the OB/GYN and he said AGAIN I was too young to have problems (at 24) and sent me for an ultrasound since he thought I had kidney stones.

While at the ultrasound the doctors freaked out since a 2 1/2 inches cyst had ruptured, along with my ovary. The insurance company took forever to approve it and now I have a slash (which is a bit longer than a C section) that left the area completely numb, incredibly painful periods that last 5-6 days (they were 3-4 before) that leave me drained.

My ovary was partially reconstructed (I was told, did not go further) adhesions removed and was told the other cysts were minor as well as being told I had endometriosis and I had to do mayor changes.

Two days later he said I was completely fine and to go on as if nothing had happened.

I don't know whether to believe him or switch doctors, I am scared at the thought of endometriosis and in my paranoia I believe that checking and re checking for any possibilities may be just asking for it. (I know it sounds silly)

If you have any opinions, that would be helpful but I've wrote the above to pretty much see in a screen all the random thoughts going through my head. :\


  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I would totally go see another Doctor to get a second opinion. This sounds pretty serious and you don't want to dismiss anything. Your current Doctor should be doing other tests or something to rule out other possibilities. Doesn't seem right when one day he is telling you that you need to make some major changes and then in the next breath says you are fine....I would not be ok with this....
  • bdenitto
    bdenitto Posts: 210 Member
    Get a second opinion. Find someone who understands PCOS and Endrometriosis. There are things you can do to help and the doctor treating you should have an appropriate level of knowledge to aid you in making good decisions about your health. Personally, I would not go back into an office of a doctor that tells me to carry on as though nothing happened.
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    Thank you @awolf2011 I am pretty much dreading a confirming consult but it has to be done either way.

    @bdenitto That exact thing is what made me anxious, the fact that he did not believe me and the dismissal of my problem that has been happening for years
  • knoelledi
    knoelledi Posts: 91 Member
    I had 5 surgeries for endometriosis and finally having a partial hysterectomy at 35. It is very important to have a good doctor that not only understands the endometriosis/pcos but pain management. I'm having issues now but have moved from my doctor and miss her dearly because she understood and no one in this area specializes in it. Get a second opinion.
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    Ok, I don't want to scare you, as I'm not a doctor, and can't diagnose you, HOWEVER if a surgeon went in and performed surgery on you- told you that you have endometriosis, in ADDITION to PCOS, sweetie, you aren't fine (no you're not dying, or anything of *that* nature, BUT you need to be under the care of someone who is knowledgeable of BOTH and can give you the proper treatments.)

    I HIGHLY recommend a second, if not third opinion. An endocrinologist would be great for PCOS, and most definitely without a doubt, leave that quack OB/GYN. Any OB/GYN that tells a patient after she's had a surgery like that "oh, you're fine, nothing's wrong", as if you the endometriosis just magically went away, is either higher than a kite, or he's insane.

    Having an OB/GYN that isn't even giving you any treatment options is not ok. You may be young, but you're definitely old enough to be part of your healthcare and treatment plan- don't be afraid to speak up! Keep us posted on how things go! Best wishes!