Shakeology .. Isagenix .. Body by Vi .. Thoughts please



  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    Whether you believe it or not, doesn't matter to me. I'm saying it because there will be people here that think that they may need to invest their hard earned money into some MLM drink to lose weight and in reality they don't.

    ^^^This... 1000%
  • emmacken
    emmacken Posts: 161 Member
    I got to try chocolate Isagenix for free when a woman I dog walk for was short on cash for the month. I liked the taste and had it breakfast every morning for two weeks. I tend to like a liquid breakfast that I can sip on my commute to work, so this was an overall pleasant experience. While drinking Isagenix and maintaining a caloric deficit, the scale went down about 6lbs in two weeks.

    Now, since I can be frugal, I find Isagenix far too expensive to ever purchase on my own. I've switched to Carnation Instant Breakfast that when mixed with a cup of milk, gives me 13 grams of protein. I drink both the original and sugar free varieties and both provide the same amount of protein. Again, while maintaining a caloric deficit, the scale has continued in its downward trend.

    I like the convenience of a liquid breakfast and I like to believe that by having something sweet and chocolate-tasting I'm less likely to dive into a bag of M&Ms later in the day. I don't believe that there is any sort of "acceleration" happening with my weight loss due to drinking these types of shakes. I'm simply consuming less and moving more.
  • I get up in the morning work out, shower, get ready for work and then get my daughter ready for daycare. I seriously have NO TIME in the morning so I do a Body By Vi shake (recommended from a friend) every morning, mostly for convenience. It is expensive but not as expensive as shakeology (from my understanding). It's your decision in the long run. I don't have any problems with my shakes but that's just me.
  • Yes Medicus labs ( one of the top labs for clinical studies on health food in the Nation) did the clinical trials on Shakeology. Medicus has absolutely no affiliation with Beach Body. Though I suspect that if I said God did the study, you'd still say it was not real. Anyway, I did my own Shakeology study over a four month period on myself. I stopped my triglyceride meds and my thyroid meds. I replaced one meal a day every day for four months. My most recent bloodwork proves without a doubt that Shakeology's benefits outweighs it's $4 a day price. My triglycerides before starting my study were 550. I was hypothyroid as well. In my recent bloodwork, my triglycerides were 102, my total cholesterol was 180 and my TSH ( thyroid stimulating hormone) was normal. I also lost 26 lbs in that time. I have kept that weight off and I actually feel much better.

    Now you also say Beach Body is a pyramid scheme, if they were they'd be out of business because pyramids are illegal. So you want me to believe that Tony Horton ( the most successful fitness expert on the market with P90X), Shaun T of Insanity. chalene Johnson (30 years of fitness expertise) and Sagi Kavil ( certified Fitness trainer, Medical movement specialist and professional body Builder) are all scamming me?!! Wow!! I mean they totally took advantage of me by getting me off the couch and whipping my *kitten* into shape!! My coach seriously took advantage of me by convincing me to eat healthy, get fit, have more energy and be more focused in life!! Seriously these are awful people for scamming poor ol' me into being a better healthier person. Whatever your issues are with beach body, they sure do sound like you tried and failed because you thought it was an easy way to make cash. While I am not in the business portion at the moment I can honestly say my coach worked her *kitten* off for two years and is now making a six figure salary because of it. It's not for everyone but it has been proven that network marketing is the highest paying career in the world. I may not ever join in on it as I already have a career but I don't think less of my coach for doing it. She helped me make the changes I needed and motivated me every day, if that's being predatory and a scammer then I am all for it!!
  • SkepticalOwl
    SkepticalOwl Posts: 223 Member
    I'm an avid Shakeology drinker. Look at the list of ingredients! All natural. No artificial anything, no preservatives. And IMO, it's delicious. Body by Vi is all preservatives and artificial junk. Isagenix I don't know anything about so I can't comment.

    No, I'm not just trying to make a sale. I have done a lot of research on this.

    An avid Shakeology drinker, and a Beachbody Coach, according to your profile. So forgive me if I take this with a grain of salt. I've tried Shakeology. Nothing to write home about, IMHO, and more expensive than the ON powder I'm using now.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Yes Medicus labs ( one of the top labs for clinical studies on health food in the Nation) did the clinical trials on Shakeology. Medicus has absolutely no affiliation with Beach Body. Though I suspect that if I said God did the study, you'd still say it was not real. Anyway, I did my own Shakeology study over a four month period on myself. I stopped my triglyceride meds and my thyroid meds. I replaced one meal a day every day for four months. My most recent bloodwork proves without a doubt that Shakeology's benefits outweighs it's $4 a day price. My triglycerides before starting my study were 550. I was hypothyroid as well. In my recent bloodwork, my triglycerides were 102, my total cholesterol was 180 and my TSH ( thyroid stimulating hormone) was normal. I also lost 26 lbs in that time. I have kept that weight off and I actually feel much better.

    Now you also say Beach Body is a pyramid scheme, if they were they'd be out of business because pyramids are illegal. So you want me to believe that Tony Horton ( the most successful fitness expert on the market with P90X), Shaun T of Insanity. chalene Johnson (30 years of fitness expertise) and Sagi Kavil ( certified Fitness trainer, Medical movement specialist and professional body Builder) are all scamming me?!! Wow!! I mean they totally took advantage of me by getting me off the couch and whipping my *kitten* into shape!! My coach seriously took advantage of me by convincing me to eat healthy, get fit, have more energy and be more focused in life!! Seriously these are awful people for scamming poor ol' me into being a better healthier person. Whatever your issues are with beach body, they sure do sound like you tried and failed because you thought it was an easy way to make cash. While I am not in the business portion at the moment I can honestly say my coach worked her *kitten* off for two years and is now making a six figure salary because of it. It's not for everyone but it has been proven that network marketing is the highest paying career in the world. I may not ever join in on it as I already have a career but I don't think less of my coach for doing it. She helped me make the changes I needed and motivated me every day, if that's being predatory and a scammer then I am all for it!!

    Complete BS
  • lsgibbs83
    lsgibbs83 Posts: 254 Member
    I know several people who have tried the Advocare 28 Day Challenge. My issue with this particular program is simple. The meal plans are incredibly restrictive. These ladies ended up preparing one meal for themselves and another for their husbands and kids. Also, any program that is so restrictive and low in calories that you need their rather expensive energy drinks cannot be healthy in the long run. They don't teach you how to plan you meals after you are finished with the plan and it would be next to impossible to dine out while on the plan. While they did lose some weight while on the program for 28 days, they all went back to their previous habits afterward. By the end of the 28 days they couldn't wait for it to be over!

    Reaching a healthy weight is a life long lifestyle commitment, not a temporary fix.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,915 Member
    I get up in the morning work out, shower, get ready for work and then get my daughter ready for daycare. I seriously have NO TIME in the morning so I do a Body By Vi shake (recommended from a friend) every morning, mostly for convenience. It is expensive but not as expensive as shakeology (from my understanding). It's your decision in the long run. I don't have any problems with my shakes but that's just me.
    I would just ask then, how do you teach your daughter to eat in the morning when the time comes? I'm sure you're not going to have her drink shakes for breakfast.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • slvrsrfr
    slvrsrfr Posts: 45 Member
    Winners prefer Soylent Green.

    Just sayin' :wink:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,915 Member
    Yes Medicus labs ( one of the top labs for clinical studies on health food in the Nation) did the clinical trials on Shakeology. Medicus has absolutely no affiliation with Beach Body. Though I suspect that if I said God did the study, you'd still say it was not real. Anyway, I did my own Shakeology study over a four month period on myself. I stopped my triglyceride meds and my thyroid meds. I replaced one meal a day every day for four months. My most recent bloodwork proves without a doubt that Shakeology's benefits outweighs it's $4 a day price. My triglycerides before starting my study were 550. I was hypothyroid as well. In my recent bloodwork, my triglycerides were 102, my total cholesterol was 180 and my TSH ( thyroid stimulating hormone) was normal. I also lost 26 lbs in that time. I have kept that weight off and I actually feel much better.
    Anecdotes aren't evidence. If you lost weight and change your dietary habits (beyond Shakeology ingestion), then that would attribute more to your results. And yes, it's that's actually been peer reviewed clinically studied and published.
    Medicus Lab ISN'T a recognized peer reviewed clinical evidence resource if you didn't know. They are a lab that's hired to test product under "instructed" circumstances. I would ask "where's the peer reviewed clinical study on Shakeology?" I haven't seen one. If there is one, please link it.
    Now you also say Beach Body is a pyramid scheme, if they were they'd be out of business because pyramids are illegal. So you want me to believe that Tony Horton ( the most successful fitness expert on the market with P90X), Shaun T of Insanity. chalene Johnson (30 years of fitness expertise) and Sagi Kavil ( certified Fitness trainer, Medical movement specialist and professional body Builder) are all scamming me?!! Wow!! I mean they totally took advantage of me by getting me off the couch and whipping my *kitten* into shape!! My coach seriously took advantage of me by convincing me to eat healthy, get fit, have more energy and be more focused in life!! Seriously these are awful people for scamming poor ol' me into being a better healthier person. Whatever your issues are with beach body, they sure do sound like you tried and failed because you thought it was an easy way to make cash. While I am not in the business portion at the moment I can honestly say my coach worked her *kitten* off for two years and is now making a six figure salary because of it. It's not for everyone but it has been proven that network marketing is the highest paying career in the world. I may not ever join in on it as I already have a career but I don't think less of my coach for doing it. She helped me make the changes I needed and motivated me every day, if that's being predatory and a scammer then I am all for it!!
    You're being scammed. Basic math will teach you that for multiple people to make money on a product (I'm not talking about the people in admin, shipping, packaging etc.) via upline, then the price of the product will have to have a high profit margin. So out of that $4.00 that one pays MAYBE $1.25 is the ceiling cost. So that leaves about $2.75 to go to everyone else..........except the "coach" that purchased it. "Coaches" are the MAIN SUPPORT INCOME for upline. Now granted some make money that they can survive solely on just promotion of sign ups of new "coaches", but the success rate is really no different than that of demographics of the US population. 1% are rich, 5% independently wealthy and the rest are just making it. You can apply that to any MLM company which are basically "legal" pyramid schemes.
    Also, no one can really "motivate" you. You can be encouraged, inspired, supported, cheered on, and forced, but motivation is an internal thing. A motivated person will overcome obstacles and setbacks and continues till the goal is done. There will be up and down days, but reaching goal is the purpose and no amount of encourage, inspiration, support, etc will help if the person that it's being done for DOESN'T want to do it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    No. Just no.

    Calorie deficit works great…and it's FREE.

    Oh and

  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Laughing out loud at all of the recruiting for these schemes that seems to be going on in here.

    Personally, I'm lazy. I'm one of those up and out the door in 5 minutes people. So I have the 14 oz GNC Total Lean shakes that I toss in my lunch bag when I head off to work. I drink it at my desk while doing my morning reports. I fully admit that I could be eating regular food if I wanted to get up a couple minutes earlier. But I don't. :D 170 cals, 25 g of protein, 6 g carbs, 6 g fat. And I buy the cases of 12 when they're Buy 1, Get 1 and usually because I stock up I get $25 off my $100 purchase. LOL
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Shakeology is expensive, but I endorse it. Replaced 1 meal a day for 4 months. Lost 75 pounds while using it and by eating right and with exercise. I credit Shakeology for helping curb cravings for unhealthy alternatives. It is also convenient, and a healthy alternative to what my traditional breakfast was - a bagel with peanut butter and jelly every work day with a can of pop. Shakeology claims to be a protein drink, but really, it is a balance between carbs and protein.

    There are those that will scoff at it but I'm a believer.

    Now I have moved on, and have since replaced my breakfast with Cellucor protein shake.

    Ever heard about "false dilemma"? There are other breakfast options than PBJ bagels, or shakes. And maybe the cravings stopped simply because you didn't have the carb heavy breakfast anymore? The pounds came off because you had a calorie deficit, not because you drank shakes.

    I personally prefer just food, sometimes even smoothies made with things that are food, but if shakes from powders works for you, and the price is right for you, that's great.
  • Hello all
    I have been with Team Beachbody for sometime. There are a couple of things I will agree with.
    1. Just a shake is a quick fix and as said, when you stop if your life style has not change to go with your weight loss then yes you will regain the weight.
    2. Exercise and Diet Will work but just like any other program or system you have to stay with it to be a success.
    What has not been said from what I have read and I have not read them all. Is that a good combination of Shake diet and fitness will work better then just fitness and diet. not saying it won't work. It just works better. If you truly weight the true pro/cons Beachbody has come up with a program that can work for all people they offer home works outs for beginners and pro's they offer the same products to help with your weight loss and muscle gain if you want it. They offer you all the tools on there website to help you with your fitness goals from diet to meal planning. and so much more. The people that put this product together have more knowledge and wisdom in there field then any one of you others that are putting it down. I am not a fitness expert. I am not a nutritionist or dietitian. What I am is someone that has lost over 56lbs doing this system and have kept it off I will drink Shakeology till the day I die cause I do know what's in it which some of you may not. Since on the shake I have no longer have headaches, my cholesterol has reversed and my blood pressure has dropped to a healthy level. The work outs and weight loss have also helped in all those areas that is why I say the program works. For the people that say it's expensive, Shakeology is a meal replacement. so take the cost of your daily food for that meal add a buck per day and tell me it's to expensive. I drink my shake in the morning breakfast at home would cost me about $3.00. times that by 30 is $90 for another 35.00 I bet its cheaper to do this the your gym membership. or personal trainer they push on you when at the gym or even more then the admin costs for the sign up. I can go on and on. We have support groups of like minded people to help and encourage you while you reach for your goal of weight loss and fitness. I'm sure some of you will try to put your Holes in what I say and that is ok. If you look at the world and the over weight crisis North America is in, I really don'T care how people get fit and healthy just do it. let's do this.!!!!!! it's all the about helping the world not just a one at a time as some of might do. You Should also Check your local gym too they might just be running a Beachbody class near you. I think that says it all right there. If they didn't work why are the Gym's picking them up. P90X, T25, over 25 of the work out programs. Have a great day and if you want to get fit and healthy in your own home and help others do the same. If you want to make some money by helping people. just as the other guys who went to school for there credentials. Mail me at
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    All three are total shams, for one reason or another. Overpriced, pyramid scheme, oversugared, etc.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    smurfbaker wrote: »
    With working both a full time and part time job and a sole support parent I find it challenging getting enough protein in which was why I was thinking their protein shakes would be helpful.. Any suggestions than as to what I could put into a shake for a meal replacement that could have 15-20 grams of protein ?

    You can eat protein bars--Met Rx Protein Plus bars are 30 grams of protein and around 300 calories, and they taste pretty good. Pure Protein and Detour bars are around 20 grams of protein and 200 calories
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    edited October 2014
    I looked into meal replacement shakes. I am NOT a morning person and I wanted something fast and convenient to grab in the mornings with protein. I ended up going with a NutriBullet Pro. I put veggies and fruits in individual baggies and keep them in the freezer ready to go. I toss the contents of a bag into my NutriBullet along with a cup of plain, Greek yogurt, and a tablespoon of chia seeds. Add my water or coconut water. Blend and I am out the door.

    It has been a great way to use up my surpluss of veggies that I haven't been able to make into meals. It works out to 20g of protein. I use strawberries or chunks of pre-cut, frozen mango and that really adds sweetness to it without me having to add any sugar, etc.

    Other things I get for convenience: I do order Core Power drinks off Amazon. Those things are expensive, but I like grabbing them for post work outs or if I am *really* pressed for time in the morning. I buy individual Hood cottage cheese containers (the one with chive in it is so f-ing tasty) and I do sometimes get big tubs and portion them out, but sometimes I just really need the convenience of buying them ready to go.

    My latest addition to convenience food are the packages of the little wraps - I think they are called "Rev". They have a meat or two and a cheese rolled up in a wrap. They have around 15 to 18g of protein. Those are great for something to grab. I found them on sale at my grocery store - three for $1.99. Target sells them, too, but for more money.

    Oh - and I DO give my son a smoothie from time to time. He is 5 and really picky, but likes my green smoothies.