This time is different

So today was the first day of my healthy lifestyle plan, I decided to finally sort all my paperwork and organize papers etc. As I was sorting through I came across a paper which listed the things I wanted to achieve by the end of 2012 1: LOSE WEIGHT BECOME 53kg. Read through it all and of course weight did not happen. Long story short, I found 52 PAPERS IN TOTAL with weight-loss timetables, food plans, me begging my self to stick to it and all of those were written in a 4 years timeline. And I did not stick to non... This time is very different because I will not will not let my self down again, my success and power is way more important than that disgusting full stomach feeling I've wasted all those years, missed my school prom and threw away school photo, on.


  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    You can do it!!! One of my favorite quotes is from Zig Ziggler and says, "The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is giving up what you want most for what you want now."

  • fitnessmalak
    fitnessmalak Posts: 45 Member
    Oh I love his books btw. And thank you x x x
  • gudkarma147
    it happens to everyone. the important thing is you can realize you gave up something and try again. took me about 5 years to finally change my eating habits. just lost 10kg in about 3 weeks too. somehow found the willpower. ^^
  • hellywelly14
    hellywelly14 Posts: 9 Member
    I can empathise, I have done time tables ect. MFP really works!