Ready for a little debate? I sure am!



  • FromGastricToFantastic
    PinkyPan1 wrote: »
    No argument from me. You can not wish for weight loss and expect not to have to put in the hard work and effort it takes to do it. To me wishing and willpower mean the same. I can wish to be thinner and fit and all the willpower in the world will not make it so. You have to want it bad enough and go for it. No one promised that this was going to be easy...where the hell is the fun in that?
    baconslave wrote: »
    100 right choices lead you to a place where making the right choice becomes easier.

    Consistency + time = Success.
    Yes. Willpower is a myth. Taking action every day actually gets you somewhere.

    Good blog post.

    You guys rock! No fun in the easy stuff.....the fun comes with accomplishment :)