
Kayakingtim Posts: 10 Member
edited October 2014 in Recipes

Have been using MFP for a good few years. During that time I have become increasingly frustrated with inputting homemade bread. I can put all the ingredients into the app but have to guess how many slices it will make and put that number in as how many it serves. This is pure guesswork as each slice is never equal when cutting by hand.

I'm sure it probably averages out over the course of a loaf (less so when it's for four of us). However, I wondered if I was missing a setting? Is there a way I can say it makes an X gram loaf and then when I slice it, I can weigh slices and get a much more accurate measure of my bread calorie et al intake?

Any help much appreciated.


  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    you could treat each gram as a 'serving'. a loaf that weights 100 grams is 100 servings. A 10g slice is 10 servings.
  • TheNoLeafClover
    TheNoLeafClover Posts: 335 Member
    When I create a recipe, I weigh the finished dish in grams and type it next to the recipe's name. Each time I weigh out a portion, I just divide the weight of the completed dish by the weight of that portion. I then type the resulting number into the "Number of Servings" box to get the exact calories for that serving.
  • Kayakingtim
    Kayakingtim Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks to the two of you, that is so simple and effective.... Can't believe I did not think about it! Maske perfect sense! Thanks!