Menopause -- it's all changing!



  • weight2go
    weight2go Posts: 92 Member
    51 and there. Add me if you wish.
  • Runagain_4
    Runagain_4 Posts: 97 Member
    Wow! I'm psyched by the friend requests off this post! Thanks ladies! At 5ft 6in, I weighed between 116 - 122 from the age of 16 to about 40. I never really weighed myself except at the doctor's. The night before giving birth I weighed 136 lbs. My mom kept on telling me it was in my genes ... she and all her female siblings were tiny 'til 40, then bam! Middle-age spread, mostly in the waist. Looks like I followed suit. I'm not looking to get down to that size again, and even though I knew I'd been gaining weight and my clothes didn't fit right, it was still a shock to step on the scale this summer (at 44) and register 149 lbs. It's not the weight that got to me so much as the way I felt. Sciatica, all the hormonal changes and a constant feeling of being bloated had me downright depressed these last two years. In July I started working with a personal trainer, walking before work with my hubby and just trying to eat and live healthier. I haven't seen the scale move much at all, but the difference in the way I feel has made it worth it. I'm looking forward to continuing on this path with this group of like-minded women. :smiley: