Ladies - - Curves Workout?

Hey All. Do any of you ladies work out at curves? I just found out there's one very near where I live, and I'm trying to decide if it's something I want to invest in. If you do, can you explain why you like it?


  • elg1982
    elg1982 Posts: 167 Member
    I did it during summers when I was in college, but I was not impressed. It's good for beginners, but if you have any level of fitness I would recommend something else. Curves has one workout and it is always the same. Once you plateau, there's not much that can be done to make it more difficult. It's not like you can add more weight, or try to run faster or for a farther distance.
  • nikibob
    nikibob Posts: 165 Member
    if you are new to working out or need low impact exercise, this is a great place to get it. when i started trying to get healthy i started here and loved it. i'm not sure about the new circuit they have since they have incorporated zumba into it recently but i found that after the first month or so my body wasn't being challenged enough by the workouts anymore. it was still a good (not great) cardio workout, but i wasn't seeing the benefits like i did in the beginning and the cost just wasn't worth it to me. also, i have heard many horror stories about how they insist you sign a year long contract and automatic payments from your checking account and if you end up not wanting to finish the year, they continue to charge for the year you agreed to. not sure if this was just with my local curves or not, but i would be wary of any contracts they offer!
  • 0Jaime0
    0Jaime0 Posts: 26
    I had the same experience as the ladies above - it's good to start off as a first exercise, but once I got going I plateued and it was very frustrating. No matter how hard I worked those machines, nothing happened after I had been there for a couple of months. And yes, beware of their payment policies with taking it out of your checking account every month - I decided it wasn't the right workout program for me after I saw no results, but I had to end up paying until my contract was over. Good luck :)
  • jgoldie88
    jgoldie88 Posts: 5 Member
    I agree with all of the ladies above. If I recall correctly, you're a pretty athletic person, Jess - at least more so than I am. You need something that will continue to challenge you. And, considering that Curves costs about as much per month as an actual gym, your money's better spent at the gym where you can continue to push yourself further and harder as you get more in shape. :)

    Basically, Curves makes their money off of women who get duped into thinking it's a great program for the long term, sign up for year long contracts, and then quit coming after a month or two (but still have to pay)...
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    I am also in agreement with the above posters. I worked out at Curves a few years ago while doing weight watchers. The two combined were affective to the point that I lost about 15 lbs. But eventually it got boring and I lost interest. Also, the one that was local to me had quite a large number of senior aged women who worked out there. Kudos to them for staying active, but they were often a bit slow about getting off a machine and moving to a platform. It was a little frustrating to those of us who had a little more spring in our step. The 30 minute workout would usually take a bit more and you lost momentum waiting those extra few seconds to get on your machine.

    If you are interested in circuit training, lots of full service gyms have them now as well.
