Last chance

Hello all. This is my last ditch effort to keep myself on track. I am an ex-gymnast with arthritis in my knees, elbows, wrists, and worst of all my left ankle. I really miss working out, and need help staying on track being a single mother who can find any excuse to both over-eat, and not work out. Especially if my body already hurts.

I don't always over-eat, but when I do I can't stop. I sometimes stop in the middle and think I can't fit anything else in my stomach without it bursting open on the inside, and then...five minutes later I'm thinking about something else that sounds good to eat, and yet another five more and I'm searching the fridge and cabinets. It later hurts just to breathe because I've loaded so much in my body. I never throw up though. I always just keep it in. Other days I won't eat anything until dinner, and even then it's not much.

I really need help from others who have gone through these same issues. It's like I need AA only for over-eaters.


  • Nettabee
    Nettabee Posts: 296 Member
    It sounds like you should talk to a professional about your binge eating. Online personal accounts from strangers won't really help you work through your own personal issues, even if it it just self control problems.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    yep I think food is our drug. I am trying to find enjoyment in other things besides eating whether it is the gym, biking, hiking, shopping, etc. I am trying to set boundaries with myself saying No (I know easier said that done). You can stop, if I can anyone can, just change your mindset to I have to take care of myself. Care about yourself. Try to figure out why you want to keep hurting yourself. Probably something else you want and it is not food, could be bored, lonely,aggravated. With me I have to learn I can get thru stuff without food.
  • AshleySDJ
    AshleySDJ Posts: 63 Member
    you can do it! Just keep your mind and chin up and beat those bad habits! Feel free to add me if you would like!! :)
  • raysputin
    raysputin Posts: 142 Member
    In the past, I also had difficulty walking past something tasty.
    I also can only do a little exercise due to arthritis and dioxin poisoning which causes my body difficulty with maintaining temperature during extended exercise.
    I tried many techniques to get rid of the weight but nothing worked.

    It got to the point where I was ready to give up but something snapped in my brain and I became ruthlessly determined to get rid off my excess weight.

    Finally, I found this site and it has been a godsend. By recording my food and then being shown just what I was eating, I have been able to make educated choices about my eating habits.

    Two of the successful techniques that I have used is to not buy contra-indicated foods in the first place and convince others to keep the contra-indicated foods that they buy out of sight.

    I am currently losing about 900grams each week by food intake alone. It CAN be done!

    I'm not saying it is easy because it is not. I think that losing weight is more mental than physical - when you are mentally ready to lose weight you will do what it takes physically.
  • GreenPirogue
    GreenPirogue Posts: 7 Member
    First, I would recommend you talking to a professional about your binge eating. This is a serious health problem, and they have the training in order to help you. Your doctor should be able to recommend someone (and put in a referral if your health insurance covers it).

    Second, for people who are reading the responses, I read a book last year called "The Power of Habit", and this is not for binge eating, but to understand and work to change habits. So if a habit is eating ice cream each night or stopping by the Quickie Mart for candy on the way home, you can strategize how to change your habits. <- not related to binge eating but may be of interest.