personal issue... need some help



  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    I can't see your diary, but you appear to be doing well in your weight loss efforts. Of course fruits and veggies & making healthy choices are important...good for you for working on it. The people who are criticizing your food choices may want to hide their own diaries before pointing fingers :P I found them quite amusing.
    Hmmm...I could have sworn your question was about how to poop, not how to improve your food choices.
    You were very kind in your response to them, Crystal :flowerforyou:
    I am just gonna put this out there, you take it for what it is worth. It is gonna sound mean but it is totally unbias. You may be under or at (freakishly you are within 2 calories or right on daily) but what you are eatiing is horrible. There are limited fruits and vegetables.

    Your sugar intake is very high. Your sodium levels are very high. You need to take a look at what you are eating and making sure that you are still eating from all of the food categories.

    There are many underlying health conditions that cause this issue as well so I would increase the fruits and veggies, drink half of your body weight in ounces of water a day, and take the mirax or metamusil (spelling??) and see if that makes a different. If not, I would make an appointment to discuss this with a professional.

    I really don't mean this to sound the way that it does. I don't know how else to say it. Good luck

    ok, what I eat isn't THAT bad. I admit, I've gotten fast food once or twice, and I'm trying to do better. I'm not really a big fruits and veggies kinda person... but I'm working on it. Avoiding chinese, mexican, and other fast foods is hard for me because that's what my diet used to consist of.

    The days my sugar intake is high are the days I go to starbucks (which now that it's been brought to my attention, I will be cutting out except for once a week). I stay under the recommended sodium intake on here most days.

    Changing eating habits that have been in place for a long time is difficult, and this is a struggle... BUT... I'm down over 20 lbs now and almost 1/3 of the way to my goal which is better than I had expected.
  • pricegirls4
    Hi, i have heard from my doc, that too much fiber can block you up. Just up your water intake. I've always had issues and since i bumped up my h2o i have been much better. Hope this helps, nothing more painfull that bowel issues.
  • kcmurray
    kcmurray Posts: 33 Member
    I always mix Miralax with orange juice and I can't even taste it. Hope things get better for you!