New to FitnessPal

Hi All,
I'm new to fitnesspal and absolutely love it. I'm currently doing the Medifast Diet to get the post-baby weight off then with work on maintaining. My exercise, though limited due to a c-section 4 weeks ago, is somewhat mild and am easing in with my Wii Fit. If anyone does their exercises on Wii Fit let me know, we'll get a little friendly competition going....FUN!

Good luck and happy healthy living.


  • susiekusie
    Hi Julie (and everyone else)!

    I'm new to fitnesspal also. No excuse for my weight. I've just let myself go for WAY too long. Congrats on your new baby! I have not gotten up the courage to start exercising but I am starting to count my calories and track all my food. I know that's a big problem for me. So, here's some good luck for all of us!!!!!!! :):):):):):)

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • jentidd
    jentidd Posts: 80
    Hello, I'm new this week also, but already loving it!