How do hungry people sustain unnaturally low weights



  • vegasgyrl79971
    Like a previous poster said. If someone offered me 5 million dollars and told me I had to lose 20lbs, guess what? I am doing anything humanly possible to get there. Money is the motivating factor for most. Some are narcissitic and thrive off the adoration of looking a certain way.
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    How celebs and actresses (many of whom are not rich enough to have private chefs, full time personal trainers, etc) get so insanely thin:

    Pressure. You want that role, you keep seeing it go to competitors who are 0 or 00, you get the message.

    Anorexia. Flat-out no eating for days. And if you do eat something, get rid of it fast.

    Drugs. Particularly the hard stuff (think Walter White). Anything to keep from eating.

    Whenever I read some starlet say, "I do light yoga and walk my dog," I cringe. Because there's a 99.9% chance she's NOT. Really, really.
  • terar21
    terar21 Posts: 523 Member
    Yeah, it's money and fame. They are VERY motivating factors. If I had an agent and he told me "I've spoken to producers and you need to drop 20 pounds to get that role that pays a million dollars," that 20 pounds would be GONE. We all know the strategies they use from the ones who are nice enough to admit it and not lie to us claiming they are so thin from "hiking a few times a week" or "just watching what they eat." Yeah you watch it, smell it...and you don't eat it lol. If you drink lemon water for breakfast, tomatoes and a couple cubes of cheese for lunch, and 1 chicken breast for dinner, indeed you will lose that weight lol.

    That's why some of them are rumored to be so rude. They're hungry. I get angry when my boyfriend grabs a giant bite of my food...I can't imagine how mad they are when they diet.

    And as another poster mentioned, there are those that use substance assistance and pills sadly.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Some of them go up and down a little within a certain range. I remember an actor talking about going out for cheeseburgers on the last day of filming a movie.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    brynnsmom wrote: »
    It's important to remember that these people have lots of free time and unlimited financial resources. If I didn't sit at a desk all day and had excessive amounts of money, I'd be in the gym for hours with my PT and head home to a meal prepped by a personal chef, too.

    I don't really think maintaining a low weight means you have to be hungry, either. I'm pretty thin (107 lbs. at 5' 2") and I eat at least 1700 calories a day with just moderate exercise (walking) a few days a week. I found losing the "vanity pounds" to be much harder than maintaining my goal weight.

    Everyone is different, though. See. When I was 107 lbs, even eating what I eat now to maintain my current weight, I felt hungry. All the time. Because I wasn't meant to be 107 lbs.

    The only real answer to this thread is... they lose their sanity doing so. They can smile, and pretend they're sane and happy. But I doubt they really are. If you try to maintain an image that is not natural to your physical and mental state of being, you are eventually going to break.
  • ajnb88
    ajnb88 Posts: 339 Member
    Someone I work with suffers from a pretty severe ED, and it's only recently that she admitted she's pretty much constantly dizzy, tired, weak, and feeling sick. Thing is, it's so ingrained in her now that for her it's worth it.
  • ILoveGingerNut
    ILoveGingerNut Posts: 367 Member
    they do binge. they just don't work every day of the year like us, so you don't get to see them when they have some extra weight.
  • LilyOfTheValley008
    LilyOfTheValley008 Posts: 95 Member
    Well I can kind of understand how it would feel to have your appearance and weight constantly under scrutiny as a celebrity. Imagine having a cheat day and then seeing yourself on a magazine cover with "so and so piling on the pounds" or something. God.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I recall Demi Moore saying that being in shape and fit was her job. She approached working out and looking great as her work. I thought that was well stated. Also many actors lose weight for a role and gain some back right after..they talk about it all the time.

    As for personal chefs and trainers? Oprah has had those her entire career. That's all I'll say on that.

    But for us typical folk.. we have to decided where we want to land with weight goal. For me.. i want to enjoy my life..which means food too. I don't know for sure how much I'll lose…because i don't want to be stuck eating 1200 calories, which i know can't be sustained.

  • onionparsleysage
    onionparsleysage Posts: 103 Member
    Because they need to.

    If my boss would fire me for gaining weight, you'd bet your bottom dollar that I'd be obsessively dieting! There are all sorts of challenges to reaching our dreams. I don't need to lose weight to reach my dream job, but I do pull 24-36 hour shifts when needed. How? Because I need to. Being sleep deprived for a few days is better than giving up on my dream.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I don't think that it is remotely healthy to do that, and it's not something you should see as being desirable or better than what you're doing.

    Aim to be healthy, and aim to love and appreciate yourself for the shape that you are when you're at a healthy body fat percentage and are fit and strong. Not everyone has the same frame size (width of the skeleton, i.e. shoulders, pelvis, rib cage) and frame size does not always correlate with height (models are tall and small framed. people can be short and large framed, and all other combinations). So the fact that you have a 25 inch waist and some model has a 24 inch waist doesn't mean anything. If you're at a healthy body fat percentage and you're generally fit and strong, then that's just the shape you're meant to be, and you may actually be quite a bit healthier than the model you're comparing yourself to.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I think the best advice I ever got in my entire life was to be the best me I could be. I think that means figuring it out and doing it in my own time. I am going with fit and strong these days. And feeling better at age 56 than I did at age 36.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    There is no such thing as a 'hungry person'. We are people. We have different personalities, but hungry is a temporary state, not a personality trait. Hunger once having eaten sufficient food is largely borne out of gluttony and desires to think about food.
  • ekat120
    ekat120 Posts: 407 Member
    Well the Internet says Julianne Moore's actually 5'3" but I know that's not really your point
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    These Hollywood Actresses seem to just live off Fish, Salads and Veg.
    I'd be miserable on that diet! :\