Looking for fitness/nutrition buddies

Hey all,

I've recently started using MFP again after a few months and I'm looking for friends!

I used to be 20lbs overweight and very out of shape, but with the help of MFP I've pretty much met my weight goal (just 2 lbs left) and now I'm focusing mostly on exercising regularly (both cardio and strength) and making sure I have a very healthy balanced diet.

I've ordered a Fitbit (will be aiming for 10k steps a day) and I'm also about to start my 3rd week of Rushfit, which is a P90X-like home exercise program that focuses on functional training, strength and MMA-style fighting (doing the "advanced" version which includes working out 6 days/week plus 1-2 days of jogging).

I want to become lean and muscular and have a balanced diet, and it would be cool to make friends with people who have the same goals as me. If your main goal is also to gain more muscle and improve your nutrition (rather than mainly lose weight) feel free to add me as a friend!


  • fwhittaker
    fwhittaker Posts: 104 Member
    Hi there, welcome back and congratulations on your success! I recently bought a fitbit too, and it's really inspiring me to do lots more exercise. I also downloaded the P90x program after hearing so many people on here talk about it. After watching some of the videos, I think I will definitely need to shape up a bit more before attempting it! I'll send you a friend request :-)
  • shibainugal
    shibainugal Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, welcome back! I'm also starting up with GSP Rushfit again. (I've done it in the past, but it's been about 4-6 months since I last went through it). I'm doing the intermediate program this go around. Just finished day 1 of week 1.
  • scarletpride16
    Just sent you a friend request man!
  • kmartonexo
    Ill send you a request :)