Mother of twins finding it hard to exersize

I am a stay at home mom with twin 18 month olds. The boys ware me out lol. By the time I could work out it's bed time for them and I just want to relax. I've tried getting up before them and they hear me and wake up. I am just starting out too. Any advice! Also feel free to add me too! I need all the help I can get lol. I haven't been this heavy since I was prego with my twins. It's sad


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    caloric deficit is all that is required for weight loss. If you want to add in exercise, put those two in a stroller and walk.
  • CdnRower
    CdnRower Posts: 28 Member
    You do what I call "Mommy Cardio". Seeing my sister in law run after our nieces, I'd say your activity level is just fine. Tweak your diet and the pounds will come off.
  • LabAgility
    LabAgility Posts: 120 Member
    I put my kids in the BOB and take a walk.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Sell them on Ebay.
  • mags080611
    mags080611 Posts: 126 Member
    OdesAngel wrote: »
    Sell them on Ebay.

  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    I agree with the stroller and walking idea. When my boys were little, I even took them out in the stroller in the snow just to get out of the house. A nice big mall works too in the winter. Trying to find a mother's group so you can trade off to get some time to exercise by yourself is a good plan too. 20 minute videos during nap time helps as well, maybe split it up in 5 minute increments when they are awake (because I know you can't get in more than that when they are awake). It's hard, but even getting on the floor with them while they crawl/walk around to do some leg lifts, crunches, stretching adds up over time. Just make it a goal to add SOMETHING in for 15 - 20 minutes daily. Don't stress yourself out thinking you have to do long sessions to get results.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    edited October 2014
    playing, dancing, strolling, bike rides with trailer, classes for moms and kids, swimming, gym with childcare, naptime workout, parents group (taking turns with childcare)

    I just had singletons and they wore me out.

    I agree with CdnRower, you probably are doing a lot of exercise already just watcing them
  • aliwhalen
    aliwhalen Posts: 150 Member
    First off, take it easy on yourself! I have 4 kids, and number '3' we got a bonus baby. I'm almost 24 months postpartum from my twins and FINALLY have lost the baby weight from my three pregnancies. To be perfectly honest, for me it's been almost exclusively done with calorie restriction. I calorie cycle which works wonderfully for me. Otherwise, I chase the boys around at the park, we go for walks together when the weather is nice and I do lots of lifting them over my head and squats while holding them.

    I lost most of my weight this summer and then took off the MFP training wheels in an effort to see if I could manage without calorie counting. It went just fine and I maintained within a few pounds of my 'goal' weight. I started again so that I can keep track of my calories during the holiday season because while I want to enjoy the season's offerings I don't want to gain 10 pounds back!

    Feel free to friend me. I know the struggle but know it's also possible to defeat the weight!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Find a gym with a good babysitting area... lifesaver for me.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    mags080611 wrote: »
    I am a stay at home mom with twin 18 month olds. The boys ware me out lol. By the time I could work out it's bed time for them and I just want to relax. I've tried getting up before them and they hear me and wake up. I am just starting out too. Any advice! Also feel free to add me too! I need all the help I can get lol. I haven't been this heavy since I was prego with my twins. It's sad

    First, make sure you're logging all your food accurately, and your weight loss goals are healthy for the amount you have to lose. Also make sure your activity level is set correctly; with one and a half year old twins, you definitely aren't sedentary, and probably aren't considered lightly active! I babysat four year old twins last week for only 4-5 hours, and good lord...that was a workout in itself.

    Echoing above suggestion to go to a gym with a babysitting area, if they have it, and to also incorporate them into walks outside. If you can't do either one, I've always found doing crunches or light exercises in front of the TV during commercials to be an awesome way to fit in exercise into my day.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I got up at 4:45am everyday so I could exercise and shower in peace when mine was younger, since naps don't happen in our house and I was too exhausted to work out at night. If you want to exercise and not just rely on diet alone, find a way to make it fit into your day. There are plenty of 30 min workouts out there that you can do at home.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Pop those babies in a stroller and walk. Outside, at the mall, wherever.

    Pop them into high chairs with a snack and do fifteen minutes of exercise tapes.

    If you can join a gym with a day care, do that.

    It know how tiring it is to run around after two toddlers all day, every day. But you can squeeze in short bursts of exercise, if you commit to it. At first, exercising will make you more tired at the end of the day, but after a couple weeks, you'll find that you have MORE energy on a daily basis.

    You can do it, mom! Good luck!
  • smartin23503
    mags080611 wrote: »
    I am a stay at home mom with twin 18 month olds. The boys ware me out lol. By the time I could work out it's bed time for them and I just want to relax. I've tried getting up before them and they hear me and wake up. I am just starting out too. Any advice! Also feel free to add me too! I need all the help I can get lol. I haven't been this heavy since I was prego with my twins. It's sad

    So I have twin 18 month boys too! I work full time, so I workout in the AM before work, or when it's my day off I workout when I sit them down for breakfast. I also take them out and run around the front yard with them playing "monster" as my 5 year old would call it. I also walk when I have the oppertunity, for example I walk my son to school in the mornings when I am off, and put the boys in their stroller and walk them to pick up their big brother in the afternoon. Believe me you do more cardio then you think lol I know between then twins, my eldest son, and our dog my days are full of cardio. :wink:
  • queenofthedancehall
    Try incorporating the babies into small workout moments. My sister has twins. They use to love when she would do her pushups over them. Every time she would go down she would give one a kiss or give him belly kisses. When they started walking she would crawl behind them on her hands and knees and they thought it was a game. Im sure you get more than enough exercise so just watch what you eat. Also try to nap when you put them down to nap. I know its hard but being sleep-deprived can cause weight gain also. good luck hun.
  • mandimahoney5
    I am a stay-at-home mom of a 24 month old. What I do is get up two hours before she will get up (5:30 am). I have a treadmill at home and I will walk an 30 mins-hour in the morning while watching tv.

    Then at naptime or after dinner when lo goes to bed, I will spend another half an hour walking on the treadmill.

    If you don't have one at home And what one check craigslist.

    One more thing I do is I have a gym membership at LA fitness the membership only cost $29 a month and it is a extra $10 for daycare. You can place your child in the daycare up to two hours a day while you were in the facility. So maybe 2 to 3 times a week me and my little girl will go to LA fitness I will work out while she gets to play with other kids for about an hour or so.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    I'm a SAHM of 3. 2 of which are Irish twins, lol. Kind of.

    It's going to be hard, but workout in the morning. If i had to workout at night it would never get done. I'm too physically and mentally exhausted. And your kids will be all over you when you workout. Just take a deep breath, have patience, and do what you can. Even if it's just squatting with them in the ergo, or baby hammer curls. Eventually they will lose interest in you while exercising and go play. But for now mommy doing high kicks and jumps is fun, and they want to help.

    Just keep trying different times, routines, options until you find one that fits for you. And don't expect to do anything start to finish with 18 month olds. Lol. Just do what you can. I can usually run two miles on my treadmill in 20 minutes, but with my kids around and how many times I have to stop, it's more like 40. Haha.

  • marcihaynes695
    marcihaynes695 Posts: 3 Member
    I have 7 month old twin girls (: i put them in the playpen in the same room im working out in (: i would get one of those big baby gate play yards and put them in there that way you dont have to worry about them getting into stuff ! Good luck momma you can do it