Looking for Some Positive Friends

I've been a member of MFP for *gasp* 4 years now, and have made many attempts at a lifestyle change. I haven't had friends from the community besides a couple family members that are also on the site. I welcome positive friends who are on the same path. I think the community aspect will be helpful in this journey and look forward to supporting others as well. :smiley:


  • EveFlowergirl
    EveFlowergirl Posts: 1,491 Member
    Hey. I just came back to mfp after a two year hiatus. I will be your friend. Let's make this a wicked positive journey supporting each other.
  • Chjimb_74
    Hi, I've been on mfp for about 4 months and lost 38lb so far. I couldn't have done it without my mfp friends for support and the support I give them.
    Please add me as your friend because everyday is a good day when you wake up.
    See you soon
  • kimberleyxkwx
    Hi, I have just restarted after many failed attempts at losing weight but feeling positive at the moment and ready to change, so hopefully having positive people around me on here will help! x
  • Yasbox45
    Yasbox45 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi. I have roughly (haven't weighed in weeks) 20 lbs to lose. I lost 42 lbs up to July 2013 then lost the plot after Christmas. I've been yoyoing since with a high fat low carb approach but it doesn't fit into my active family life. I'm mentally preparing to shed the pounds with a calories in / out method and think some friends on here might help. Feel free to add me. I'm UK based and enjoy cycling, music, yoga and going to concerts.
  • alizon62
    alizon62 Posts: 20 Member
    Am back for third time but more determined than ever and would love some more friends, please feel free to add me, Alison
  • sheiladott
    sheiladott Posts: 25 Member
    You can add me :)
  • Cantaloupe321
    Cantaloupe321 Posts: 53 Member
    I love having the positive community linked to this app. You and anyone else is more than welcome to add me too!
  • kaseasteele
    kaseasteele Posts: 86 Member
    You're welcome to add me!
  • hannah6109
    Hey...i just joined the site..about 3 days ago.
    I'd be happy to give you some motivation or tips. I've lost close to
    11 pounds in the last 2 months.
    I want to lose another 16-20 pounds.
    Your can add me...I need a strong support system too!
  • annangelich
    annangelich Posts: 402 Member
    Hey, I have been a member since 2011, ended up giving up and gaining it all and then some back. I have been on my new journey to a better lifestyle for 20 days. I love the support and encouragement I get from my friends on here, it makes it that much easier to be present everyday. You can add me if you would like. Happy losing.
  • valerie58
    valerie58 Posts: 149 Member
    I also just restarted. I have 30 lbs to lose.
  • lyrics09
    lyrics09 Posts: 217 Member
    I like to think I'm a very cheery/positive person- at least what everyone seems to tell me. I log daily and all that. I am always welcoming new buddies on here; its a great support system complete a team of cheerleaders :wink:

    Got a ways to go so I'll be around. GL!
  • badham72
    badham72 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi. I'm new here too. Finding it difficult with no friends on this site. Feel free to add me!
  • kerrirob1
    kerrirob1 Posts: 23 Member
    Hello. I just restarted my weight loss journey (yet again). I have roughly 35-40lbs to lose. Feel free to add me!