Why do some people lose weight on diet alone or working out alone

So in the past I've realized that workout is a breeze to me,it's very easy and a big stress reliever.I used it previously but still ate the same and didn't really lose much weight.Well last summer I had been dieting and working out and believe it or not had lost like 30 pounds in a month and a half.It was very shocking because still to this day those were the best results.Even after I had stopped working out cause of school, I was still losing fairly fast.I suppose for a boy it's not that strange to drop wait quickly with a calorie deflict but my question is this;Do certain people have one that works more than the other. I've heard of guys who eat like pigs but go to the gym and all is well.But I don't really need to workout,just eat low calorie and I lose fast.

I know both is the best results in the big picture yet I still wanted to know why is it like that for some and have you guys know people like this?


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    It's a calculation that is all about calorie deficit

    Eat less than you use and you will lose weight

    So if I'm eating 2000 cals and burning 2500 a week I'll lose weight

    But if I'm only burning 2000 I won't

    Its easier to control calories in more accurately than calories out tbh
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    It's a calculation that is all about calorie deficit

    Eat less than you use and you will lose weight

    So if I'm eating 2000 cals and burning 2500 a week I'll lose weight

    But if I'm only burning 2000 I won't

    Its easier to control calories in more accurately than calories out tbh

    Yep. I exercise a lot and when my eating is going way out of control it becomes clear that I have to rein things in a bit! Also sometimes people may eat "a lot of food" but are not necessarily consuming a lot of calories. Hence the people you saw eating a ton of food - that very well could have been their only meal of the day, or if you weren't well versed in counting calories it's possible they simply were not consuming *that* many calories

  • RockyDGoliday
    RockyDGoliday Posts: 35 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    It's a calculation that is all about calorie deficit

    Eat less than you use and you will lose weight

    So if I'm eating 2000 cals and burning 2500 a week I'll lose weight

    But if I'm only burning 2000 I won't

    Its easier to control calories in more accurately than calories out tbh

    Yep. I exercise a lot and when my eating is going way out of control it becomes clear that I have to rein things in a bit! Also sometimes people may eat "a lot of food" but are not necessarily consuming a lot of calories. Hence the people you saw eating a ton of food - that very well could have been their only meal of the day, or if you weren't well versed in counting calories it's possible they simply were not consuming *that* many calories

    Ahh. My close friend had this big problem of how she wanted to lose sooooo much and she never ate.Well she did but she ate like a bird but was still overweight.Started jogging and then the whole game changed for her.My friend Dakato eats so much a day like pizzas,sodas,carbs,and just alot of processed food but he burns it by just going to the gym 4 times a week.I know calories in and calories out but I was thinking do people's bodies respond to things better than others.I also have another friend who had went vegan and lost so much weight even tho she was dieting and working out her body really didn't go up or not untill she turned vegan.Basically I'm thinking you really have to know your body and what works and stick to it.Like when I eat 1200 calories my body feels like it's starving and I may lose weight that first to days but it stops.Wasn't till I started 1500-1700 that it responded the way I want and consistently started losing a pound or to a week.
  • RockyDGoliday
    RockyDGoliday Posts: 35 Member
    edited October 2014
    Really I can gain weight and lose it fast.Idk if that's good or bad but I've had times where if I just truly focused then I would see results I wanted but the moment I feel off track I'd gain it back.I know water weight is a thing and I always take that in to consideration.I have lost 15 pounds before and just two weeks from diet and walking around but I gained it back about two weeks also.Since I'm so tall no one really notices I guess but I've had morning where I've had that pair of jeans that literally feel so loose turn into tight in only a week span haha.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    You have to be in a calorie deficit. Whether you create that deficit through diet alone or diet and exercise, it needs to be there. Peoples' bodies do not respond differently, this is the same for all human beings. The ones who needed to add in exercise to start losing were eating more than they thought and were not in a calorie deficit. The ones who had to eliminate foods to lose were eating more than they thought and were not in a calorie deficit.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    edited October 2014
    Really I can gain weight and lose it fast.Idk if that's good or bad but I've had times where if I just truly focused then I would see results I wanted but the moment I feel off track I'd gain it back.I know water weight is a thing and I always take that in to consideration.I have lost 15 pounds before and just two weeks from diet and walking around but I gained it back about two weeks also.Since I'm so tall no one really notices I guess but I've had morning where I've had that pair of jeans that literally feel so loose turn into tight in only a week span haha.

    I don't think you can chalk it all to water weight. This is a very common thing we see around here. People overly restrict, only want to eat chicken and veg because that's how to lose weight. But then when you "give in" and enjoy a burger and fries and drinks with a friend - oh no! I've fallen off the band wagon so what's the point of trying! Then they truly consume all the food in copious quantities

    If you allow yourself more calories a) you'll be able to fit more things when you want them. I'm not saying go eat a tub of icecream everyday, but it's nice that our *long term* journey will allow this time time to time. Shoot, I forgot what b) was

    Did you get a food scale? Somebody once had a theory that when people increase their calories, they may actually lose more weight, not because of increasing cals but because they get a scale, and get more meticulous about their logging. So I say I'm eating 1200, no scale, no accurate entries from the database. Then in six months I'm like this is BS, I'm getting no results. I post asking for help and its suggested that I increase to 1500 and log carefully using a food scale. Before, I may really have been consuming 2200 per day. But now I'm more like a true 1600-ish and actually losing weight. I'll credit wiseguy I think is his name for this theory. Another possibility is that you've just not allowed enough time for your body to shed the weight - weight loss is not linear. But you shouldn't have been eating 1200 anyway so I'm glad to hear you increased!
  • RockyDGoliday
    RockyDGoliday Posts: 35 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Really I can gain weight and lose it fast.Idk if that's good or bad but I've had times where if I just truly focused then I would see results I wanted but the moment I feel off track I'd gain it back.I know water weight is a thing and I always take that in to consideration.I have lost 15 pounds before and just two weeks from diet and walking around but I gained it back about two weeks also.Since I'm so tall no one really notices I guess but I've had morning where I've had that pair of jeans that literally feel so loose turn into tight in only a week span haha.

    I don't think you can chalk it all to water weight. This is a very common thing we see around here. People overly restrict, only want to eat chicken and veg because that's how to lose weight. But then when you "give in" and enjoy a burger and fries and drinks with a friend - oh no! I've fallen off the band wagon so what's the point of trying! Then they truly consume all the food in copious quantities

    If you allow yourself more calories a) you'll be able to fit more things when you want them. I'm not saying go eat a tub of icecream everyday, but it's nice that our *long term* journey will allow this time time to time. Shoot, I forgot what b) was

    Did you get a food scale? Somebody once had a theory that when people increase their calories, they may actually lose more weight, not because of increasing cals but because they get a scale, and get more meticulous about their logging. So I say I'm eating 1200, no scale, no accurate entries from the database. Then in six months I'm like this is BS, I'm getting no results. I post asking for help and its suggested that I increase to 1500 and log carefully using a food scale. Before, I may really have been consuming 2200 per day. But now I'm more like a true 1600-ish and actually losing weight. I'll credit wiseguy I think is his name for this theory. Another possibility is that you've just not allowed enough time for your body to shed the weight - weight loss is not linear. But you shouldn't have been eating 1200 anyway so I'm glad to hear you increased!

    I may have "drastic" weight lost goals but I'm still going to try to reach them healthly,you know.Someone told me now won't be the problem,losing weight will be easy untill I get to like 170 or 165 because I'm going to have to restruict so much to manage to reach 140.I am starting to accept that being small framed is more so of a genetics thing.I have really broad shoulders and come from a family who have alot of tall men in it.None of have ever been lower than 6'2 and none have ever been low in weight as far as 210,My dad said the lowest he ever got was 190 and that was when he was in prison,lifting and even eating really good yet he just wasn't geared to be small. I haven't got a scale yet because so far I'm doing well like I'm seeing actual results day by day.Plus,I don't know if this is everyone but I lose weight in a certain place first and always use it as my vindication.Like my face and cheek bones get very defined as I lose and even now at 238(this morning!) I can see my rib cage when I stretch out.So that's kinda showing me that maybe I am being a tad drastic.Alot of people say "Oh I need to lose SO MUCH" but really they didn't at all haha.I think for me it's just the reassurance that no one would ever be able to call me fat again at 140.They may say "Ew look at those bones" or anything but not fat even tho i'd look fine at 160-175.Not to mention i'm still growing,I'm suppose to get up to 6'4 or 6'5.Plus I've just always been the biggest person in a room before and I'm so tired of it like it makes me feel so insecure.I don't even think I'm ugly it's just I'd look,dress,and feel alot better at a lower weight.
  • RockyDGoliday
    RockyDGoliday Posts: 35 Member
    I will never be one of those people who "Just eat healthy" like I know it's good for you and I love healthy food but I believe if you rob yourself of the things you like then you'll eventually end up binging or rediscovering them and they'll be better than ever.I want to be able to say I had ate healthy all day but still be able to grab some pizza with friends every now and then.I don't want to me a nut or a slave to certain things.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Well hopefully by now you know why we can't discuss your lower weight goals (you know first hand what happens to your topics whether I agree with it or not). But I'm glad you're coming to terms with realistic and hopefully healthy goals.

    If you're getting results you like that's great. But just the same I'd tell someone who was upset they didn't *lose* 2 lbs, it's not always the short term day to day fluctuations that matter.

    Btw, thanks for making me feel bad you tall SOB. Just kidding. But not really :bigsmile:
  • SyzygyX
    SyzygyX Posts: 189 Member
    edited October 2014
    "Fat" does not mean "ugly," and it concerns me that you'd be okay with people saying "Ew, look at those bones" as long as they don't call you fat. If you're really anticipating hitting 6'4 or 6'5, a goal weight of 140 pounds is far too low. I believe you said you're 6'2 right now; 140 pounds is still pretty underweight for that height, especially if you're from a larger boned family and have a naturally larger frame. By all means, develop a healthy relationship with food and activity, but please also work on having a healthy relationship with your natural body and its preferences.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    Weight loss is all about a calorie deficit. Exercising is more about good health and shaping your body. It also allows you to eat more as you burn calories.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Right. Because being called "bony" or "skinny" or anything else in a derogatory manner is a-ok as long as it's not "fat." Seriously, read through the site and see some of the horrific things that have been said to people who are at a lower weight or have issues gaining weight. Things aren't sunshine and roses just because you're thin, nor do hurtful comments hurt any less.

    I tried to explain this in your last post that was deleted - at your height, you will be able to achieve the look you desire at a much higher weight than 140 lbs. Losing to 140 lbs will not only make you look sick, but you would most likely end up making yourself physically sick to achieve that weight. No one cares if you're 140 lbs if you hair is falling out and you look like 50 miles of bad road. And for male models, the ones on the higher end of the height range are also on the higher end of the weight range. Your goal should be health, not a number on the scale.

    Please follow the advice given to you about how to lose weight in a healthy manner, and on another note: get a life. I don't mean that in the insulting sense, I mean find something meaningful to do with your time. Volunteer with a cause that is close to your heart. Take a dance class or art class or acting class or writing class or martial arts class - any kind of class where you can socialize with other people. Join a book club. Join some kind of activity in your community.

    Just do something other than going to school, coming home, and complaining about your life. People like interesting people. They don't want to spend time with someone who has no interests other than how they look. I can assure you, as someone a fair bit older than you, I dated guys who didn't seem to do much but focus on themselves, and it didn't make it to second date. Even the guy eating pizza in the stagnant pool of dirt and skin cells that you posted the other day probably has something else going on in his life other than being thin and consuming food in a room where people defecate.
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    In for combination of OP's previous threads.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    If it's so easy for you to lose, why do you keep complaining about how you've been fat?

    Just lose the weight.

    If you're trying to get everyone to tell you not to get too thin again so that you can argue with them and yet another thread has to be locked or disappeared, why?
  • RockyDGoliday
    RockyDGoliday Posts: 35 Member
    Omg I never even was complaining even when I try to stand on a logical side of things I'm once again attack.No one even asked you like really?

    Anyway.I was just trying to get research and ask a question but everyone brings up the past like seriously?Spend less time judging me an more time doing you.I got my answer from someone.I was simply explaining my motive to her of why I had such harsh feelings on weight.I'd be more comfortabled being called skinny than fat and that's just me!Not everyone wants that but that's just me.If you'd take the time to read my post I was actually considering 180 as a new goal yet you can't seem to get over how I feel about things
    So let me make this clear
    1.)I'd much rather be called skinny than fat.Like I said that's just my thought.Thats not the case for everyone but it is for me
    2.)I asked a question about calorie deflecting and I got my answer.I wanted to know about what works for certain people.Personally eating less works for me more than working out and eating a lot.How is that problematic.At no time did I whine I was simply stating about my body and how it works.

    Now if we could all move foward from that it would be nice
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Omg I never even was complaining even when I try to stand on a logical side of things I'm once again attack.No one even asked you like really?

    Anyway.I was just trying to get research and ask a question but everyone brings up the past like seriously?Spend less time judging me an more time doing you.I got my answer from someone.I was simply explaining my motive to her of why I had such harsh feelings on weight.I'd be more comfortabled being called skinny than fat and that's just me!Not everyone wants that but that's just me.If you'd take the time to read my post I was actually considering 180 as a new goal yet you can't seem to get over how I feel about things
    So let me make this clear
    1.)I'd much rather be called skinny than fat.Like I said that's just my thought.Thats not the case for everyone but it is for me
    2.)I asked a question about calorie deflecting and I got my answer.I wanted to know about what works for certain people.Personally eating less works for me more than working out and eating a lot.How is that problematic.At no time did I whine I was simply stating about my body and how it works.

    Now if we could all move foward from that it would be nice

    Great. Go lose weight and be skinny.

    Stop starting threads where you try to get everyone to tell you not to be skinny.

    Go be as skinny as you want to be.

    This is getting old.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Calorie deficit.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    edited October 2014
    strangely enough I know what you mean about rather be called skinny. Obviously many people won't let your post history go, but what're you gonna do. You can either get sucked in or not :)

    It's like I see people complaining about their skinny folks problems and I'm like I'd do some serious backflips if I ever had that issue! But on the other hand the issues can be a pain in the rear - needing to buy clothes too often, like you, trying to identify the finish line, etc

    Like if someone were to say derogatory things about a filthy rich person. Yeah id be hurt. But then all my billions in the bank would make me feel totes better idk :bigsmile:
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    All people lose weight for the very same reason: calorie deficit.
    My goal is weight loss but also optimal health which requires attention to both diet and exercise.

    I don't want to just be some thin little guy.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    I see the polite has all leaked out of the forum again...
    They really should get that fixed.