Newbie in Aberdeen

I have just started using MFP over the weekend and looking for some pals, maybe in the Aberdeen area? Ive got over 100lbs to lose and need some motivational friends :)

Im currently using the Juice Plus shakes to help me eat better, anyone else using them?


  • CrazedCrow
    CrazedCrow Posts: 217 Member
    Hi Kimmy,

    Welcome to the board, I'll help if I can so add me if you like. I do have an opinion on those shakes though - I think you're doing it tough if they are comprising the majority of your eating and I think they just don't fill that same sensation you get from actually chewing, swallowing and enjoying real food. If you want to use them then I would only do that as a replacement for when your out or in a hurry and need a quick meal. With the tools on this site you have a clear daily allowance and there is a wealth of choice of food you can eat which will sate your apatite and probably do more good for your body as well. Anyway that's just my 2 cents for what it's worth - I'm not anti meal replacement I just think they should only be an occasional use item. If your you're still not feeling full then protein is one way to achieve that - the body has to work harder to break that down and it keeps you feeling fuller longer, so maybe a small can of tuna (in spring water), an egg etc between meals - just keep an eye on how much you're eating though. Anyway nice to meet you and hope I didn't come across as a know it all because if I did know it all I wouldn't be here :smile:
  • nikir37
    nikir37 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi I stay in Aberdeen :) I'm just trying to get back into my exercise routine after couple months off. Add me if you like :) It would be good to meet someone for jogs.
  • 39plus
    39plus Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, Niki and Kimmy and welcome. Are you in Aberdeen, MD? I realize there are a couple states with this city. Good luck on your journey.