girls please



  • mskon
    mskon Posts: 64
    I did my weigh in and was 4lbs+! Then I realized that 'she's' right around the corner. Hopefully next time I step on I'm a few pounds less!
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Sometimes I'll weigh 2-3lbs more and other times I won't gain anything.
  • Ree_Chatelain
    Ree_Chatelain Posts: 229 Member
    Always more! And i'm always insanely hungry and emotional about 2 days before. So I eat and then cry about it. lol
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I've had TOM twice since starting MFP...first time lost 5 pounds that week...this past time, gained 1/2 a pound...
  • mara232
    mara232 Posts: 93 Member
    I drink a lot of water and don't have any weight gain, last month I lost 2lbs. Before I drank water - I was always up 2-3lbs minimum.
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    I think it's safe to say that, MOST woman retain water during PMS and once the cycle begins they lose the body weight. So for most it depends on before the period begins, during and then after.
  • melhoffman
    melhoffman Posts: 11 Member
    More...usually between 3-5 lbs heavier right before my cycle and i notice it comes back off about a day after my cycle ends...its water retention.
  • betterthanmama
    betterthanmama Posts: 57 Member
    I have come to the conclusion that sometimes I weigh more, sometimes less, but either way you can shed the pounds later. I have stopped weighing myself around that time for 3-4 days and don't calorie count. I get too moody and have horrible cramps, in bed for half the day, so it's easier to just not restrict, drink lots of tea/soup and don't weigh.

    Last time I was obsessed during my period I ended up gaining more weight because I was stressed about how much I ate, then freaked out when I gained 2lbs the next day and ate more because I felt horrible about gaining the weight.

    This time I didn't weigh, after 4 days weighed myself & gained 1lb, and lost 2lbs within 2 days of going back to MFP & weighing myself everyday. I just use it as my cheat days :tongue:
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