I hate people who love to exercise!!

just kidding! I wish I could be one of those people!!

I hate working out. I find it terribly boring. I hate the pain I feel during and after and I hate to sweat!!!

I love to see the scale moving downward. I love the feeling of accomplishment after I finish. I love to post my workout on MFP so I can see the calorie count go down.

So that is three loves vs three hates. Come on people, give me some more "loves" so I can tip the scale (so to speak) more to the love to workout side!


  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    Maybe you should look for exercises you like. For instance my friend hates running. She just does not like it. But she loves using the treadmill. Maybe it is not necessarily exercising as a whole, just the type you are doing:)
  • mes1921
    mes1921 Posts: 71 Member
    ENDORPHINS! the increased energy after an awesome workout. seeing yourself go harder, farther, faster, stronger, etc. than last time!
  • 7YRJustin
    i hate to sweat as well, and sweat very easily. But the love you feel for your body afterwards and the love of feeling accomplished completely makes the sweating worth it. I find working out at night much better for me, so i can hop in the shower right away and not be in a hurry to go to work or anything along those lines. Working out although hard to get motivated for sometimes, is nothing to hate :)
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    Sweetie, you just have to find out what's right for you!

    I used to ride a bike. Hated it!

    I used to lift tons and tons of weights. Hated it!

    Now I run. Love it. It's not for everyone. Find your burn. Maybe you'll learn to love another one!
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    I'm the opposite... :smile:...I :heart: working out, sweating and feeling the pain! There is no greater rush! I :heart: watching my body transform and I :heart: knowing that everything I'm doing is going to make that change happen.
  • AngelaPowPowPOW
    I hated it until I got some earbuds and use my Droid as an MP3 player. Now I can walk or work out to my tunes and not to what my kids are always listening to.
  • Perfectlycrooked
    Perfectlycrooked Posts: 275 Member
    Well with the calories gonig down, so does the scale!
    and it sends off feel-good signals in the brain(:
    It lengthens your life! It builds stamina! It clenses the body, and rejuvinates it. It gets the blood flowing and clears your head.
    tons of advantages(: and you'll never regret a workout!
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    I always thought that I hated running, but it turns out I hate running on flat boring routes where all I can think about is how tired I am. Love the treadmill and love running hills.

    Taking a class might help too! Not liking the workout you do is the worst feeling ever, and there's so many options that you shouldn't settle for something that you dread
  • jovangie
    jovangie Posts: 1
    Although I am one of those people who "like" to exercise...I wouldn't go so far as to say love - working out use to be very boring for me as well.

    All that changed once I bought my ipod.

    Try listening to music you really like, or even books while you work out. It makes it enjoyable and the workout goes by much faster.
  • ericapledger
    ericapledger Posts: 32 Member
    I love getting stronger and being able to exercise longer than the last time.
  • JackieJ13
    JackieJ13 Posts: 93
    I'm kind of the same way. I dread doing it until it's over with...haha...I just try to rotate a few different things so it feels new and not the same boring thing everyday.
  • SweetTooth68
    SweetTooth68 Posts: 169 Member
    I haven't found anything I like yet. Not really. I have found ones I can tolerate for a bit, then I have to find another one to move on to...
  • JackieJ13
    JackieJ13 Posts: 93
    oh and I'm still hoping I develop some kind of love for exercising.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Here's a few more "pros" for ya (my personal ones anyway)

    I love the muscles I am gaining back through exercise.
    I love competing against myself (notice, I said MYSELF :) to run farther and longer and to push myself to work harder during my spin class.
    I love not being out of breath going up and down stairs.
    I love spending time with my friend walking at the park on a beautiful Colorado day...

    I love feeling and looking younger, healthier, and happier.

  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    LOL - then you hate me! I do love to exercise. I like the "competition", with myself or others. I am always trying to push myself further. When I see someone in one of my fitness classes doing something with heavier weights or more reps or better form, I will challenge myself to to do better than that person.

    I like the feeling of accomplishment when I get the exercising done. I always hate starting it but after about 10 minutes in, I get into a groove until the last 10 min. Then I clock watch but I still push myself to do the best I can. When I'm done, its the best feeling. Part of that is the endorphins but also I like knowing I finished something difficult.

    Finally the best part: the more I exercise, the more I can eat. I've always failed at diets because I have a hard time with depriving myself. When I exercise, I get exercise calories to eat, and trust me, I eat them. Some days, when I have exercised particularly hard, I'm eating 2400 calories. And I've lost a lot of weight.

    So exercise is your friend.... embrace it, curse it once in a while, but realize a good friend is always there for you and helps in the long run!
  • chris0912
    chris0912 Posts: 242 Member
    The only thing I love about exercise is getting to eat more calories!!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't kill people.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I love yoga....I really, really do. And Zumba. Neither of these are exercises I would have begun if I hadn't been coerced into classes by a well-meaning colleague.

    I highly recommend taking classes until you've found an exercise you love (or can at least tolerate.) I also love taking really long, really quick walks (but need the weather to cooperate a little before I go again. Perhaps Sunday?)

    Yoga and walking are both "you're only in competition with yourself and your expectations" exercises, though I'll admit to being a little (lot) competitive, so these exercises are helping me mentally as well as physically.

    I'm hoping that swimming will also be a good match for me...
  • tobitude
    tobitude Posts: 89 Member
    I love swimming!!! I could stay in the pool all day, only place I feel weightless!!