...So, here we go again!

It seems as if I have been down this road again and again and again. I often wonder why I just can't stick with the healthy lifestyle...oh yeah, I love sweets and junk too much! :smiley: I am ready to begin this journey again and looking for some friends to help me along the way! Let's do this!


  • birdiman
    birdiman Posts: 17 Member
    Best of luck! You can do it. I am also beginning "again", but hopefully I can maintain the commitment this time around.
  • You can do this time, I'm the same as you. I have done this journey so many times and love junk food also but I am determined to stick by it this time.
  • chopperdaddy
    chopperdaddy Posts: 8 Member
    You can do this. I also just came back from 3 months of apathy. Its hard to come back after falling down, but the rewards are worth it. You owe it to yourself and those who love you.
  • LeafyEdge
    LeafyEdge Posts: 41 Member
    Ya know, I used to always feel terrible for starting and stopping so much. But I realized, hey, the three months I spent being healthy last year was better than not spending any time caring about my health. And every time I start on the journey could be the time that I really stick to it!
  • PaminTewksbury
    PaminTewksbury Posts: 19 Member
    I do that too. I was so good for a few weeks, got sick, pulled out the ice cream and now I'm back to where I started and starting again this week. I need to hold myself accoutable in order for this to work, and I will. You will too. Feel free to add me.
  • J1C2R3
    J1C2R3 Posts: 1
    edited October 2014
    I absolutely agree it is definitely a "yo yo" path that I seem to find myself walking constantly. One day I'm excited, thrilled and motivated that I'm going to "take charge" of my health and make better choices and then the next thing I do is fall off the wagon only to make excuses that I'll start my diet on Monday (which Monday comes and goes and comes and goes and comes and goes......well you get the point). "So, here we go again!" is sort of my mantra and has been for several (I won't say how many) years now. But in the words of Richard Nixon..."I am NOT a quitter!". I'll keep on keeping on and wish everyone on this blog much success in their journey towards whatever their end goal is. Stay blessed and best wishes to you Katie as you "go again"! :smile: .
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    If you're undergoing a lifestyle change, you shouldn't cut out anything you're not willing to do without for the rest of your life. Don't think of it as a choice between healthy eating or sweets and junk food. Aim to eat healthily with as little sweets and junk food as you need to be satisfied.

    I still eat tortilla chips, for instance, and ice cream. But instead of sitting down with the container, I measure out a reasonable serving, put the container away, and then eat. Result: I eat less and enjoy it more, because I know how much is left and I savor it.

  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi there I'm in the same boat as you. I have great intentions, but they fade quickly. I'm hoping I can stay on the right track this time around. Feel free to add me on here..and good luck with your journey! We can do this!
  • SamLD88
    SamLD88 Posts: 111 Member
    I had a wagon way back when. When I started this time around, I realized that I needed to focus on just a few things: eating reasonably, exercising for fun, and enjoying my life. Successful weight management is as much about managing your stress and expectations as it is deciding which delicious morsels you get to put in your mouth.
  • I am so with you on this, especially after a family thanksgiving meal yesterday. I feel like once I fall off the wagon, what's the point in getting back on for the rest of the day/week/month sometimes.
  • DiamondDiva914
    DiamondDiva914 Posts: 50 Member
    I don't know if this will help you, but what I've been doing is finding healthier alternatives that are similar to my junk food cravings. For instance, I have a weakness for potato chips. I found that the Nice! brand veggie chips at Walgreen's are a tasty alternative. Also, I've switched to pretzels. When I want something sweet, I usually go for flavored rice cakes with reduced fat cream cheese. (My current favorite is apple cinnamon rice cakes with honey pecan reduced fat cream cheese....sooooo goooood!!!)

    Anyway, I'm just starting out on my journey to a better me, so I'm a newbie at this....but I thought I'd share. Have a great day!
  • duckydoom
    duckydoom Posts: 27 Member
    Best of luck! I'm on my gazillionth starting over. It's really easy to fall into the lure of cruddy eating when I live with a Greek God phyziquied (sp? too lazy to open another tab to verify) husband who can eat whatever he wants and metabolize it away. Yesterday we both were super tired, so we watched Merlin all day and ate popcorn, pizza, sodas (mine were diet, but still), and now I feel like crap today, and I'm still super tired. Not being 21 and able to thrive on 2 hours of sleep and sh*tty food is lame, I miss those days haha!

    I'm trying to break my sugar cravings right now, which I always feel is easier said than done. I know that clean eating is my body's way to go though, the last time I did it and stuck to it, I lost 9 lbs in 2 weeks, of water weight and toxins, and put on 10 lbs of lean muscle with minimal effort (other than struggling not to eat like crap). I'm really good at allowing myself to sabotage myself, and now that's what I'm trying to focus on in my own psychoanalyzation lol.

    If you ever need to gab, shoot me a message. I know you can do this :smile:
  • mseslee
    mseslee Posts: 101 Member
    You can do it! Trust me i'm in the same position where I can't count how many times i've started a diet and haven't reached my goal but i'm doing it again and this time i'm going to reach my goal. Look at it this way, at least you're trying. You could be sitting at home, on the couch with a bag of chips instead of trying to get back into shape :)

    If you want some encouragement, feel free to shoot me a friend request
  • sweetbamaTLC
    sweetbamaTLC Posts: 170 Member
    Good luck, Katie! The struggle is real! Refocusing on logging food this week myself! Let's do this!!!