I hate people who love to exercise!!



  • I know the feeling. I used to be addicted to working out. But after a few years of not doing it anymore I'm finding it very hard to get back into it. I just signed up here yesterday and am trying to get back my rhythm. I guess focus on your goals, and find a routine you like. Maybe you don't like the machines much, but instead would like cardio classes instead. Mixing it up could help get you going.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hi there.....I do exercise everday but not because I love it lol although it does make me feel better afterwards:) Just keep doing it everyday until it becomes habit, like eating and breathing. I"m thinking it takes like 30 days to make a habit. I know water at first for me was hard but now I carry a glass or bottle everywhere I go! Good luck to you:) You are going to be in the exercise habit in no time at all!!
  • gozdeh
    gozdeh Posts: 59
    If you dont like to to sweat you could try swimming or aquarebics. I love aquarebics as it is very low impact so maybe it will help with the pain issue as well. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    just kidding! I wish I could be one of those people!!

    I hate working out. I find it terribly boring. I hate the pain I feel during and after and I hate to sweat!!!

    I love to see the scale moving downward. I love the feeling of accomplishment after I finish. I love to post my workout on MFP so I can see the calorie count go down.

    So that is three loves vs three hates. Come on people, give me some more "loves" so I can tip the scale (so to speak) more to the love to workout side!

  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    I hated exercise, too, but . . .

    I have re-introduced myself to exercise via the Wii. I have to make a game out of it.

    I started out really slow -- loving some of the games, and absolutely hating running around the virtual island for 2 minutes. I thought I was going to die!

    Now I am doing the "free run" on the Wii for 30 minutes, and experienced the "runners' high" for the first time in years! Who knew?!?

    And I have discovered Zumba. I suck at it, but it makes me feel like a kid again -- learning something new and dancing like nobody's looking (and it's a good thing no one is -- trust me!)

    Find something that you love to do, and it won't be so painful. I am dying to get my bike tuned and go riding and am actually thinking about getting a pedal boat for my pond out back. Last year, I would not have dreamed of this!
  • 145Karen
    145Karen Posts: 80 Member
    Oh I like that post ! Happy people are just more fun! I have to admit most of my exercise comes form cleaning my house and keeping up my yard I wish I loved structured exercise but I love that I can accomplish a clean house and a good workout I put extra effort in I jog never walk extra steps lots of movement I even jog in place while I fold laundry. works for me!
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    "Pain is temporary, pride is forever." I have that quote on my elliptical as a reminder. But I would agree that you need to find exercises that you like doing. I don't go to the gym and I don't use treadmills, because for me that is just boring! And honestly I get burned out on using the elliptical pretty quickly too. I prefer outdoor activities. I can go for hours without ever getting bored if I am hiking, biking, walking or jogging outside and it doesn't feel like I am working out. Just find something that you enjoy doing and I'm sure you will become someone who loves to exercise (or at least doesn't mind it so much!)
  • Ha! I love to sweat, I love the pain, I love feeling sore the day after, I love the feeling of my muscles after a work out, I love the endorphins after the work out. I love improving my stamina, my speed, my strength, the shape of my body. I love pushing myself. I'm totally addicted to working out. But I also found what works with me. So maybe you just haven't found it yet, keep searching!
  • Try water aerobics.....you don't feel sweaty because you're already wet all over! You control the degree of aerobic work-out by how fast & hard you push against the water. Resistance equipment makes it even more productive. It also stretches out all the kinks of daily living.
    For land exercise, get an MP3 player/ Ipod and download free audiobooks from your public library. A really engrossing book or music makes the time go much faster. Sometimes you keep walking just to hear the end of a chapter or favorite tune,
  • zianiH
    zianiH Posts: 68

    Finally the best part: the more I exercise, the more I can eat. I've always failed at diets because I have a hard time with depriving myself. When I exercise, I get exercise calories to eat, and trust me, I eat them.

    me too...
    Don't get me wrong... I love exercise but the best part of all is I gotta eat more
  • brndygrl98
    brndygrl98 Posts: 196 Member
    The only thing I love about exercise is getting to eat more calories!!

    I love this part too, although it does make me feel both better and more motivated. I actually feel physically bad when I miss a workout. My favorite part is eating back those calories (makes me feel like I'm not being healthy...teehee)
  • BobertC
    BobertC Posts: 123
    Exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't kill people.

    unless unlike in legally blond the reason they are working out is to avenge someone and in that case they do.

    But I love to workout, love the worn out feeling after a good workout.
  • MMieure
    MMieure Posts: 48
    Exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't kill people.

  • stacimusmax
    stacimusmax Posts: 172 Member
    I love looking at pictures taken just 2 months ago and then looking in the mirror. My face looks so much thinner :)
  • MMieure
    MMieure Posts: 48
    I love swimming!!! I could stay in the pool all day, only place I feel weightless!!

    I could love swimming. I just need to get over the whole swim suit thing!
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    I used to hate those ppl too. But somehow I became one of those people. :)
    Now, I could totally eat an entire pizza and say f-it to this whole weight loss thing, but I could never imagine a day when I am not trying to keep my body moving and building strength. I love to see what more my body can do. Its also like my anti-depressant b/c I have pretty severe depression but don't take meds, so it helps tremendously.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Have you tried something that you might not consider to be exercise but really is like ballroom dancing? Some conventional exercises are just for everyone so you have to find something that keeps your interest. Just try to think of something that you might consider to be fun but can still get a nice workout from.
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    I've felt the same way too! But I have to say I LOVE the way I feel after excercise. I'm one of those late in the day exercisers, and nothing kicks the overwhelmed feeling better if it's been a bad day. I also keep track of progress - those things I can do which I could not before. Just the other night, one of the trainers on the gym commented on the progress I've made with the intensity of my workouts - which I will admit made me feel great!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I really focus on the calories I'm burning rather than how much it sucks to be doing what I'm doing.

    Right now I'm doing Insanity. I love to hate it.

    I'm more of a movies and nap kind of person lol
  • Sweetie, you just have to find out what's right for you!

    I used to ride a bike. Hated it!

    I used to lift tons and tons of weights. Hated it!

    Now I run. Love it. It's not for everyone. Find your burn. Maybe you'll learn to love another one!

    I totally agree!! When you finally find the thing that is the perfect fit for you... you will start craving that time in your day!! Running is one of my fav passions... I also dig pilates (which helped me to lose that initial 50lbs a few years back!) Hang in there Sweetie! :)
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