Motivation for Exercise

A year and a half after my first baby was born I lost all the weight. I lost most of the weight after baby number 2 but I was exhausted. Baby #2 was a night waker and had reflux for the first 4 years of his life. If he got too hungry at waking he would feel sick to his poor tummy. My boys are now 7 and 9 and have grown out of the night waking for the most part. Two years ago I had a giant ovarian tumor removed, I had felt something wasn't right with my body from age 25, but it took 4 years to realize what was happening. I've been marginally well since. I'm just so tired, especially fall and winter. I own and care for 8 miniature horses, am writing a book, and I homeschool my boys. I have been doing mfp for about 4 months and have only lost about 20#. Even though I lost that much I don't feel like I look good at all, I have too far to go. At least another 30#. It's the lack of consistent exercise and depression that is inhibiting my progress, I know it is. What can I possibly do to motivate myself and get out of the seasonal blues? After my ovary and fallopian tube were removed, or because I'm in my 30s, it feels as if I can gain weight on air itself.The frustrating part about feeling depressed is that I have no earthly reason for it. I am blessed beyond measure. What motivates you? How do you conquer your negative self talk?


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Some of your symptoms sound like hypo active thyroid. Have you been tested? Also try to get out in the sunshine as much as possible during the fall and winter. Schedule it with the boys as part of their school day to go out and do some exercise or just walk around. This really helps seasonal blues.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Put sneakers on the miniature horses. Barefoot miniature horses are very depressing!

    Do you get out of the house/off the property much? It sounds like you might be spending a lot of time at home, sometimes that can make your world shrink down and can be a downer. I agree that you should take the boys out and about and walk around.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Walking or running seem to recharge me and give me some alone time to sort out things.
  • Zerodette
    Zerodette Posts: 200 Member
    5 pounds a month is great loss! I agree that it sounds like you need some outlet outside of your home. Do you have a group of friends you can talk to, a homeschooling or church group for example?
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    I honestly just love working out. It helps if I am stressed out and just mainly makes me feel amazing.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Baby steps......make a 10 minute goal today and make yourself accountable. Get a calendar and mark a box for days you are going to workout. Then record your completed workouts....put a smiley face, a gold sticker, or whatever in the box. You can see your goals completed. Find some 10 minute workouts on-line or at your local library (10 Minute Solutions are good).

    Exercise is a lifestyle change too. Being consistent (over time) will help you build some confidence, and some fitness. After a time make the goals longer.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I work from home. I would be lost without that 1 hr time for myself when I go for a walk. Just try something physical you enjoy for yourself (not something that you have to necessarily take someone else's choice into account) and do that.
  • suzi_quzi
    I struggle with depression too, and it made it almost impossible to work out. But once i just DID it, got it over with, the change in my mood was immediate. Sometimes it's nearly impossible to get off the couch and go do something productive, but once it's over you feel SO MUCH BETTER. I've read research that exercise literally cures depression in some people, and I believe it. Trust me, I know it's hard to find the motivation. But just do a quick, 30-minute cardio workout for a couple of days in a row and you'll be floored on how much better you feel. Good luck! :)
  • barefootminis
    This is sort of what my schedule looks like. Up and breakfast. I will feed boys or they will get breakfast. Then let the mares out for two hours of grazing. School for two hours and then lunch. Put mares away, put a pair of boy horses out for two hours. Finish up school, work on book (housework or just chill), put second set of horses away, turn out senior stallion. Water, hay, and clean barn if necessary. Back in, hubby gets home, and then I make supper.

    House chores are getting backed up because between feeding, teaching, and working on book, my brain is exhausted. That is where my motivation dies. Rip motivation. I do not have a car, so I am home a lot, but I have so much to do at home I don't really have time to go out. Being that I still have weight to lose, I'd rather not go out. Before I started this current lifestyle change I dealt with a lot of hurtful disparaging looks and remarks that shot my confidence. I've been through a lot and didn't need to deal with condemning looks and remarks.

    Also, those who have a farm know that you feed and care for your animals first and work your schedule around chores. When my husband is home on the weekend we get all of our running and hanging out with family and friends. We hike almost every weekend as long as the weather holds.

    I've had horses all my life, and minis for 17 years. They are a joy, and the boys are learning so much through them :D but... if I could hire someone to do winter chores for me sometimes... :)

    I think you are right when you say I need to find 15-20 minutes for exercise a day. I get a week in and then a week off. It's the inconsistency that is slowing my progress. My thyroid has been tested. It's always normal, if low/normal. Both my parents have hypothyroidism. In fact, my dad struggled with seasonal depression, and his depression lifted when he was put on synthroid. I need to learn my levels, and if I am low/normal, I need to push for a low dose and see if it makes a difference.

    I was on 1,530 calories per day, and hit a plateau. I put myself on 1430, and I don't always hit 1400, unless I'm bad on the weekend. I have tried 1200 calories, I can't do it, makes me too weak.

    Sometimes a person needs to start afresh a million times and talking it out does help. Thanks for reading! Heading out to do more chores!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    If you are especially tired in Fall and Winter, have you been checked for vitamin D deficiency? It's quite common in the cooler months.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I don't see what the problem is with losing 20 pounds in 4 months - that's great progress! In fact, with the amount of weight you have left to lose, somewhere between 1/2 and 1 pound per week is perfect.

    As far as exercise motivation goes, it can really help to find something you enjoy. I personally like walking, running, dancing and kickboxing so doing those is easy. Try different things. Look for videos online (there are hundreds on YouTube) or even at your local library.

    I totally agree about the starting fresh a million times. I've done well the past few years but this year has been rough for me. I've restarted about 3 times already, am just about to do it again and am hopeful every time that this will be the one that sticks.
    Good luck!
  • barefootminis
    If this site had a like button. I would like all posts. Appreciate the suggestions and encouragement. My tsh was 1.82. Is that good?
  • barefootminis
    I did exercise yesterday! Now I have to get it in today, tomorrow, and the next. Unfortunately it also causes terrible neck and shoulder pain, so I will have my icy hot on hand!
  • thatsyum
    thatsyum Posts: 34 Member
    There are some effective workouts that are 5,7 and 10 minutes that you can do several times a day or just once. That way you get it in.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    Make the kids help out, what does hubby do when he gets home?
  • barefootminis
    Indeed! The boys sometimes help with horse chores and now that they're getting older their main jobs are to tidy the living room and load the dishwasher. My husband did help me this week, and I was so thankful. I was able to play with the boys, listen to music, and play hymns on my violin. I can't even begin to tell you how overdue that was. I really need a date night with hubby, but we shall see. I am pleased to report that I got 4 days of exercise this week. Now if I can do the same today, next week and the week after! Writing it out when things get overwhelming helps so much.