so.. how do you do it?

So I'm a beginner right, and i just go 40/40/20 because they say it's pretty n00b friendly. I calculated my BMR and got 2350 and multiplied it by 1.375 (for lightly training 3 times a week) and got 3230, minus 500 because i wanna lose weight. so 2730 right. i dunno how accurate it is but myfitnesspal suggested 2460 to lose 0,5 kg/week i changed that to my 2730

so that's 273/273/61

Anyways.. i find it hard keep on ratio with the macros, like im over the fat % and under carbs and proteins etc. u get my point. How do you even it out throuout the day, im eating 4 times/day

Is it easier to consume all of the proteins first and then the carbs and fat or vice verse or how do you do it? How do you keep it fairly simple?



  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    Protein goal first, then whatever happens with the rest happens.
  • rachsoderberg
    rachsoderberg Posts: 55 Member
    I just go for variety! I eat a lot of meat, eggs, and peanut butter to get the protein and you'll see your carbs come from things like potatoes and rice. Biggest thing I try to do to make sure I get my protein, though, is eat lots and lots of meat!
  • PokeyBug
    PokeyBug Posts: 482 Member
    If you just worry about the protein, you'll find that you'll be okay with the rest. Usually, if I'm getting protein from primarily meat and egg sources, I'm good on fat, too. I never hit my carb limit, ever. I don't think that's such a big deal.

    My advice to you is: Don't over complicate it. Eat within the calorie limit you set for yourself and make sure you get your protein macros. If you're eating below your TDEE, you'll lose. How fast or slow you'll lose depends on what you decide is the healthiest rate for you. For example, if you want to lose 1 lb. a week, cut 500 calories a day from your TDEE, get your protein, and you'll be okay.
  • zillan1
    Aright so just focus on the protein and the rest will kinda go with. How accurate do you have to be to reach your goal? example if it says on the package 1 chicken breast equals bla bla bla, and i know for sure that all the breasts in the bag differs from size and weight, do i still go with the "1 breast equals..." or do i need to weigh it? how dead on do you have to be?

    Thanks guys, appreciate all the help i can get
  • anna_jewel
    anna_jewel Posts: 127 Member
    I would weight your food, I was surprised how off i was on my guesstimating. now i weight and measure everything.
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    I weigh everything (using a food scale). What I did was log everything really accurately for a few days then looked at my macros to see where I could make changes. I try to log my food for the whole day in the morning- that way I don't get to 4 o'clock with no calories left. Don't over complicate things. Watch your portion sizes on things like pasta, rice, breakfast cereals and aim for protein macro first.
  • bumdo
    bumdo Posts: 11
    I think variety is really important, and you do that and eat healthy you will reach the protein amounts naturally.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Try to get the protein.
  • Rugbynutter
    Rugbynutter Posts: 33 Member

    I find something that works and eat the same meals over and over. Not that exciting but consistency is key. Try pre-logging your food and sticking to what you have logged. I tend to save a couple of hundred calories unti lthe enx of the day to top up where I may have light on fats/proteins etc.

    I echo those that have said to try and concentrate on protein.

    Good luck, I'm sure you'll get there. If you 'd like any other advice then drop me line.


  • RaspberryTickleChicken

    I find something that works and eat the same meals over and over. Not that exciting but consistency is key. ...


    Just out of curiosity, are you incredibly tall or just incredibly young or both (to have a BMR of 2350)?

    I think you're over thinking it a bit. If you go for complex carbs and lean protein from my own experience, the fat will eventually come into check naturally. (Of course this also depends on how you are preparing the food ie steam vs. fry).

    For me, I've had to learn to read A LOT of food labels because sometimes an item would be less total calories but twice the carbs & sugars. So in those instances I will take the higher total calorie product with the lower carbs & sugars.

    Good luck!
  • Jen_RunningGal
    I am about to start the "17 day diet" by Dr. Mike Moreno.
    It isn't even a diet, it is about a lifestyle change.
    What does it consist of?
    Basically you cut all the junk: processed foods, sugars and bad carbs.
    Substitute it for whole foods and protein such as fish, poultry, turkey and veggies.
    I'm going to combine it with three days a week of Jilian Michaels' 30 day shred and two days of Zumba.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    As with most things... practice. In time you'll get a feel for what foods go well together to get close to your macro goals. Then you just fill in with peanut butter or ice cream or whatever.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    PokeyBug wrote: »
    Don't over complicate it. Eat within the calorie limit you set for yourself and make sure you get your protein macros. If you're eating below your TDEE, you'll lose.

  • 1517jackie
    1517jackie Posts: 3 Member
    eat healthy, no skin on chicken, no fat on meat, fish, egg, veg,fruit, but don't forget a treat now and then wont hurt
  • Nixygirl
    Nixygirl Posts: 35 Member
    Good luck!