
Hello MFPP(myfitnesspal peeps) it is a Monday, and a new week to look at new goals. I am entering in my inner office challenge...and I really need something to motivate me. I have tried challenges before, and I have tried using myftiness pal, and I have tried it all. It's not that I'm not educated in what to's just that I get super frustrated trying to do it. I'm tipping the scale at 277.8...lets be honest I need to updated my profile pic haha. Has anyone out there had any thoughts like this? (duh..probably)....but how do you move forward? How do you look at 277.8 and expect that to lower......and be a new healthy happy person again?

Looking for some high fives out there. I hope you all are having a great Monday, and that you find your high five.



  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I am not having a great Monday but thanks for asking....
  • amandabullock120
    amandabullock120 Posts: 110 Member
    Ahh yes ! starting again!
    It's hard to stay motivated, I think this goes for a lot of people.
    For me, I have to be constantly motivated. I loved watching Extreme weight loss makeover when I'm not feeling it. I read motivational books. I also go to bed in my workout clothing so I can just put on my shoes and go!
    To look at a number and expect it to lower.. It's really all mental. The whole journey is a very mental one. You really need to look deep inside and find the reason/reasons why you are overweight, and why you are still there. For me it was a long line of abuse through my childhood.
    Also, make sure your goals are realistic. You see people losing weight on tv (i.e Biggest Loser) they workout 5hrs a day and eat only 1200-1400 cals! Not realistic. Realism doesn't sell I guess.
    Set small goals, like lose 3lbs this month or don't drink this month or whatever.
    Small (realistic) goals, not beating yourself up if you miss a day, just stick to it. Have a bad day once in awhile, be kinder to yourself!
    I could go on and on!!

    Happy Monday!

    High Five!!
  • meggypooh
    meggypooh Posts: 84 Member
    Around this time last year I started losing weight, starting at 248! I worked hard and lost 57 pounds in 6 months or so. After that I went on vacation, didn't work out and ate anything and everything. I figured once I got home and back into my routine, I would just start back up into my routine, but that did not happen at all! So here I am, 5 months later, 7 pounds heavier, FINALLY ready to get back at it!
    When I was working at it before, all I did was make sure I stayed under 1600 calories a day, trying to stay away from unhealthy foods, but not cutting it out completely. I also worked out 5 days a week, all with dvds from home(zumba, hip hop abs, kickboxing).
    I always try to remember that a bad day is a bad day, it happens, we all cant have control all the time. Just get back up and try again, that's all that matters! And know it can be done if you put your mind to it!

    Good luck!!! Feel free to add me if youd like more support and motivation, Im always looking for more! :)
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    You make a commitment to change
    You get the right mindset.
    You learn how MFP works including logging food and creating a deficit.
    You might want to look at a bit of nutrutuion but some dont.
    You might wnat to considr your health and do some exercise, some dont.
    You have a plan and then you execute it. The choice and desire to do so comes from you.

    You take one day at a time and keep eating at a deficit and moving more.
    You lose weight.
    Be commuted and have a beliefe in yourself that you can
    Log for a week
    walk 10 minutes
    Eat at a deficit

    Congratulate yourself for reaching the traget and then be determined to keep up the good habits knowing its in the right direction to where you want to go to. Actions speak louder than words etc.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Gah typos.
  • Canwehugnow
    Canwehugnow Posts: 218 Member
    New Monday, new goals. :)
  • ladyonaquest
    ladyonaquest Posts: 605 Member
    I promised myself not to focus on the number anymore, but to focus on how much better I felt from the healthier choices and life style. Before I knew it I was down 15 lbs the first month, that was all the motivation I needed to keep going. I focused on the goals I set for myself each month, if I accomplished them, I set the bar higher, if I didn't, I added it back to my goals for the new month. I surrounded myself with likeminded individuals on social media for support that were also on a weightloss journey. It isn't easy, but you can do it. You have to find something realistic for you or the weight will come back. Any program can be worked and give results but is it realistic, can you do it forever? That's KEY!! Whatever you do to get you to where you want to be has to be for life. You got this!!!!
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I think it makes most sense to work on developing healthy habits for the rest of your life. Once you've developed those, weight loss can follow as a result. Focusing on the scale can lead to frustration when it doesn't budge; since weight loss isn't linear, you might be making progress even if the scale doesn't think so.

    Here are a couple of great forum posts on getting started:

    Good luck!

  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    I can totally relate to what you are going through. The last 4 months I've been gaining and losing the same 15-20 lbs. I'm up then down then up then's maddening! I just can't seem to get any consistency. Other then the obvious I need discipline I think we have to understand that the body wants homeostasis so it doesn't like changing. Interestingly that always seems to work only on the way down the scale, the bod seems to have no issues getting larger :wink: Hang in there, keep doing the best you can and be kind and forgiving to yourself.
  • Hello MFPP(myfitnesspal peeps) it is a Monday, and a new week to look at new goals. I am entering in my inner office challenge...and I really need something to motivate me. I have tried challenges before, and I have tried using myftiness pal, and I have tried it all. It's not that I'm not educated in what to's just that I get super frustrated trying to do it. I'm tipping the scale at 277.8...lets be honest I need to updated my profile pic haha. Has anyone out there had any thoughts like this? (duh..probably)....but how do you move forward? How do you look at 277.8 and expect that to lower......and be a new healthy happy person again?

    Looking for some high fives out there. I hope you all are having a great Monday, and that you find your high five.


    We all have our struggles, but you just gotta keep pushing through. It's always hard starting, stopping, starting, stopping, etc.... Have you ever tried a accountability group on fb? Let's be honest, majority of us are always on fb. First, you have to be optimistic, or you'll easily give up. Second, you gotta work on your diet. Find a time that works best for you to work out. I have to work out at 5 am, otherwise, when I get from home from work I just want to sit on my butt. Look at that number of 277.8 and think that you never wanna see that number again!! Any progress is progress! You have to be happy within to be happy with yourself. If you need any help or want someone to talk to, I'm here and willing to help! I started by asking for help and it was the best decision I ever made!! Feel free to add me :) I'm also going to start insanity if you wanna do that too!