30 Day Shred Success (w/pics)

bar403 Posts: 28 Member
Hi all! I love coming on here and seeing all the success stories! Especially the pics - they are SO MOTIVATING! :D

I've started this journey many times in my life....hopefully this time I will stick with it! This last time, I began my journey on 1/1/11 at 171 lbs...I lost 15 lbs really quickly and then kinda stalled out for 6 weeks....about 8 weeks ago, I took the advice of one of my new MFP buddies and upped my daily calories from 1200 to 1500. I also started 30 Day Shred about 3 weeks ago...besides a few random days of not working out, I pretty much have performed the 20 minute workout every day with some additional cardio every other day or so. After upping my calories, I finally started seeing the scale move in the right direction again and I've lost another 5 lbs. :) Bringing my total weight loss so far to 20 lbs. I still have a ways to go...but I wanted to share the comparison pics I put together this morning because they have completely re-motivated me to continue this journey and my exercise regimen.

I may only have lost 5 lbs in this time span, however I can really see a difference in my body from the work I've done with the Shred....




  • bar403
    bar403 Posts: 28 Member
    Sorry, I'm having a hard time posting a pic...help!
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    upload them to photobucket... paste the link... change the IMG to img.. and wallah
  • wimom27
    wimom27 Posts: 19 Member
    great job! I can see the difference! I was just planning to start the 30-day shred and was wondering how well it works too. I have been wondering if I need to up my calories a little too? Although, I am losing, it is very slow.
  • RyonsLions2
    RyonsLions2 Posts: 350 Member
    I don't know what to tell you about pics... I could barely get a signature on here this evening. :ohwell:
  • RyonsLions2
    RyonsLions2 Posts: 350 Member
    I only see one pic but you look great! I am so confused about the calorie thing. What if you had upped your calories, but didn't work out? Would you have gained then? So what would have been the difference in not working out and just eating the 1200 calories a day?
  • emmigirl429
    emmigirl429 Posts: 42 Member
    You look great!
    I started about a month ago only eating about 1200-1500 cals a day and had lost about 9 pounds and I wasn't exercising. Then I started 30DS (every day for the last 9 days btw :D ) I haven't lost and I've actually gained 2 pounds maintaining the same food diet. I'm not sure what my body is telling me but your photos are helping to keep me motivated to finish the 30DS even if the scale isn't moving the right way :)
  • bar403
    bar403 Posts: 28 Member
    OK, I resized the pic so let me know if you can see it now :)

    As far as calories go, you really need to figure out what works best for you. We all want to lose the weight really fast, but the reality is that we didn't gain all the weight overnight, so we shouldn't expect it all to just melt off. Its trial and error and can take a looooong time. SO if you have to play around with your calories for awhile until you figure it out, its worth it.

    I lost the first 15 really quickly at the 1200 calorie mark...but as it turns out, my BMR is probably closer to 2000 (I plan on getting either a HRM or Bodyfitmedia to determine my BMR and be more accurate) and right now, I need to eat more in order for my body to want to burn the fat. So if my BMR is 2000 and I only eat 1500, there is still a 500 calorie deficit. I will still lose weight, just alot more slowly. In ideal conditions, you should really only lose .5 - 1 per week. This is the healthiest long term weight loss goal. You should never have more than a 1000 calorie deficit either.

    I will say that I find it hard to eat back my exercise calories at this point. 1500 calories is alot for me....I'm trying to slowly up my calories per meal - i.e. I used to eat yogurt or oatmeal for breakfast - so maybe 150 calories? Now I'm trying to eat more eggs and protein and have 300 calories for breakfast. Next I plan on tackling my lunches (which currently mostly consist of frozen "healthy" meals at work). I need to make my lunches more and put more thought into them to increase the calories without increasing fat and bad carbs....etc.
  • dwellsouth
    dwellsouth Posts: 158 Member
    That's a great difference! You're looking so firm and fit! Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:
  • Mundy86
    Mundy86 Posts: 167 Member
    Great job!!!
    I love the 30 day shred as it does not take much time.
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    whoa HUGE difference!!!!! your looking freaking awesome! hot sauce!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member

    I lost the first 15 really quickly at the 1200 calorie mark...but as it turns out, my BMR is probably closer to 2000 (I plan on getting either a HRM or Bodyfitmedia to determine my BMR and be more accurate) and right now, I need to eat more in order for my body to want to burn the fat. So if my BMR is 2000 and I only eat 1500, there is still a 500 calorie deficit. I will still lose weight, just alot more slowly. In ideal conditions, you should really only lose .5 - 1 per week. This is the healthiest long term weight loss goal. You should never have more than a 1000 calorie deficit either.

    You've got this right EXCEPT you are confusing the terminology. It's NOT your BMR that's about 2000, it's your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure, or Maintenance Calories). Your BMR is what you would burn daily even in a coma. The second you get out of bed and stumble to the bathroom you already require more than your BMR. Your TDEE adds a factor based on your activity level. Even if you swear you're "sedentary" which is pretty much sitting on the couch all day, only moving to go to the kitchen or bathroom, then your BMR is still multiplied by 1.2 to get your TDEE. THAT number then has your 500 cal deficit subtracted from it. The multiplier for a more active person is more like 1.5, and can be as much as 1.9 for a serious athlete.

    My BodyMediaFit has me TDEE at about 1600 on a day that I lay on the couch ALL day (I was sick), and 1800-2200 on a normal work day (on my feet most of it). I did 2138 yesterday (10 hour shift then home and relax, no exercise).

    One thing to remember when you have a BodyMediaFit though. You have to change the daily goals in your diary to closely match a "sedentary" day for you. It may take a month of wearing it before you have your diary the way you want it. Now I keep it set at 1600, EAT that, and strive to burn at least 1800, usually 2000, which gives me a decent deficit for the day without going hungry. Surprise, people, you can EAT and be thin and healthy...who knew?:smooched:
  • Bexster88
    Bexster88 Posts: 35
    You look great!! Awesome job!!
  • brph26
    brph26 Posts: 207 Member
    Your results are awesome! I LOVE the shred and had great results myself with it. WTG :flowerforyou:
  • melissa0001
    melissa0001 Posts: 313 Member
    great results!
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    Thanks for sharing your pics! I put a link to your thread on another thread where a bunch of us started the Shred about 2 weeks ago. I wanted all my buddies on there to see how great you're doing and be even more motivated!
  • toxoplasmagondi
    toxoplasmagondi Posts: 20 Member
    That's an incredible difference! Congrats you look great :)
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    look great! :)
  • amarie35
    amarie35 Posts: 333 Member
    You look awesome. I started the 30DS yesteday & it bout killed me. Thanks for the pics, they give me great motivation!
  • RobAsRx
    RobAsRx Posts: 17

    I lost the first 15 really quickly at the 1200 calorie mark...but as it turns out, my BMR is probably closer to 2000 (I plan on getting either a HRM or Bodyfitmedia to determine my BMR and be more accurate) and right now, I need to eat more in order for my body to want to burn the fat. So if my BMR is 2000 and I only eat 1500, there is still a 500 calorie deficit. I will still lose weight, just alot more slowly. In ideal conditions, you should really only lose .5 - 1 per week. This is the healthiest long term weight loss goal. You should never have more than a 1000 calorie deficit either.

    You've got this right EXCEPT you are confusing the terminology. It's NOT your BMR that's about 2000, it's your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure, or Maintenance Calories). Your BMR is what you would burn daily even in a coma. The second you get out of bed and stumble to the bathroom you already require more than your BMR. Your TDEE adds a factor based on your activity level. Even if you swear you're "sedentary" which is pretty much sitting on the couch all day, only moving to go to the kitchen or bathroom, then your BMR is still multiplied by 1.2 to get your TDEE. THAT number then has your 500 cal deficit subtracted from it. The multiplier for a more active person is more like 1.5, and can be as much as 1.9 for a serious athlete.

    My BodyMediaFit has me TDEE at about 1600 on a day that I lay on the couch ALL day (I was sick), and 1800-2200 on a normal work day (on my feet most of it). I did 2138 yesterday (10 hour shift then home and relax, no exercise).

    One thing to remember when you have a BodyMediaFit though. You have to change the daily goals in your diary to closely match a "sedentary" day for you. It may take a month of wearing it before you have your diary the way you want it. Now I keep it set at 1600, EAT that, and strive to burn at least 1800, usually 2000, which gives me a decent deficit for the day without going hungry. Surprise, people, you can EAT and be thin and healthy...who knew?:smooched:

    Great explination. That helps me a lot. Congrats to the OP, you look great!
  • mkcalvert
    mkcalvert Posts: 219 Member
    Looking good :smile:
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