What is "spiking"?

I don't really give myself cheat days. I'll indulge every once in a while if I really want something, but I don't take an entire day to eat whatever I want. I have goals to reach and that just seems counter-intuitive. As I'm reading some of these postings, however, I see that some people are mentioning "spiking" days. Can someone explain that to me?

Is it a day where you "carb load" or eat a lot and then you return to normal eating the next day? I try to work out every day {good for my mental clarity and I enjoy it} so would I work out on a day where I eat more carbs like that? I never feel as good when I eat "junk" and then work out the same day.

Any help/clarification would be very much appreciated. Thanks!!



  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    It's a theory that might be useful in a small subset of people, most would do better to ignore it. Calorie deficit over time, the rest is personal preference.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    For the most part, having entire cheat days is only a good idea if it's the only way you can adhere to your eating plan the rest of the time. If you don't need cheat days, don't take them. Whatever helps you stick to your deficit is the best plan for you.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    They're also known as leptin refeeds. Good for people who have been in a strict deficit for a long time.
  • SamanthaKersul
    SamanthaKersul Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for your feedback, everybody! I really appreciate it. I appreciate the links as well, Thomas.

    Sounds like something that may be good for some people but probably not necessary for me. I will "let" myself have a treat every now and then if I really want it. Life should be enjoyed, right? The problem was that I enjoyed too many things for a few years and that made me overweight in the first place :)