peripheral neuropathy question

Does anyone have peripheral neuropathy? Have you noticed any improvement from losing weight?


  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Unfortunately, this is a condition that can't be reversed. Weight loss can slow it or stop it from progressing though.
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    I had vasculitis 3 yrs ago and was hospitalized. Still have problems sometimes walking, especially when very hot weather.

    Frequent tingling in feet and legs. Severe cramps in back side muscles (latissimus dorsi, I think). Both can come completely without precursor, like when sleeping or lying completely still.

    Started taking 5g L- Glutamine and both cramping and tingling are noticeably reduced. I took it for something else. No effect for that. Go figure.

    I don't know if any of this helps you, was just describing how it was for me.
  • bainsworth1a
    bainsworth1a Posts: 313 Member
    thank you for your input. I am hoping weight loss will help a little. I tried an infrared treatment for a while and got some relief but it was too expensive to continue long term.
  • msmi1970
    msmi1970 Posts: 60 Member
    weight loss helps in the general scheme of things. what i would say is this.

    i have severe peripheral neuropathy from long term uncontrolled diabetes. i started on the treadmill some years ago to the point where i was walking 2.5 miles a day, 6 days per week. unfortunately, due to work and family commitments i was unable to sustain this for more than a 2 month period at any given time. this went on several times during the last few years.

    during the times that i was walking regularly, my feet felt better than they had felt anytime in the last ten years. i was walking comfortably outside the gym as well and it was not just my imagination as this was pointed out by my family and close friends who could actually see the difference in my gait and posture.

    i know most people would say it is irreversible but if you scroll through the diabetic forums online, there are many anecdotal cases of people who have severe symptoms and through a combination of tight sugar control, exercise and in some cases supplements, over a long period of time been able to recover substantial foot function, increased sensitivity and reduction in pain.

    so, what i would say is; consult your physician, and if you have the all clear to exercise, just do it, within the limits of your ability, as consistently as you can and i am sure that you will see some improvement in your condition.

    i wish you all the best!!

    p/s I am literally buying a treadmill this week. :) so if i can't get to the gym, i am jolly well going to bring it to me..