Looking for a group

HI all. I'm looking for a specific group called Reveal Fitness. I'm seriously not going to sit and go though oodles of pages to find, and i'm not seeing a seeach bar anywhere. Can anyone help please?


  • swordnsandal
    swordnsandal Posts: 51 Member
    Right above your heading "Looking for a group", there are four blue links. "Search" is there.
  • That is not the right search. THis one searches for the words in the blogs that I'm searching for.EX. I put Reveal fitness in the search bar and it brings up all th eblogs that have those words in together and seperately. But doesnt direct me to the group.
  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    I would say that functionality has been removed in the latest upgrade.
  • yup!