New here, and i have one huge question. comments very much welcome here!!!!

I have been on a weight loss journey since january 15th of this year (2014), and i have lost 82 pounds so far. Since probably around april or may i have had some major hair loss. my hair had always been super thick but since april it has thinned out a lot. Ive read some where this happens with weight loss, or at least major weight loss. Ive thought about maybe going to a doctor but then ive also thought maybe this will eventually stop or at least lighten up with how much i lose. i read somewhere that it usually last up to 6 months when this happens and i guess this would be the 5th or 6th, but im really worried that it wont stop. has this happened to anyone that has lost weight or lost major weight?? and if so what happened after you reached your goal or your body got to a steady weight? did it stop or gradually stop or go back to its natural state of thickness? I should probably also throw in that the majority of my weight loss happened pretty fast. i lost 70 in 6 months. i was losing a little over 10 pounds a month. the first month was 18. but still i just need some advice or to hear that everything goes back to normal eventually or if i should just go ahead and shave my head. its literally got me that stressed out.


  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,636 Member
    How many calories are you eating/burning per day? My first thought is that you lose hair if you're not getting sufficient nutrition.
  • m1o3
    m1o3 Posts: 15
    im honestly not sure. i dont really keep up with calories. some days i eat more than others. and some days i exercise longer and do more intense workouts than others. its not really that steady. and it never really was. i just kinda worked with what my body told me. i guess whenever i was losing major weight i was losing a pound maybe every 3 to 5 days or maybe less sometimes. i was told that it could be from lack of nutrition but i definitely dont starve myself. i actually eat a lot most of the time. i may not always get in the "text book" amount of veggies and fruits but i try.
  • m1o3
    m1o3 Posts: 15
    i also thought that maybe because like in the 16 and 1700s and further back that it was actually important to have weight on a human and just because time has changed doesnt really mean human bodies have changed that much, so i figured bc i lost so much at once or just losing in general that maybe my body went into shock and this is just one of the side effects from my body going into shock or something like that. just not sure.