Calling Shift Workers

Good Evening,

I am looking for a little advice - I work shifts sometimes starting at 6 in the morning and sometimes finishing 10 at night.

I am struggling for late shift budget meal ideas that preferrably are not salad and if I can avoid it I do not have to reheat.

If anyone has any ideas it would be appreciated :smiley:

Thanks in Advance

Teri <3 (*) <3


  • michaelachallis
    michaelachallis Posts: 137 Member
    i feel your pain, i shift work too. I generally spend my days off preparing for my work days, creating snack bags and meals.

    Some of my go to are:

    natural yoghurt and fruit
    cut up fruit bags
    crackers and cheese
    mixed nuts
    hummus and vege sticks
    protein bars

    low cal wrap with shredded chicken and salad inside
    cold pasta salad
    cold roast veges with shredded chicken

  • Thanks :smile: I feel as if I am going to end up living off pasta
  • BruceHedtke
    BruceHedtke Posts: 358 Member
    I work 3rd shift, so not shift work but I do like doing things ahead of time rather than on a daily basis.

    I usually will bake a week's worth of boneless/skinless chicken breasts on Sunday. It keeps pretty well in a Tupperware bowl in the fridge. Personally, I like cold chicken so no reheating necessary for me!

    I also do this with just about any other type of meat (red meat, fish, pork). Wrapped in tinfoil, I've never had any issues and it helps so that I only have to wash the pan or dish once rather than over and over throughout the week.

    I also create Tupperware bowls of fruits and vegetables ahead of time so I can just grab them on my way out the door.

    I also like to keep packages of Better Oats on hand at work. They're a quick meal to make and you can use the package as a measuring cup for water.

  • LadyRN76
    LadyRN76 Posts: 4,275 Member
    I have worked night shift for years...sometimes 16 hours at a time..I keep raisins and cheese sticks on hand and yogurt is always good to have.