"No, I'm not pregnant." :)

I keep getting "looks" and questions about my belly. My youngest child is almost 2 and there's no excuse for my belly, other than the fact that I'm not eating the right things. Some friends have even suggested I go back to the doctor and to make sure there's not something wrong with me. I've lost weight everywhere else, but my belly just bulges.

I've tried just about every diet or cleanse over the past year, from the cabbage soup diet to the Dr. Oz 3 day cleanse or the 21 Day Sugar Detox to the points plus app. They all work for a while, but nothing sticks, and I keep going back to shoving Oreos in my face!

Counting calories has always been the most consistent thing in my food life, starting with food journals when I was just a little girl. No need to lose weight back then, just obsessed with food and looking to control something.

I don't want counting calories to control my life, but I need to do something. I have a fitbit now, so I'm thinking this will help me really "see" what is going in and what's going out.

Any friends out there that would like to join me on this journey?


  • glasshalffull713
    glasshalffull713 Posts: 323 Member
    Request sent. You can do this! Fitbit will definitely help motivate you, and hopefully you will find some friends on here that help you stay consistent.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Diets are rubbish. They arent supposed to work. They are designed to make you spend unnecessary money for a temporary period and then go back to them (and spend more money) once you have realised that you cannot eat cabbage/starve yourself for 2 days per week/doing something else abnormal for the rest of your life.

    The dieting industry would not be worth so many billions if it worked. Just eat what you normally do, but a bit less... oh, and exercise is good. Just dont go back to these phony diets.
  • Marie047
    Marie047 Posts: 240 Member
    I agree exercise, my lo is nearly 4 and trying to flatten my belly after an crash C-sect is difficult, I`m now on lots of cardio and weights to help, I`m taking before photos and photos once a month to see if I can see the difference oh and measurements, feel free to add me, I also have a fitbit as well.
  • dandelioon
    dandelioon Posts: 4 Member
    I know you don't want it but I think you should try to count calories and have training schedules. I use it and it really works. Before, when I was just "eating less" and "exercising" in fact I was skipping trainings and eating everything I wanted (including unhealthy things).
    Keeping the food and exercise diary really helps.

    Remember: small steps, just stick to your guns and you will achieve your goal.
  • Local_Atlantis
    Local_Atlantis Posts: 262 Member
    You should read this book. It changed my life: Overcoming Overeating.
    It teaches how all diets are rubbish. They teach how diets tell you to control your eating and that eating is bad, but it doesn't tell you why you turn to food in the first place.
    It trains you into simply: eating only when you're hungry.