I'll start tomorrow...



  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Are you relying too much on motivation? Motivation is good and all but it comes and goes. Work on being determined. Dig deep and do the work regardless of what kind of mood you are in.
  • korkyrn
    korkyrn Posts: 18
    When you say "I'll start again tomorrow", when tomorrow comes, remind yourself that today is yesterday's tomorrow.

    This is a GREAT quote and how true. As humans we can and DO make excuses for just about everything we do in life. (couldn't exercise today because I was too busy)...... If we actually took a good hard look at what we did today or all those times that we made excuses I know that we could of found at least 20 min. to do something. Take a walk, do some crunches/leg lifts or whatever. The fact is, is that there is time we just need to DO IT!!! Stop with all the excuses and DO IT!!!! You'll be glad you did:)
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    And then what about the day after that? Are you going to be back on here asking for more encouragement because you are struggling to get up for tomorrow? Pull yourself together, girl...