Over 50 woman

women over 40 or 50 - friend me! we need to stick together.

I read a lot of "how to lose weight" mostly low carb. and MEN lose it way faster than women. and after menopause, aggggggggg. can we ever? is it possible??

about me?

over 50. hubs & I love to ski, motorcycle, travel. I love movies.

want to f-ing lose 50 pounds! been trying a long long long long long time.

and I have a wee sugar addiction. :(


hot flash hell, and quite grumpy, kat


  • slb260
    slb260 Posts: 52 Member
    Minus the, um, salty language :), you sound just like me. 51 years old, been trying to lose forever, and weight just keeps creeping up. Workout 3 times a week, walk the dog daily, and have a little sugar addiction. Can't eat gluten, dairy, soy, nuts, and eggs, so that keeps me away from a lot of bad foods. I want to lose 30 pounds.
  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 562 Member
    It is possible. I'm 52 and I lost 19 of my 50 in the last 90 days. And my stomach is flatter. Add me if you'd like.
  • LittleLottaSJ
    I see you are from Boston: if you don't mind the Montreal Canadiens tattoo above my ankle, can we be MFP friends? ;) I'm soon to be 54 and it seems that my metabolism has left me for a younger woman. The weight keeps creeping up ... anyhow, I only re-started MFP around Labour Day and I'm only down 5 lbs, not counting what damage I may have done over this past weekend (Thanksgiving [in Canada, eh!]). I'm very active but love to cook and love to drink (often but not to excess), esp. wine with meals .... My husband and I are celebrating a recently-empty nest (yay) so I can't blame the stress of our only child (daughter) any more. My husband is a lifetime member of WW and irritatingly loses weight very easily ... I sometimes think he doesn't appreciate the effort I put into losing weight ... I didn't want to count WW points so I figured re-joining MFP was a better approach for me (I love that I can scan barcodes on my mobile devices, I'm more techie than he is). We too love to ski and hike, we love to dance, I ride my bicycle a lot and walk the dog almost every day ... so we are not exactly couch potatoes but I was definitely taking on a "potato-like" shape. (It irks me when jean shopping that you can find all these different fits except for a "menopause" fit ... where all the fat that used to be on your thighs and butt has migrated to your belly!) :( I've tried low-carb but I've come to the conclusion that the mathematical approach (calories in/calories out/daily activity) seems to work best, but I do try to avoid eating a lot of carbs, esp. white/processed junk. If I can't pronounce the ingredients, do I really want to eat it? Sugar isn't my down-fall but rather greasy, salty things (salted peanuts = heaven). So far I've only lurked on the discussion boards but finding women age 50+ with similar challenges sounds good to me!
  • RadiantChange
    RadiantChange Posts: 57 Member
    Hee, hee...Loved reading these posts...Including the salty part. I am over the 50 part now and long past that crazy menopause stuff but who could forget? I am still struggling to keep it off even with my workout habits since that time. There is no getting around it...Eating right and eating smaller portions is the way. I to want to lose around 30 lbs. as I discovered the last time I lost weight, I didn't like the wrinkles that appeared EVERYWHERE. It was shocking actually so I have decided that looking like I did in my 30's and my 40's didn't look so good anymore at a lower weight. Realism has set in...{{{Sigh}}}

  • anneaileen
    Would love to stick together with all of you for support! I am 58 and have been struggling to lose weight over the last 25 years, but it has kept creeping up and I now need to lose 70 lbs. A huge health scare this summer ( I was diagnosed with bladder cancer, but further testing determined it was benign) has really kicked my butt into achieving a healthy weight and becoming more active.
    My other goal is to look good for my daughter's wedding, which will be June 21st in Spain!
  • benovic001
    benovic001 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello all. I am 53 years old. I am 5'11. I have lost 52 pounds since May 9 and have 25 more to go. I should hit onederland next week. Please add me if you would like
  • DaisyGrammy
    DaisyGrammy Posts: 148 Member
    Come join us here in this group! Such a fantastic group of upbeat and positive ladies!! Fifty, Female and Fun!