Hey - this is Day 1 for me. Anybody out there in the same boat?

RC71298 Posts: 3
edited October 2014 in Getting Started
I'm new to myfitnesspal and need to get my act together regarding my health.
If there is anyone out there who is also motivated and wants to encourage each other, join this thread. Even on our best days, it's good to laugh and to get a boost from someone on the same journey.

Robin in Atlanta


  • 39plus
    39plus Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome, Robin!
    I have just recently started back on MFP, and wasn't logging or active in the past. This may as well be my first time now. I am on Day 3 today and have incorporated healthier eating and exercise into my regimine. Check out my profile for more info...
    Good luck to you, and we can surely motivate each other.
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    We have a group called Petite, Fit and Fabulous for Women 40 and above. Petite is for women 5'5 and below. Please check on us. Thanks

  • Rodallie
    Rodallie Posts: 4 Member
    Hello there!
    Today is my first day as well!
    A year ago today I quit smoking. I am hoping this lucky day will bring me the same success for weight loss and overall better health :smile:
    Good luck and let's get motivated!!

    Allie in ON Canada
  • 39plus
    39plus Posts: 22 Member
    Congrats, Allie; although I've never smoked, I'm certain it was a wise decision to quit.
    Good luck on your journey, and you will definitely have better health.

    Christine: I will check this "petite" group out, thanks.
  • flextime
    flextime Posts: 1 Member
    Day one for me also. Like you Robin, I signed up before but wasn't committed enough to continue with the logging..working out..even watching what I ate. It had been so long since I signed in I couldn't remember the password or email address..smh. Congrats on your year Allie!!
  • I'm on day two. Techincally day 5, but I didn't start getting my butt in gear until yesterday(something about starting on a Monday). Anyways, good luck to you!
  • LorGH
    LorGH Posts: 1 Member
    Second time around on myfitnesspal. Hoping for better commitment this time around..naturally weighing in more than last time...so round two here I come!
    Actually feel like I have plenty of calories left at the end of the day but keeping carbs and sodium in check is where my issue lies...I am worried about slow steady gain as I work my way through my 6th decade! Have sisters who are all getting their act together and we support one another but online friends are cool too!!
  • Hi. This is my second day on myfitness pal. I'm a mum to 4 kids with the youngest being 13weeks. After 6yrs of being overweight, its now time to make a change. I am following the losebabyweight plan. Only been doing it for about 2wks and have lost nearly 2kgs. I'm in Australia.!
    Good luck to us all!!
  • kwrecks
    kwrecks Posts: 82 Member
    This is my first day back at it! I used MFP a few years ago and had a little success, and then I got pregnant with my first baby and haven't gotten back to it. Now, she's a year old and I need to get this weight off before we can try for another baby!
  • Second day on MyFitnesspal. Today was a good day.
  • Cassie_DE
    Cassie_DE Posts: 58 Member
    This is my first day on MFP! I've spent the last year changing my habits and have had some success ; I joined because I was ready to kick it to the next level. Good luck Robin, I hope we can both make it to our respective finish lines!
  • Hey There! Day One for me as well. I am attending a boarding school so It has been really difficult, hopefully this will be the start of a great change! Seeking support in my journey!
  • This is my first day on MyFitnessPal and I am optimistic about my goal.
    I am not into discussion boards so much as a personal pen pal, someone with similar interests and goals in this journey to weightloss. Read my profile--if you would like to become pen pals please feel free to email me about yourself.