Fruit tip - wish I'd realized this sooner!!



  • SamanthaKersul
    SamanthaKersul Posts: 13 Member
    This might seem silly to ask but if I'm weighing an orange - do I weigh it with or without the peel?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Going without weighing ought to work fine, since if you are not losing the answer is generally to reduce portions of higher calorie items anyway. When I started weighing I found I'd been eating fewer calories than I intended, not more, which is actually not what I wanted to be doing, although I think it would have corrected itself. I just think logging is fun and informative and logging without weighing is a pain, since I'm the kind of person who spends more time thinking about how to best log it than weighing it would take. The only times I find logging a hassle is when I have to deal with restaurant food or food from a friend's house or some such (although they are still worth it, of course).

    But like Shannon said, people and their preferences vary.

    On other matters, weigh the orange without the peel. Generally non-edible portions of foods (like bones in chicken) don't count toward the weight.
  • SamanthaKersul
    SamanthaKersul Posts: 13 Member
    That's super helpful to know. I just got a food scale {FINALLY} so I'm getting into the habit of weighing things instead of just guessing all of the time.
  • tsardinea
    tsardinea Posts: 18 Member
    Well here's an interesting tip I found out today. Some fruits are higher in carbs than others. I eat lots of fruit too. For breakfast I had some honey dew and pineapple slices on the side of oatmeal along with a banana and some not from concentrate orange pineapple juice and had almost carbs out at breakfast. REALLY! I had no idea. Apples., Oranges, Pears, Strawberries, and Blueberries are the lowest in carbs. Go figure.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I poured some granola in a bowl this morning and thought, "Maybe I'll weigh it, for once. I'd like to call it 1/2 cup since I know it's calorie-laden but it's probably closer to a cup. What is the serving size on the box? 3/4 cup-- 55g." I weighed out what I'd poured... 55g. Weird. I probably would've logged it as 3/4 cup and been dead on, or as 1c. and overestimated. I guess that's why estimating works for me.

    Lol. I can't do granola... last time I weighed out what I served myself?

    3 servings. I was still hungry. lol.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Y'know, I haven't had it in decades for that reason-- too many calories. But Costco had this coconut chia granola and I'm a sucker for all things coconut. The calories are not low but I'm suffering through the two-pack, one little bowl at a time!

    My child is older now and I don't keep the plasticware around much anymore but the Ikea kids bowls are great for portion control. They only held like a cup of anything. I have a visual cup etched in my mind from using those bowls for years on everything.
  • erinb419
    Note the diameter of your fruit, too, and also how it's prepared. 1 cup of strawberry halves is different from 1 cup of pureed strawberries
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    diameter has no importance when you're weighing your fruit. >_<