Anyone struggling with emotional eating?

KatyRu Posts: 55 Member
So I'm trying to get started again. My weight has yo-yo'd more than anyone that I know, and it's time to bring it down and keep it down. When I got down to 192 back in June, I told myself I'd never be over 200 pounds again, yet here I am, 207 pounds and feeling terrible about my body.

A little back story might help, though. On June 28, 2014, I lost my father to cancer. He had been fighting it for 3 years, and my mom was his caretaker the whole time. She and I grew to be really close throughout that whole experience. We were like best friends, talking to each other on the phone all the time, hanging out, going to get pedicures and see movies, going out to eat, going to the beach together. I loved my mom so much. On September 9th, 2014, she passed away of unknown causes (still being determined). She was only 50 years old, and I'm only 20 years old.

And so, for the past few months, I have been struggling IMMENSELY with emotional eating. I keep telling myself, it's okay, you deserve it, just another month and maybe you'll feel like starting again, but here's the thing...I DON'T deserve what I'm doing to myself. This isn't how my mom would want me to live. She would want me to be healthy; therefore, I want me to be healthy.

I also work at a Starbucks, so when that barista stress gets to me, I start drinking the most sugary drinks there are. It's tough, but it's got to stop.

Anyone else have issues with emotional eating? Add me, and maybe we can keep each other up.


  • rlwilson1967
    rlwilson1967 Posts: 40 Member
    I eat when I'm stressed. Hell I eat when I'm bored. I just eat, so I don't have any great advice.. I just wanted to give you condolences on your loss.
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    My sympathies to you Katy. I am an emotional eater too- when I am tired, stressed, sad, worried, mad, bored I eat. I have lost my excess weight over the last few months but I do worry that food is still a major coping mechanism for me. I am concerned with how I will manage maintenance long term. Feel free to add me as a friend and maybe we could help each other through those hard days.
  • rtvandenbark
    My condolences on your loss, KatyRu. Dealing with losing parents plus JRA -- wow, that's rough. I'm grieving a loss of a different sort, and want to fill the emptiness with food. But your challenges make mine seem a little smaller. Thanks for opening up.
    Getting over loss doesn't get any easier as you get older (I'm 52). Feel free to friend me, if you wish.
  • kjfitz313
    So sorry, Katy. I can't imagine the pain and heartbreak you're feeling. My thoughts and prayers are with you tonight.

    I also struggle with emotional eating. I was very sick about 7 years ago- I lost a lot of weight because my body was shutting down. When the doctors finally figured out what was wrong with me and I started getting better, I started gaining weight and got back to a healthy weight.

    Then a suicide of a friend, death of a family member, stress of being in a very difficult major, not being able to find a job, and other random things. And that's when my emotional eating started- I ate when I was excited, sad, lonely, stressed, bored, mad, etc. And I'm still doing it. I'm about 40 pounds overweight, and I feel so terrible about my body most days. I'm 22- I should be at my best right now.

    But I'm not. I'm not as healthy as I could be. I'm not as fit as I could be. I have to recognize those things about myself. I also have to recognize that I have some health and some fitness and some energy and some time. I can do things with those or I can waste them.

    I'm just starting out on this journey (again), being fully honest without myself about my emotional eating. I'm trying to be more conscious of my emotions. I'm trying to figure out what works best for me (that's not eating).
  • Balaru
    Balaru Posts: 203 Member
    Katy our stories are similar. My Momma had a stoke and hung on for nine months before she passed away. We were very close and weight watchers buddies. I'm an only child. Since then my Dad and I have become close. He's 82 and stil rides is bike. He had a freak bike accident & had to have brain surgery. He's fine now but I still worry about him. Work stress is a big trigger for me. First time I ever tipped the scales was I stared working. I too said I would never go over 200 again but here I am at 202 and miserable again. Let's do this and not let life get in the way this time. You can friend me.